"That's it." The tone was snappy and business-like, garnering attention from the rest of the room. There were three trolls in total, all wearing medical masks, tinted glasses, and white hazmat suits with no symbols. The one who spoke clicked closed what looked to be a compact mirror as they did so. "We're out of time. Should be good enough. Don't leave anything behind." Without saying a word, the other two quickly packed their things and vacated the small apartment.

Parked outside was their getaway, a white van painted on both sides with the logo of a fake flower delivery service. The troll who seemed to be in charge, the one with the compact, ushered their associates inside and changed in the back as they took off down the street.

"I've got another appointment," they—now she—told the others. Everything was visible now, from her bright teal eyes to her abstractly shaped symbol. "Drop me off at the corner and make sure you dispose of everything properly this time. If there's even a trace–" She let the threat hang in the air as she exited through the back doors. The van drove away, leaving her to check a small note in her pocket. The bar was just down the street.

Zindel, in fact, had snatched a thin manilla envelope from Chiara's belongings earlier that week with similar note. The time, place, and the tealblood's name, Michun Onsang, were included along with a blurry, candid picture of her outside a nondescript hivestem. There was another photo, too, of a white van with a painted on logo.

She would be waiting for him at Ace of Spades, an upscale bar in downtown New Hemisect.

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