Please use Anime or Artwork images for your character.


[imgright] {Image link here} [/imgright]

【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[b] [size=15]Basic Record[/size] [/b]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[/color]

[b]✎Eye Color:[/b]
[b]✎Hair Color:[/b]
[b]✎Hair Length:[/b]
[b]✎Body Type:[/b] {Thin? Blocky? Heavy? Built?}
[b]✎Scars/Tattoos:[/b] {Optional.}
[b]✎Sexual Orientation:[/b]
[b]✎Marital/Relationship Status: [/b]
[color=color1]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[b][size=15] Extra Information Gathered [/size] [/b]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[/color]
[b]✎Immediate Family:[/b]

[b]✎"Curse" :[/b] {Could be anything from "Turns into a Werewolf during full moons", "Aging quickens when in love", "Sacrifices half a year-a year of your life for every million or so dollars" etc..}

[color=color1]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[b][size=15]Psychological Record [/size] [/b]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[/color]
[b]Likes: [/b]

[b]Dislikes: [/b]

[b]✎Personality: [/b]

[b]✎Bio:[/b] {You may list off events in chronological order or paragraph it. Whichever you feel comfortable with.} [/color]

[color=color1]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[b][size=15]Romantic Record [/size] [/b]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[/color]
[b]What you look for in a partner:[/b]


[color=color1]【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[b][size=15]Extra Information[/size] [/b] 【± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±: . : ±】[/color]

[b]Theme Song:[/b] [Optional.]

[b]Extra:[/b] [Optional.]

[b]Housing:[/b] [Please leave blank. It will be assigned to you.]


[quote="Kurisuchin Saiyuki"][/quote]