Yo! I'm seeking 3-4 visitors of any variety to take a small and quick part in... a thing. I am leaning more towards characters that have interacted with Shun in the past at least once. It should only last one PRP each, and it likely won't be a particularly long one. This, in theory, shouldn't interfere too much with meta 5 things.


      This PRP will expose your character to a situation where bodily harm is likely. If nothing else, the scene may in the very least rattle them. The extent of injuries will be up to you.

      To apply, please PM ME (Blade Kuroda) with the following; your character's name, their high concept blurb, and a link to their journal. I'll also need a brief prompt response of how your character would respond to betrayal.

      This casting call is open until June 7th at 11:59 PM CST. If you have any questions, feel free to ping me on discord. bladekuroda#2763

      Thank you for taking the time to read this!