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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

Tags: homestuck, troll, breedables, mspa, alternia 

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[META PRP] Fitting for Four... or More

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Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:29 pm
Chaeng and Elyias's burrow home had never been so lively, a fact that considerably irked her lusus, Izutyu. The large nimble beast sat in a corner, his usually perky ears lying low as all four of his eyes stared at the strangers with unbridled suspicion and fear. Nibblebeasts were like that, for course, and Chaeng pushed it from her mind. Or rather, it never came to mind.

Long bolds of gorgeous silk in various hemo colors were laid out neatly on one of the burrow's many wooden tables. Chaeng stood with her back to her lusus, her fingers whispering along the soft material. Each one would be cut, trimmed, stitched, and embroidered into beautiful new Hanfu for her superstars. Well, their superstars.

Ely already had hers made, though instead of the bright green and purple that usually adorned her clothing, it was instead black and muted gray. Hemoanon. Chaeng didn't really understand why, perhaps in some far reach it made sense, but for the most part she shrugged it off. It was less her responsibility than it was to hold up the moons in the sky. Ely would do what she wished and promoted their business. Chaeng would do the same.

All the accepted sponsors had received a lovely, handwritten note to meet her at her hive burrow. There they were going to be measured, their blood color checked, and then well... Sort of a meet and greet she figured. There were snacks and drinks on another table, and comfortable pillows and blankets scattered upon the earthy wooden floor. Despite sweeping and cleaning, the musk of earth and plants hung in the air. Thankfully, sweet flowers mingled in, giving one a sensation of sitting outside.

Heyo! You're not required to rp if you don't want, and if you show up later in the rp that's fine too <3 This is just so Chaeng can make you your clothes! and also meet and greet. and idk fun LOL

edit: also yes, it's purposely written like they're there and she's just off in lala land. LMAO. this is ur sponsor ur welcome

Skyli Peep


PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:40 pm
Eostre had seen the two sisters around Four Fronds before, and as a local, was easily the quickest one to arrive to their hive, hardly more than a brisk walk around town. A charming burrow hive, much like her own. How lovely. She greeted the girls warmly and took a spot by the refreshments. "Chaeng, a pleasure to spend some time with you personally, you know. Your sister too. Really, when you have time, you should come see me in my office as well." She smiled, getting a drink and slowly sipping it. She was lucky enough to find a few local sponsors, and already had to make a plan for how she'd juggle the different products she'd have to advertise. "Your hanfu are lovely, by the way."

Magician Arcana
eostre runs over, since she lives nearby


Springtime Spirit


Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:57 pm
        All the nerves that Chaeng should have had, her sister had instead. Ely's nose twitched a bit as she resisted the urge to bite her lip.
        Drawing blood would be a poor idea at this time, especially since she clearly supposed to be Hemoanon. Gah, even that made her uncomfortable. Even if Purple wasn't her natural tone, she felt far more uncomfortable pretending to be nothing than pretending to be something. Ely shifted in her pillow cushion a little bit, trying to get some circulation back in her toes. Clearly there was blood rushing through her veins. People must be wondering by now what color it was...

        For a moment she looked to Izutyu, and then to Tuzifu. Her lusus had taken to hopping around the hive for a quick inspection. Possibly for intruders, possibly for a stray crumb that could suggest they kept their place anything less than immaculate. Which one, Eiylas had no idea. After a bit though they hopped over to Izutyu and sat close, huddled and protective. Even if, clearly, they were as nervous as Izu... Tuzi had to put on a good face, for the sake of both of them.

        And thats exactly what she was doing now.

        Clearly, Chaeng was lost in her own world again. This didn't bother her terribly much. A regular occurrence, really. It'd be far less common for a juggalo to swear than it would be Chaeng to space out.

        Already they had a guest though, and it was Ely's time to do what she did best. Eostre was elegant, and from what she understood of the situation quite involved with Regina herself. To have her on their side was a great asset. Chaeng really outdid herself! "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Diazzi." She gave a bright, beaming smile to their guest. "What a great honor it is, to have you join us!" Truly, it was. They were attracting high-quality clientele. Hopefully, their next guest would arrive soon too.

        "Joining you in your office would be amazing. I'd love to hear more about your business, if you're so inclined to share." In the background, Tuzi twitched their nose and Ely's pumpbiscuit soared at the sign of approval. "Oh!" Feeling rude, she turned her attention to Chaeng. "Sis, would you like something too, since your hands are full?" How badly she wished to give a big thumbs up right about now! But no! No, their guest was sophisticated. Couldn't show a sign of weakness to a competitor.

magician arcana

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:19 am
Gourdi had made a small harrumph noise upon her first glance at the troll burrow she'd been invited to.

"Stay here, daddy. I must prove to the ******** that I am an independent clowny trollristocrat, mustn't I? Surely that is what a ******** idol should be." She pushed her way through the entrance, leaving HoofDaddy behind to patrol the front lawnring.

"I've arrived." She said, once she had found the respiteblock the rest of the trolls were currently gathered within. Fashionably late and unapologetic about it. "Where shall I place my coat?"

Magician Arc4na


Skyli Pe3p


Anxious Phantom

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 5:21 pm
"Hmm?" Chaeng stopped playing with the silks and turned around. There were people in the hive, but it didn't seem to phase her. Slowly, memories surfaced from the haze of thoughts. Right, they had come in already and were greeting, "No thank you. I'm fine, sister."

"Miss Daizi, it's a pleasure to have you with us. I have seen you around too." Chaeng offered their guest a warm smile, pleased that the highblood was cordial with them both. She would have continued on, but another star joined the fray - Gourdi. Coats, ah, right.

"Hello Gourdi, please place your coat wherever you wish." Chaeng, having greeted the guests, turned her attention to the supplies once more. For some reason, she was sure she had missed something - Oh! The book. Where was the book? Had it just flown away? There were stories like that: things disappearing by magical means through unknown sources.

A light nudge on her shin broke Chaeng's reverie. Izutyu blinked all his eyes at his little charge and flicked an ear to the right. "Over there? Let's see... Ah!" Yes, on the ground there was the book. Chaeng bent and grabbed it, holding it to her chest like a precious child. Absentmindedly she patted the lusus' head before approaching the group.

"Thank you for joining me. I hope you will enjoy working with us," Even if technically she had sponsored Ely, she still felt like her sister was a member of the sponsors, "As you must have seen in the application, my gift to you will be a custom made and embroidered Hanfu. Not many know of the elegant style, but I assure you they are fun to wear."

Chaeng approached Eostre and held out the book, "Inside are many of the styles of Hanfu. Any of them I can create for you. Some are elegant, some are complex, and some are simple. Once you have decided on a Hanfu, please tell me so I can write it down. Oh and uhm, please pass the book to the others."

There are TONS of Hanfu styles and variations. If you have time, this tumblr has a lot of lovely pics (here is their tag list) | also this post by them has a good overview of men's styles!

If you don't want to browse and instead want to look at pictures that sort of encompass most styles, I put together an imgur album - link


Skyli Peep

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 9:24 am
"Of course, I could give you a tour and all. Though the business itself, what I can share, is not all that interesting sometimes. A lot of paperwork, you know." She rested her hand on her chin. She did a bit more than that, but they were children, and probably didn't care too much about the intricacies of military politics and government administration.

The other guest arrived, a young juggalo with a wild mess of hair. There certainly were a lot of clowns, weren't there? Tamiya would be happy seeing the surge of youth interested in the cult. She crossed her legs and waved. "Pleasure to meet you."

She took the offered booklet, and thumbed through the pages. There were a lot of styles, way more than she had anticipated. She needed to find one that would suit her style, sweet looking but could be gussied up with a dangerous edge. Eostre hummed thoughtfully. She'd have to wear the hanfu for at least some portion of time, so she'd better make sure she picked a good one. "What about this one, Chaeng? Do you think you could design one like that for me?" She gestured at a more casual looking hanfu, modified to look a bit more modern, and showed it to the purpleblood.

Magician Arcana
i sent you pics p:

Skyli Peep
eostre loves this tiny child

and waves to newcomer


Springtime Spirit


Anxious Phantom

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:12 pm
Gourdi frowned. If there was no coat rack, there was no way she'd be taking off her coat in this hovel. The silk shawl she wore was expensive and she would scream if it wrinkled or, gog forbid, was sullied by a careless child.

She hmph'd in Chaeng's direction and made eyes at her hemoanon sister. She didn't understand the trend of hiding one's hue, but she assumed only lowbloods did it. How shameless. She continued to survey the respiteblock, her lookstubs landing on Eostre when she waved. She was a blueblood, but her hue was one that would be on the higher end of the caste and she was older. She also looked quite elegant. Gourdi offered her a sweet smile (a rarity for her, no doubt) and her own tiny princess wave just before Chaeng began to explain the night's aim.

The purpleblood was eager to view the different styles that were available. She moved to Eostre's side with purpose and watched as she sifted through the images. Once the taller troll woman had pointed out her choice, Gourdi leaned forward to turn back the pages and let her finger land on the one that caught her eye.

"This would be an acceptable ensemble."

Magician Arcana

Skyli Peep

PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:36 pm
        Ely was going to scream. Just... absolutely scream.
        Everyone here was so... so...
        SO PRETTY.

        She remained silent the entire time her sister was caring to their guests, watching them with an intense gaze. For some, she may have appeared annoyed. Maybe she was, a little bit, with how Gourdi seemed to scoff at her sponsor. However, despite some of her less than intelligent decisions Ely knew better than to anger a member of the cult. Having a very prominent high blood and a highblood member of the Mirthful Messiahs as their face was an excellent branding strategy.

        No, no that face was the face of a girl who realized just how utterly ridiculous she was next to all these... well, highbloods. Gourdi's gaze was practically a call-out. They were prestigious. They were gorgeous. And what was she? A nobody.

        After some time of quiet, Ely finally popped up with "Chaeng has far more talents than crafting clothing." Talking kindly of her sister made her expression soften, and she smiled. "Her stories are top notch... what about you?" The question was pointed at both of the foreign trolls in her home. "What are your passions? Perhaps getting to know each other better, it could help benefit both us and you. Could help with an angle for promotion... if that makes sense to you."

magician arcana




Magical Bro

23,000 Points
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  • Sausage Fest 200
  • Nudist Colony 200

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:46 pm
Chaeng jotted down the designs, noting with a small smile how much they bespoke of the chooser. Gourdi's was elegant and flashy, something that fit well with the Mirthful Messiah cult. Eostre's seemed to stress movement and power. Her sister's was simple and clean cut, but it fit her nuetral side to a T. All in all, Chaeng was impressed by their choices.

"As we talk about that, I want to get your measurements." She took the book back and set it beside all the silks and tools. Plucking the tape from the table, she approached the group and nodded, "Who wishes to get measured first?"


Skyli Peep

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 1:48 pm
Eostre smiled at Ely and waved her hand a little. "Well you know, I'm into all sorts of things. Parties, fights, whatever I can organize quickly. Passionate about doing a good job and making our glorious Queen proud." A safe answer. She wasn't going to leak all of her secrets to them just because they asked. Besides, she didn't really want to spend too much time sucking up to sponsors, when she had so much other things to prepare for. They were lovely kids and all, but she was a busy woman.

Eostre stood. "I suppose it'd be easiest if I got it out of the way. I know how long this can take, since this isn't my first time getting bespoke clothing." She laughed and smoothed out her dress. "Do you mind waiting, Gourdi? You're smaller so it shouldn't be as hard for them to measure you as it would be me."

Magician Arcana
eostre is ready

Skyli Peep
no secrets for you

eostre is probably like, only a little taller than gourdi bc shes short but w/e


Springtime Spirit


Anxious Phantom

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 2:02 pm
Gourdi frowned. She wasn't particularly patient and was eager to get this little meet-and-greet done with, especially seeing as HoofDaddy was waiting for her outside- but she wasn't about to get nasty with the blueblood. For some reason, she seemed like the sort Gourdi could get along with. Something about the way she smiled, and the mystery that seemed to float within her lookstubs.

"I suppose waiting is of no consequence." She said, though it made her a bit queasy to go against her me first nature. Her smile was a bit tighter this time, but nevertheless she stepped aside.

She turned her attention to the colorless troll, arching an eyebrow at her haughtily. "My interests include modeling, sculpting, and design. I outline all my dresses myself and have them tailor-made by a troll in Civisect. The majority of my time, however, is dedicated to the fabrication of my splendidly mirthful cullstones and terrorsculpts."

Skyli P3ep

Mag1cian Arcana

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