In the days that followed, the skunk was a regular visitor, invading and exploring every corner of Theo's small apartment save for his bed.

"There are limits," he said as he washed them both some grapes. "I wouldn't even let my dog up there when I had one. It was a different bed, you know, back in Bellevue, but still. I don't want to set a precedent. My bed's mine."

He wouldn't deny he liked having someone to talk to, even if he was barely acknowledged in return. The skunk continued attacking the empty paper towel roll it had been gifted, proving how ineffective it was at combat. It rolled over and surrendered to the cardboard tube as Theo turned, little feet flailing.

"Did you lose?" Theo said, chuckling at the creature. "A valiant effort. We might need to practice a little, just in case." Theo didn't like the idea of his familiar fighting, but it did still live outdoors at least forty percent of the time these days, and defending territory seemed like a thing that was bound to happen someday.

He had managed to have the skunk checked out by a professional as closely as he could without arousing suspicion, and everything seemed on the up and up so far. Bright eyes, clean fur, no sign of rabies, just under a year old, male. Theo was... happy... for the first time since well before Christmas, and while he was enjoying the feeling, he was also near to certain that it wouldn't last.

"Come here." He scooped up the paper towel roll and brought the bowl of grapes over to the couch, the skunk bouncing behind. Once it got close, he threw the tube onto his familiar's head. It squeaked in what sounded a lot like disbelief, rolling over to clasp its forepaws around his foe. There was a tussle, then the animal flung the tube up into the air, rolled to its feet, and loudly announced its victory.


"Very good." Theo sounded more pleasantly surprised than pandering, and he held out a grape as payment for a job well done. The skunk scrambled closer, scaled the sofa, and took it from him.

"So." Ignored again. "I've been thinking of names lately. Something to call you in my head that's not 'the skunk'. But I thought I would ask you what you thought of some of them, since you're the one who's going to hear whatever I pick the most." The skunk looked up as it finished its snack, intrigued but not comprehending. "I... um... I guess I'll start with the funny ones. Flower. Pepé. Stinky." Not the most comedic of choices, but positively gut-busting coming from Theo. He glanced at the skunk, looking for some dramatic reaction and continuing on when there wasn't one.

"Lloyd. Murray. Kingsley. Martin. Grape?"

It perked up.

"Hopefully that was just because you're a dirty beggar, because I'm not naming you grape." Theo did relinquish one, however, watching as the skunk nommed it down. When it was done, he continued.

"Sting. Meatloaf. Kiss. Queen. Toto."

Theo paused. His familiar hadn't reacted at all, but there was something about the name that he really liked anyway. "Toto," he repeated with slightly more force, like he was actually addressing someone instead of just reciting a mental list. The skunk let out a querulous buzz, and Theo could feel its mind trying to reach for his. He met it halfway, squeezing his eyes shut as he briefly saw the world from the animal's point of view.

"Toto." He ran his hand down its back and the skunk nuzzled close. "That's you."