User ImageName: Noirah VonTee
Noirah - adapted from film noir
VonTes - Taken from Dita Von Teese

Blood colour: red █████#7D0000

Gender: female

Symbol: User Image
a stylized martini glass


Despite being a redblood, Noirah does not let her lowly position on the spectrum dictate her desired lifestyle. Noirah has goals and those goals are to collect and luxury as quickly and unashamedly as she can.

Noirah is accustomed to getting what she wants

Tries really hard to be more grown up than she actually is
victim complex
will take advantage of someone or an opportunity

Noirah uses her social skills to vacuum information, usually to use as blackmail or to give to another party for beetles.

The hemospectrum is viewed as something both unpleasant and favorable. Noirah does not particularly like any troll with cool hued bloods by default, as she considers highbloods to be . It is a product of envy and frustration. She desires the lifestyle that those higher on the spectrum can easily obtain, so she feels resentment that she has to work harder, and perhaps illegally, to get what she wants. She doesn't particularly care what blood color a troll is; she won't trust them either way. However, she focuses in on trolls who would benefit her the most, whether low or high blood. However, having learned from her young wrigglerhood, her red blood makes it easier for her to gain pity and affection from those higher on the spectrum. The redblood has no qualms with using others. Once something is offered to her, she will feel shameless in taking as much as she can from someone in order to provide for herself and tame her greedy nature.


      Using her doll-like eyes and sweet smile, Noir knows how to skew a situation to benefit herself by using her charms on other trolls. She is not against or ashamed of using her lowblood status to get what she wants and how she wants it. Noirah has learned from her lusus not to pay much mind to those she may look down on her for this.

      Despite the faux damsel in distress characteristics, Noirah is actually proficient in taking care of herself. In this world, the only troll who's got her back is herself.


        In Noirah's hive,

        Having the desire to get what she wants, Noirah has no qualms with Her alignment is blurred and she always seemingly has little to no intentions. In a situation where she had to choose between, she would rather pretend to be on both sides rather than choose one- or, alternatively, whichever side would have the best outcome. She rarely tells people her true thoughts and will either sugar coat things or mask them with loose sarcasm. Lying comes easily for her, as well.



          Weapon: twin revolvers


          Home: New Hemisect City

          Lusus: crow alligator

          Strengths: Adaptable, Charismatic, innovative, Shrewd, Frugal,
          Flaws: Two-faced, Selfish, Strong-Willed, Conceited, Fawning, Obsessive