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                      ____E R R A . C X . ! ! 3 -3---𝗦𝗬𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗠 𝗙𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗨𝗥𝗘________A N O T H E R . S H E E P . H A S . R O A M E D________///////////////////////


                      The lowest level of Impel Down. It is where prisoners who are insanely powerful, have caused crimes extremely atrocious, and/or whose mere existences have become a major threat to the World Government itself are kept. Iyame said even a single Level Six prisoner lurking in a remote country could be an incredible danger to the public. The prisoners on this level have been given either the death penalty or a life sentence. They are basically "erased" from history.

                      Prisoners sent here are considered too dangerous to exist and are sentenced for eternity. Escaping is impossible. The only way to get out is to find New Haven, which allows an escape route through the cells themselves. Follow the usual rules for New Haven and you're free to go, but be weary. A single prisoner leaving Level 6 will send the entire prison into high alert, meaning upon your exit from your cell one marine will respond per day you are gone missing.