Profile: The first thing to be noted about Akkira is her blindness, due to an accident when she hatched Akkira has never remembered being anything but blind. This leaves her with several lacks in an unkind world. But she has learned to use her other senses to get around and excels at this to the point that it might be difficult to believe that she's blind. That is, if it wasn't for the fact that she doesn't hide her blindness and even goes to some lengths to make sure trolls know that she's blind.

Another aid she has is her command over the dead. She could possibly find her way almost anywhere using the eyes of the dead trolls that bend to her will. But she prefers to use her own wits rather than the advice of the ghosts that surround her, she is very proud of her ability to live independently. though she does spend a lot of time conversing with the dead and finds their presence comforting in trying times. But they don't provide the same appeal and connection that Akkira craves from living trolls.

The second thing to note is her oddness as a redblood. Akkira is extremely forward and mouthy, often believing she can take on anyone and anything. She lives by the beat of her bloodpusher and the music of her whim. She'll jump

While very blunt and honest for the most part, Akkira is no stranger to obscuring the truth and manipulating emotions or information to get what she wants. She may appear friendly and helpful at first, but this is out of necessity, it doesn't mean in any way that she accepts you as a friend or respects you as an equal. Akkira has a pretty big ego, having to not only fend off her lusus but survive more or less by her own volition she believes that she is a better warrior and troll than most who probably had it very cushy. Those few that she does respect, she is willing to put her life on the line for and carefully considers their words with far less skepticism. A good way to begin earning her respect is to fight her without holding back or be able to stump her with logic.

Regarding the hemospectrum, Akkira has come to understand what it means and her place, but a few factors lead to her fighting against it, such as: the initiative, her blindness and her lusus pushing the ideals of independents on her. She's willing to fight anyone that tries to oppress her freedom. Death holds very little fear over Akkira since she found out about ghosts, this gives her the ability to remain calm in the face of danger and potential disaster.


No change [Fun-loving

With her huge amounts of energy, friendliness and outright cheerful attitude Akkira can maneuver through life with the idea that; nothing can bring her down for long. Her love for fun and adventure gives her the ability to persist with her head held high in a life that is particularly harsh.


Open and eager to make connections with those around her, Akkira feels a new adventure waiting for her with each troll she meets. Whether it's meeting a new friend or greeting someone she already knows, she has the confidence to meet these connections head on and the drive to make these connections in the first place. ]

While not entirely calm, Akkira has the ability to keep her wits about her in almost any given situation. Making choices and snap decisions in stressful and dangerous situations is something she is very good at.

Adept - Good at coming up with plans or Ideas in a pinch, Akkira excels at improvisation in music, fighting and even comedy. This ability helps her not only come up with great songs on the spot but any ways to defend herself in a pinch.



Akkira has a huge ego because of her skills, talents and capability while knowing that most trolls --even with their eyes-- can't do. This leads to her taking on more than she can handle.

Impersonal - Though engaged and friendly, Akkira does not pick one troll or the other. If she likes being with someone, she likes being with them doesn't matter what crimes they may have committed. This leads to her sometimes abandoning friends or befriending enemies

Weapon: each troll needs to learn how to defend themselves in combat. what weapon has your troll chosen? it is ok to choose a weapon that has been used by another troll. your weapon must be able to kill another creature, but apart from that, anything goes!

Home: Chittentown

Lusus: Tekemom is vaguely troll shaped with no eyes or mouth on her head, but she has a large mouth on her stomach and two sets of arms. One set are long and lanky with strong claws, used for climgbing through trees and dragging the rest of her around, the smaller arms end with three fingered hands used for putting things in her stomach maw.

From the get go Tekemom was very hard with Akkira, forcing her to train for hours at a time in skills that were far beyond her abilities to perform until she could perform them without fail. Such as making her climb trees and practice acrobatics or sewing 50 purses until she had 6 perfect sets. Tekemom attempted to drill into Akkira the drive to fight and to take vengence towards those who wronged her. According to what Tekemom had to say, other trolls were not to be relied on or trusted. This was all in Tekemom's twisted sense of love for her troll and an attempt to keep Akkira in top form to survive and to a degree it worked.

But the punishment for any failure really strained Akkira and Tekemom's relationship. Were Akkira to fail in her tasks Tekemom would fight her often this was a lot more like tossing Akkira around like a rag doll or Tekemom would shut her in her respiteblock for long periods, only letting her out to eat, drink or bathe. After so many sweeps of this treatment Tekemom set Akkira to the task of surviving in a specified area. Akkira's childhood prepared her for one thing, being able to slide under the radar and avoid supervision and unwanted attention. Rather than fight the daywalkers there, Akkira hid and eventually fled the swamp to escape before her lusus could punish her for cowardice. Akkira remains separate from her lusus and does her best to avoid her lusus at all costs.