Name: Papazi Fepres

free press

Blood colour: #1FABAB ▓▓▓▓▓▓

Gender: Male

Symbol: some form of camera aperture

Profile: Papazi is an observant troll. His comfortable position in the hemospectrum affords him a decent opportunity to observe both those above and below him, and even at a young age, he's developed some unique perceptions about the world around him, both through the frustrating riddles of his lusus and his own personal interactions with the numbers of individuals residing in his home city. One thing he's certain of in his exceptionally limited experience of life is that there's always something more than meets the eye at hand, and he finds himself continually irritated at society's refusal to unearth and untangle the obvious webs woven over it by the members that make it up.




Nothing is Sacred/Little Black Book:


Against the Grain:

Weapon: Sharpened pencils or, in the instance of a real fight and not just jabbing someone and running away, a hand-made shiv.

Appearance: Old 50s journalists inspo. One big fat ******** horn in the middle of his forehead, with two little nubbins to either side of it so it's technically not just one. Otherwise, two horns extremely close together that eventually merge into one big fat ******** horn. Underbite fangs.

Home: New Hemisect in a decently located apartment hive. Grows plants on his balcony. Has a pet silkbeast (a fluffy cat/spider) that likes to scratch his furniture and test his patience.

Lusus: Papazi's lusus is a creature that generally doesn't come out of the caves and crannies of Alternia's darkest holes, yet for some awful reason felt the urge to obtain and 'nurture' a young troll of its own. Or his? Her? Their own. They're a gibbering mound of mouths and eyes, each constantly murmuring their own apparently unique thoughts at the moment; even at rest, they burble softly in near inaudible tongues, and when fully excited or roused they can create a cacophonous roar. They have several tentacles (pocked with eyes) hidden in the odd rolls of flesh, allowing them to manipulate things quite easily, and somehow they can hear, though not terribly well, likely from their own constant noise.

Only certain mouths seem to actually speak anything of sense, which for several sweeps confused and addled their young charge. In time, however, figuring out which mouth spoke the truth and which was spouting nothing began to become more of a game than anything, and Papazi has since then come to adore his strange lusus. He's quite capable of holding a conversation with them now, and it's from them that he learned his appreciation for making the truth clear, as well as his disdain for accepting things being simply cut and dry. Nommon is, after all, something that many would consider a miniature horrorterror, yet they have been nothing but loving and supportive of him, even when he didn't know how to talk to them properly. It would stand to reason that perhaps appearances aren't everything, wouldn't it?

Don't forget your inspiration

Power: None.