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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

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Banque Scappi // Purpleblood [ACCEPTED]

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quiet delegation

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:41 am
Name: Banque Scappi

Banque - from 'banquet,' pronounced like 'bank.'

Scappi - from Bartolomeo Scappi, a famous Renaissance chef and source of the first published image of a fork!

Blood colour: A nice shade of #330099

Gender: Male

Symbol: Crossed knife and fork, something like http://i.imgur.com/9wgyTOo.png


Banque's purpose in life is to enjoy it, and his secondary purpose, so long as he doesn't detest you, is to make sure you enjoy it, too, whether you want to or not. Sour faces make for a dull time, and that's the last thing on his agenda. Parties, games, fighting and fraternizing; anything that's fun in some way is right up his alley, though he does have thing he likes better than others. His primary medium is through food; after all, everyone has to eat, no matter their cause or creed. Other hobbies and fun times vary from troll to troll, but he's never met anyone that didn't like food, at least a bit... at least not one that's still alive. Besides, a nice romcom or bloodsport is great and all, but you know what makes those even better? A nice snack during or a decadent meal afterward, of course!

He dreams of becoming the most famous chef in trolldom, such that everyone can appreciate his excellent ideas and concoctions, so much of his time is spent buried in books or watching cooking programs, tasting new ingredients, or simply experimenting in the kitchen. Most of these experiments are foisted on unsuspecting individuals who have been "offered" dinner invitations, leading to quite a few confused, impromptu parties when the mood strikes him. He fancies himself quite generous because of this, particularly as he's just as likely to drag in a rustblood as he is to send out formal notices to royalty, and indeed he is always quite willing to give of whatever he has to his guests... as long as there's still enough left for him, after!

Thankfully, he does have a good sense of taste, but not everything is always a hit. He still does have quite a bit of learning ahead of him, after all. Unfortunately, criticism is on the very bottom of the list of things he likes, right after grievous bodily harm and cleaning. While internally Banque knows he isn't the best - yet! - he is frankly rather spoiled, and he doesn't take being reminded that he isn't at the top yet very well. In fact, he doesn't take anything that he dislikes very well. Perhaps due to his already indulgent nature, he is quick to slip into fits of anger when displeased, though he is just as likely to forget it as soon as he is thoroughly distracted again. He's explosive when his fuse is lit, but he burns out rapidly; it takes quite a lot to permanently gain his distaste. That doesn't mean he isn't vicious during his temper fits, however - he is, very much so. He's simply willing to forgive and forget over most transgressions after the fact.

Apart from culinary arts, Banque loves anything that he sees as 'fun,' though he has a tendency to burn out on things as quickly as his rage fizzles. He'll let himself get swallowed entirely one week then find it disinteresting the next; as soon as something no longer stimulates him, it's boring. Food, and consequently its preparation and serving, is the only thing that hasn't lost his interest in such a way, though the sheer amount of possibilities and tastes likely help hold his devotion. Travel and exploration are the only other things that consistently interest him, though only for the fact that he can discover and experience new things along the way. Retracing his steps is insufferable, and it only takes a couple of visits to one place for it to become blasé at best. This is another reason he enjoys hosting parties for strangers; it is one of the few instances where the same action results in consistently inconsistent outcomes!

Personality-wise, Banque is generally very pleasant, if pushy towards getting what he wants. He'll try to cheer someone up if they're clearly unhappy, though his reasoning tends to be selfish no matter how nice he likes to think himself; if those around him are unhappy, their displeasure is likely to affect him as well, so it is of utmost importance to make the unhappiness stop. The exception to this of course is if someone he hates is suffering - but that's a musclebeast of a different hue, isn't it? He rapidly becomes less pleasant if his attempts are rebuked, to the point of becoming irate or even hostile towards those who refuse to cheer the ******** up. He's persistent in pursuit of his goals, but he's also flaky if his interest wanes. Banque also has ... a bit of an ego, made from a healthy combination of lusus encouragement and no lack of self-fluffing.

While he isn't the highest hue in the hemospectrum, he knows just enough about it and its influence on his position in life to know that it means he is absolutely deserving of whatever he might want. He's a full supporter of the system, at least to the point that it benefits him, and as long as no one higher tries to step on his desires. Beyond that, he honestly couldn't care about status and color; as long as everyone else is having a good damn time, then they are all welcome to bask in his presence, provided they don't get in his way.


Bon Vivant: Banque enjoys life, and he enjoys making sure others do as well. He's always up for a party or a good time, and he's usually good about making the best out of a situation whenever possible. As long as certain buttons are not pressed, he's everyone's friend and guide to the finest things available; while food is his passion, he's more than willing to shift gears as long as everyone (especially him) is living it up.

Welcoming/Friendly: As long as you've got a smile to offer (and he doesn't want to punch your teeth in), you're a friend to Banque. Blood color, political status, fame and fortune - none of it matter to him as long as you're willing to try something tasty or new.

Dabbler: With so many different things out there to try, how could he not make an attempt? Banque loves to try new things, from games to foods to hobbies to shows to -- just about anything, really! If it's something he's never done before, it absolutely has an interest for him. The feel of doing something new just can't be beat!

Passionate: And when something has Banque's interest, he dives into it entirely. Everything he can do to learn more about it, get more of it, or become better at it, he'll do it! Whether it's trying new ingredients, attempting a new skill, learning a new game ... anything worth doing is worth doing it hardcore, isn't it?


Easily Bored: Unfortunately, Banque is not in the least focused on mastering anything (except cooking, which is the only hobby that has held his attention thus far). He is quickly bored once something becomes less challenging or "old hat," and will move on to the next new and interesting thing. This doesn't just mean tastes, fashion, or activities; even trolls can be left by the wayside if they can't keep up with his consumption of experience.

Temperamental: While friendly, Banque also has a few buttons that will send him into a seeming snap of a rage; criticism is often one of these, though there are others, most all stemming from him being less than perfect in some way. Oddly, despite his quick dips into explosive anger, he's also the opposite side of temperamental - very quick to forgive and forget, making him seemingly odd or even downright flaky to other trolls. How is anyone supposed to know if he really hates them if he's trying to stab them one day and offering them dinner the next?

Entitled: While he might not care about someone else's blood color, Banque cares about his own in the sense that he feels entitled to his merrymaking and bossy ways. He may not be at the top, but he's high enough that he's clearly a prime specimen of trollhood. It is his right, his duty to live life however he wants, and anyone standing in his way is a problem.

Controlling: Whether it's the state of his kitchen or the choice of party game for the evening, Banque likes deciding what's going on. He's quick to pressure others into what he wants, and being denied will rapidly send him off into one of his temper fits. It doesn't mean he'll never do what someone else suggests, but it has to suit him, and everyone else involved better damn well be on board as well.

Weapon: An oversized santoku knife.

Appearance: Banque wears a kitchen crew style outfit most of the time, trimmed in his blood color. The apron is optional - he only wears one when cooking or serving; if not wearing an apron, his symbol appears as a binding where the top left button would be in the reference. If he is wearing an apron, his symbol dominates the majority of the space, colored in black. He does not wear hats.

His hair is a mohawk, braided and worn pulled back. He likely never cuts it, or very rarely, meaning it gets much longer as he ages.

His horns are relatively flat and sweep outward and back in, like the top right example here. He also has a smaller spiked set on the outer edges of those, like the bottom middle example in the same image; the small set does not grow, but the big ones are quite small/short as a kid and can get larger as he gets older!

Home: Lakeside:

Banque lives in a large, comfortable hive in the Four Fronds area. While not sprawling, it's more than big enough to house the parties that the budding chef is fond of throwing, even before he's old enough to really appreciate the finer nuances of social schmoozing. The style is minimal, with an emphasis on straight line and sharp angles. It isn't really his choice as much as fuzzpop's; as long as his kitchen is fully equipped and his respiteblock is comfortable (and stocked with whatever entertainment strikes his fancy, of course), Banque is happy. Oddly, none of the walls facing the lake have any open windows; the ones that do have curtains covering them, blocking what should be a fantastic view.

Or so he says, anyway, though he's just as apt to throw a tantrum if someone leaves a mess in his home (and no one else cleans it up).

Otherwise, the only notable aspect of his home is an apparently partially submerged section just off the main bulk. While his lusus is more than capable of living on dry land, Fuzzpop enjoys the ability to sleep underwater if he so chooses, as it keeps his shell from becoming crackly. The entire section is his, as Banque rarely goes out of his way to find his lusus; if Fuzzpop needs him, Fuzzpop will find him.

Lusus: Fuzzpop is a massive yeti crab, but instead of the standard compliment of legs, he has a hundred tiny, spindly ones. He is also amphibious rather than fully aquatic, capable of living on land for weeks at a time, storing fluid in his shell. However, he much prefers being underwater, leading to some very close calls before he realized that his young troll could not, in fact, breathe underwater, in the end leading to a lifelong dislike of water.

Apart from this 'little' mishap, Fuzzpop has been a fairly good parent to Banque. He has instilled an appreciation of living life to its fullest in his charge, and in turn is glad to reap the benefits of a particularly posh pool and delicious treats as Banque learns to make them. He's also a bit too emphatic about how wonderful his son is; while it does wonders for his ego, Scappi likely shouldn't be convinced he's as amazing as he is. Fuzzpop doesn't see the harm in it, as long as his son continues to make tasty things; he's not exactly well versed in the idea of hierarchy, honestly. The hemospectrum says that Banque is near the top of the ladder, so obviously he should feel that way... right?

He's protective of the young troll, but not so much that he does too much work for him; after all, if he doesn't let Banque fight his own battles, he'll never learn, right? Even so, he does keep a watchful eye out, willing to step in and snip any overly-zealous rivalry before it gets out of hand... he wouldn't want to lose his source of tre-- his adoptive son!  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:45 pm
Whoa for some reason I misread the last name as Scampi and was instantly hungry. Banque is already at it, getting some customers hunting for his food! He honestly looks pretty solid to me. I think he sounds intense in a good way. I'm gonna summon the mule to take a look!

And if he doesn't open up some kind of 'Food Banque' to 'enlighten the poor', I will be incredibly disappointed. : P

Have a look!

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Ice-Cold Cultist

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:52 pm
Banque is ready to party! Excellent work!
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