Name: Stryke Nvrmor (Also goes by Ryk)

    xxxStryke: To be precise, and make strategical strikes. Pronounced Stry-kuh (soft vowel)

    xxxNvrmor: "Quoth the raven."

    Blood Colour: yellowblood █████ #c1b41d

    Gender: Male
    Symbol: A Hourglass User Image

    User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
    Stryke is still after all this time a practical troll. He is primarily concerned with practical application of something rather than the theory or idea behind it. He applies himself completely to all he does, be it studies or his work. He is level headed and efficient, and determined to get the job done by any means necessary. Stryke tends to give into speculative trains of thought on occasion. He has grown pessimistic over the years, and generally assumes the worst in those around him. Stryke logic falls more into the deductive reasoning category by linking premises with conclusions. He follows the necessary truths of life. His sense of right and wrong is jaded; nothing is black or white for him. Knowledge, result, and definitive action are things he covets.

    Due to the circumstances of daily life, Stryke has had to change his viewpoint on fitness as a whole. Living alongside the Rebellion he tries his best to stay fit should anything happen. He’s been challenged many times both mentally and physically. As a result he is constantly testing himself in order to maintain his survival skills. He still finds training to be a chore, but finds there is no better alternative.

    The power to manipulate Time Stops manifested under extremely poor circumstances for Stryke. During the Swamp fiasco Stryke’s mind and body was pushed to its limits. His near death experience lead to his developing a heightened sense of awareness during dangerous situations. His sense of hearing, and vision improve drastically during these times.The first physical manifestation of his danger senses came with the psionic glowing. Stryke has the ability to momentarily freeze objects and other trolls in place. Stryke was terrified of his powers initially as he was not born with them. Stryke is still learning how to understand what his heightened senses mean, and to what extent the power can be used. He likes to play with the younger kids, freezing them as practice before gently placing them in other locations to see their reactions.

    Stryke still likes to talk in vague abstract concepts when speaking about or describing difficult tasks and situations. He has had to work past his nervousness speaking in group settings. His very life depends on those he can network with, and make connections to. Stryke still gets easily embarrassed, and tries to catch himself from stammering, or rambling too much. However, when he is extremely passionate and caught up in what he is talking about, he temporarily forgets his embarrassment. Stryke is most likely to be verbose during in-depth conversations that pertain to his interests.. He also tends to allude to things without directly stating what they are. Speaking in riddles is also something he's good at doing. Although his cryptic wording usually is meant to be helpful, it’s usually troublesome. Ryk likes to see others think, and make connections of their own accord.

    In recent times over the last sweep he has had to take matter in his own hands and confront his problems head on. However using his intellect to advance along projects and tasks is by far prefered. Stryke focuses all his efforts on one thing at a time, rather than multitask. When he is threatened or backed into a corner Stryke relies on his wit first and foremost. He will make sassy, witty remarks that could lead to his getting into serious trouble depending on the troll. Stryke also uses his words as his shield from the world; they protect him or so he thinks. He isn't the type to haul off and hit, or shove someone when he's angry unless backed into a corner. He doesn't have a word filter, and calls things like he sees it.

    In addition to anger and physical manifestations thereof, Stryke represses his other emotions as well. He believes that outward displays, especially those of sorrow, make him appear weak. He also fears being belittled, and hates being talked down to. Stryke would rather wear an emotional mask than be humiliated. He is emotionally guarded and slow to trust others. His cynical outlook on life makes it even harder. Stryke struggles to find the balance between his old ways of living and his life now that things have changed so drastically. Ryk does a lot of internal stewing over life, and is his own worst critic. He pushes himself to work hard, as he believes he must in order to aid in keep the flames going for the Rebel movement strong. For all his calculations and methodical practices, he cannot account for everything. Only time will tell if his attitude towards most new situations will bring him out of his shell. He is rather reclusive even to this day.

    Kindness, while a simple gesture, has a way of leaving a lasting impression with him. Stryke has come to believe most trolls are not inherently kind by nature, and is extremely wary of those around him. Stryke is still after that has happened, is still a firm believer in the concept time will heal all wounds. Forgiveness however is something he believes must be earned. While he is selective in choosing those he calls friends once chosen they have his complete trust and faith for better or worse.

    Stryke’s view on the hemospectrum has changed due to the influences of working for the Phoenix Initiative since he was a young child. Although Stryke does still feel there will always be a reason to have a system of some kind, least society breaks apart. Or worse something like the vast Glub claims countless lives. Above all else, Stryke believes strongly in Equality especially having befriends trolls of mutant hue. He has chosen to accept the differences, and believes it is his purpose in life to help bring about change to protect them like any normal citizen. Stryke still believes in falling in place to his superiors, and follows that by serving to his fullest to the cause he promised himself to. Stryke knows what he stands for. He will do so willingly until his last breathe if it means protecting the Hope of the rights and future he fights so hard for.

    On the matter of keeping himself entertained and pre-occupied, Stryke loves to do large amounts of reading. He especially enjoys fiction, murder mysteries, and history books. Stryke often studies books on herbal knowledge as he uses them in cooking. Romance novels embarrass him and are rarely, if ever are touched. The troll's version of the Lord of the Rings is his absolute favorite, as is The Hobbit. He re-reads his copies of them frequently as daytime bed stories. However Stryke truly will read anything he can get his hands on, trusting it isn’t lewd in nature. Stryke has also picked up drawing as a side hobby, and doodles frequently. Cartography is another one of his preferred pastimes as it helps Salamire Outpost out in the long run by his mapping the surrounding area.

    The occasional elongated grouping of three ‘S’ sounds Ryk makes is most noticeable when he is angry or stressed. Hissing noises are not uncommon from him, and is used mostly in expressing extreme disdain or annoyance. His verbal grammar is structurally sound but tends to have slight slurs to it. His writing is without misspellings, always in lowercase, and is mostly grammatically correct. Due to his being on the run from the law, and often times required to disguise himself. Stryke has had to practice not using his comforting speech quirk to make himself blend in easier.


    Stryke is capable of enduring great amounts of pressure, stress and conflict. He is stalwart and steady, even in the most difficult of situations that would even try the most patient of saints. Stryke is also great with his forbearance under most circumstances. His ability at bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay and even hardships are done without complaint or anger. He does not mind waiting for events and trolls even without a resolution in site. Ryk is evenly tempered, and slow to anger. He is very tolerant and understanding, and works tirelessly to accomplish whatever he's set his mind to.

    Being on time, and prompt is important. Both are crucial and valued in the highest regards by Stryke. Stryke is known for keeping notes, and constantly carries around a journal to help remind him of important events, or information. He is very good with planning and arranging things along with helping carry out activities. Prompt and immediate care is provided and he keeps useful information readily on hand. If something needs to be cleaned, or arranged into a more cohesive manner, he’ll gladly take up the challenge. He keeps his thoughts written in a journal he carries around, and makes notes about other trolls he’s met along the way. Keeping things neat and orderly come naturally to him.

    Attention to detail never seems to escape him. He is watchful and takes a lot of mental notes. He pays close attention to what’s going on around him, and is concerned with the needs of others. He'll go out of his way to do sometroll a favor if it means the job will get done. Stryke is slow to trust others; his concern is limited to those he’s close with. If someone needs something he’ll be one of the first to notice. With his obsessive attention to detail he is diligent in his adventures and goals. Stryke is very particular about how things are done, and in what order. His attention to detail means he fusses and picks over things that aren't done right by his standards. Small details like a loose thread on another troll (or himself) do not go unnoticed, and will result in his wanting to fix it, or make corrections. Nothing can be off center or out of place for long. Nothing. These reactions are instantaneous, and usually off the wall in nature.


    Stryke is a little possessive over his friends, but even more so over his possessions. Stryke has lost a lot of his things over the sweeps, and does not let go of trinkets and mementos’ easily. He has risked life and limb in order to obtain an item of significance to himself. Being a lower caste, he hasn't had much in life, and values his things. He stubbornly holds onto what’s his even if that means getting angry and loud. This is commonly experienced as a result of desire, and insecurity on his part. He is determined to protect his self-interests, including his usual routines and daily habits. While he doesn't like confrontation, what belongs to him is clearly his. Sharing is only permissible when sometroll has asked for it, but the likely answer will still be no even if it makes him appear selfish. What is his will stay his, even if that means pushing a point in order to maintain it.

    Stryke believes trolls are highly motivated by self-interest first and foremost. He has developed over the years an extreme distrust of the sincerity and integrity of others. His pessimistic attitude extends to believing that only selfishness motivates other trolls. He is concerned with what he is doing at the time, and will disregard appropriate standards in order to achieve his goals. Stryke assumes the worst, and his naturally distrusting towards others and their motives. His expressions of bitterness often come across as pitiful when he is brooding and upset. His disparaging thoughts extend to how he views others, and affects his daily interactions in every way.

    Life is what it is, be it your choice or not. Stryke is submissive and accepting of things that might be unpleasant, or that one cannot do anything about. Even in the face of danger, he is accepting of even the worst of outcomes. He is easily caught up in ideals, and like-minded goals of others. He is bitter about his blood caste perceived powerlessness, and his being near the bottom of the food chain in terms of hierarchy. While he wants nothing more than to be stubborn about what’s right and wrong, he’d rather be alive than culled and forgotten. Stryke feels it’s only logical he’d side with those more powerful than himself. In his yielding and relinquishing power, it means he passes off control or care to others readily. He accepts the inevitable as it also steels himself for the worst possible outcome.

    Weapon: A pair of twin 2d6+1 military daggers shaped like hour and minute hands.

    Appearance: Stryke's stature is still after all this time smaller than the average trolls. Stryke is simply is just plain short even for his age, and stands at approximately 5'3". He is both petite, and of a rather slim of build. Due to constant need to be on his feet and active, Stryke has lost the weight he carried as a child. His build is fit despite his small size. He still likes wearing clothing that provides comfort, while still remaining practical. He’s upgraded most of his wardrobe based upon his need for a disguise. He prefers to wear his favorite black boots, loose slacks and a tank top when around Salamire as the humidity is nothing like the dry desert air he became accustomed to. Stryke generally keeps a scarf around his neck at all times to help hide his scars.

    Stryke was scared fairly badly during the alteration with the Phoenix Initiative being infiltrated. His face was cut open by a fairly sharp thorn bush, and marred his cheek.Stryke's neck, shoulder and upper chest were subsequently also burned during the ordeal. He has several other cuts, and burn marks on other parts of his chest, arms and torso. Most notably is a bullet hole injury on his right shoulder.

    His horn's curve upwards and out, and are extremely sharp at their points. He has a pair of pointed eye teeth that poke over his bottom lip. His hair is long, if not outright overgrown. It is rather on the shaggy side, with bangs that hang freely. Stryke keeps his hair in a loose ponytail, and rarely removes the hair tie. He changes color between grey, and yellow depending on his disguise. He has not cut his hair in several sweeps, and it remains as long as ever. Stryke can sit still for long periods of time, and can usually be found with a book in his arms or fussing with something out of place. Even to this day, he usually has something close at hand to keep him busy, be it in a quick sketch, or jotting down notes.

    Home: Stryke currently lives at the rebellion’s official headquarters located deep within the Northern Swamp. Salamire Outpost has become a refuge for Stryke and others like him when they were forced to evacuate during the invasion back within the Busthhind Mountains. Leaving behind a second hive was worse almost than losing his hive in OHC for Stryke. Chittentown held a lot of memories, and was where he primarily finished out his childhood after relocating.

    Stryke’s new hive is located near Byakko’s, and has become almost hive-like once again. The front door is made from reclaimed wood and has been carefully resurfaced and sanded down. Carvings were added, and doors handle to make it easier to lock the dwellings, or simply open it. Inside Stryke’s hive while nothing entirely impressive has evidence of careful arrangement and planning. His bookshelf while sparse has books lining it, along with little Knick knack’s he was able to retrieve. Stryke has a small work desk and chair made from wood found in the neighboring Four Fronds. Pens and journals to work on his cartographer project he is working on to map out the swamp area, and areas further north. Stryke’s recupracoon is tucked further back inside the hollowed tree, and is separated by a curtain to give the place a more separated feeling. His lusus has his own favorite spot near the window space, or the creature simply lounges outside on the walkway system the village has built.

    Lusus: Stryke's lusus is a large Skink-like creature. He is a massive four legged lizard that is referred to as a “HissBeast”. He is most commonly known as Skinkdad, by Ryk, or simply Dad. He is firm, watchful, and harsh in his piercing stare. SkinkDad has always been quick to guilt and scold his ward into getting what's needed done. He expects things to be done and completed before a new task can begin. Stryke learned from the reptilian lusus many of these traits and regards his dad with the utmost respect. SkinkDad does not like to be poked and prodded at and will lash out if hassled beyond its comfort zone. He is a fairly large lusus and could be compared to the size of male Komodo dragon. He is about 259cm in length and weighs approximately 92.2kg.

    Long and sleek with a whip like tail, he has a nasty set of claws and fangs. SkinkDad is not without compassion, despite being reserved and set in his ways. SkinkDad always seems to know when Stryke needs to be calmed, or is emotionally frazzled. A lot of Stryke's calm, watchful and patient mannerisms come from his studying of the white and grey-scaled beast.

    For SkinkDad, it was the troll’s scent that attracted him to the yellowblood. That and their shared blood color sealed the deal after the tiny troll had finished his trials. The fact the little fellow had hissed at him had also helped to win over the lusus's heart. He is an overbearing lusus and expects the absolute best out of Stryke. This comes with its drawbacks, as Stryke feels he must constantly live up to his guardians expectations. SkinkDad doesn't want to see his troll-son half a** something or make partial commitments. His lusus wants to see Stryke grow up strong, and smart, for that matter.

    SkinkDad has never been the type to frequently check on his ward with any regularity. He's more likely to creep up on Stryke when he least expects it. He encourages Ryk to play life on the safe side, and not to engage in risky business. His calm, stern influence does not generally extend to other strange trolls. While he wouldn't out right attack or harm someone unknown, if he felt like his charge was in danger that would change in a heartbeat.

    As reptiles often live long lives the HissBeast brought his new troll ward to a place within the Old Hemisect district, as he was well acquainted with the lay of the land. Following the destruction of the last Hive they stayed in together, the lizard-lusus is pleased by the desert terrain they now call home. He doesn't get what Stryke's fuss over the weather is all about. While he's use to Stryke doing most of his foraging, SkinkDad always ensures there is enough to drink and eat around the hive for the pair. The lusus is mostly carnivorous, but also can eat other fruit and vegetable like substances. SkinkDad has a special fondness for insects and frogs, which Stryke ensures he has regularly. Small rodents are also not out of the question.

    As time has gone by, SkinkDad has chosen to remain with Stryke despite the ups and downs. Their relationship has improved tremendously, given Stryke willingly risked his own safety to protect his lusus during Errade’s trial. The move to Salamire Outpost while disappointing given the way they were chased out, the lusus continuous to support Stryke and his companions as it believes Stryke has not only stuck to his commitments, but has grown into a remarkable young troll. The lusus still believes in all or nothing, and has fully embraced the new hive and surrounding guests. SkinkDad in fact loves the humid terrain, and often will patrol the swamp as part of its territory claim.

    xxTimestop (Psionic Shielding)
    ssSNovice Defensive - Style B: Nullify the damage from the last hit.
    ssSUses: 1 per battle*
    sssSSStryke can sense when something is off, or is otherwise potentially dangerous. It is one of the keys for triggering his powers.
    sssSSHe can slow something to a grinding halt, controlled by his mind and psionics willpower.
    sssSSIt results in controlled area's synchronization being off within a given space for a brief period of time.
    sssSSWhen active the shape of his pupil shifts into his given symbol. Along with a manifestation of energy that acts as a barrier.
    sssSSThe sound of ticking clocks, and a sort of yellow, orange and red energy surrounds a given area in the manner of a clock-like, force-field.
    sssSSStryke's power is a latent one! He's learning how to control his time stop magic's still.