A month ago Rabbit hadn't had a clue where Temperance had even lived, and now he'd been to her place twice in two weeks. This time he didn't approach, didn't knock on her door for fear that the fetch would answer and that it would know. Was that a thing? Were the spares aware that they had been sent out into the world in another's stead to do a job for a noble who'd grown attached to their own? Were they grateful for the opportunity? Was Oroh pissed? She seemed pissed. Rabbit sighed, taking one last look at Temp's closed windows before hurrying back to his car.

He was halfway to Target before he realized where he was headed. It was a decent notion, buying his fetch's love with bows and baubles while assuaging a little of his guilt, but he was guilty over so much these days that it would probably barely make a dent. And if Oroh got something, the kids would expect gifts too. At this rate, they'd be the best dressed creatures in other Ashdown. He made a mental note to stop spoiling them, then promptly ripped it up and threw it away. Even if he refrained from buying them s**t, someone else in this town would surely take up the reins in his stead.

Rabbit made quick work of the parking lot, raising a tentative hand to wave at the guard manning the door as he entered. She was an older woman named Rose, a regular, silent witness to his late night shopping binges. At first he crept down the aisles, looking over blenders and bikes as if he meant to buy, but it wasn't long before he made his way over to makeup, his secret destination from the start. Rabbit had learned that the best way to gauge whether or not a color would... pop... on Oroh's ancient skin was a try it on his own, and he was never overly enthusiastic about that part of the process. He preferred the giving, seeing the way the fetch tried to quell her interest before he noticed it. He always noticed.

He left the store with $49.72 in cosmetics, $22.50 in Juniors clothing, $6.99 in books, and one bottle of Barq's root beer ($1.69). Rabbit screwed off the top and sighed as he settled into his car, but he had barely brought the drink to his lips when a flash of color pulled him away from that intention. He squinted past his reflection out into the dark, but it was just a still, lonely night.

- - - - -

An hour later, Rabbit was on the other side, through no great effort on his part, and luckily for him, he was clutching his purchases when he crossed.

Oroh was waiting for him.

"You don't have a plan."

"I have a plan. I've always had a plan. I just can't do anything with it yet."

"It would be wrong to return to court if you are not ready to proceed."

"Is it really wrong, or do you just not want me to?"

The fetch stood completely still, looking up at him in the midst of one of her weighty silences. Though she lacked proper eyes, Rabbit could imagine her rolling them anyway.

"I would not recommend it. Your choices in this endeavor should be confident, no matter how you truly feel. You must guide your charge and imbue her with power and knowledge, not tell her you're 'working on it' and bring her..." She exhaled. "...s**t from Target."

He pressed his lips together, licked them, and replied, "This s**t is for you." The things she said stung a little, not because they weren't true but because he had thought she liked his gifts. He didn't have long to wallow in self-pity, however, not with the way she immediately perked up again, then tried to hide that she had. He always noticed.

"The sirens too. I was going to bring the bag to court, but I can see how that might send the wrong idea to Temperance. So, here." He held out the bag. "First choice is for you."