Rules of the Guild

----1. Follow Gaia's ToS!
----2. No Page Stretching.
----3. Everyone Has To Follow These Rules. Mod's Or Otherwise.
----4. R.E.S.P.E.C.T Everyone. Period.
----5. Be Active!
----6. Keep things PG-13, People. Please.
----7. Literacy Is Great! Please Be As Literate As Possible.
----8. Swearing & Cursing Is Fine. Just Don't Drop The F-Bomb, Every Other Word.
----9. No Chat Speak In Game, Ever.
----10. O.O.C Chat Belongs In The OOC Forum Or The Chatterbox!
----11. While we respect your free speech, please keep anything that could be deemed "Offensive" out of posts, and out of regular chat. This could be derogatory terms, racial slurs and the like. You will get ONE warning; upon the next offense you will be banned. We here don't care wither you don't deem it offensive, as someone else might. Period.
----12. No loopholing or system abuse of any kind. Get gud...

In-Game Rules

----1. Follow Gaia's Terms Of Service.
----2. No Auto-Hitting Or God Modding.
----3. No Cybering At All.
----4. O.O.C will be taken as seriously as I.C. If O.O.C logic is found to be abused, you can be punished for it.
----5. Romance Is Great. Still, No Cybering.
----6. No Auto-Moving.
----7. Do Not Post Unapproved Threads/Forums.
----8. You cannot post in 2 places at once.
----9.. We do not accept Copypasta'd fanfiction/published works as a means of experience.
----10. Dreams, Daydreams, & Readings of books/articles/etc... may only take up 1,000 words in a post(s) and must be less than half of the post. So if you write 1,000 words of dreaming, you need at least 1,000 words of not dreaming.
----All Rules Are Subject To Change.

A Note About Post Deletions

We can not stress deletion of posts enough, the following is what will happen if you are found to have deleted a post of any kind!

----1st Offense: A Warning.
----2nd Offense: 3 Day Temp Ban.
----3rd / Final Offense: Perma-Ban.

If you are found to have deleted or edited a post during a fight, you will automatically be forfeiting the fight and your opponent/opponents become the victor.


We want to thank all of the previous guilds that we have been a part of. Without you there would be no One Pieces guilds, and there wouldn't be so much community within them. Thank you again.