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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Underdark
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Stormie Koi

Liberal Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 12:02 pm
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Sounds of wings danced in the males ears, the sound almost
graceful and comforting. It was like watching a dream. The sight of a figure
flying about away from him, the appearance softer than his own- his pelt a
charcoal grey that hide among the wrongs almost becoming one. But, in the
males mind he watched the figure move about- music almost playing along
with the movement of the figure. What was it ? Another one of him ? . . . .
What was he ? The thought moved in his head for the first time as he was
pulled from the almost trance that held him so securely. Was this denial ?
Did he not want to become something more than a fleeting thought ? In a
way, he wasn't sure but he truly wished to stay there in that moment to watch
the continued repeated path of the dancing figure. But, it was not meant to
be. It was his time to rise- for what reason, he wasn't sure. Why now?
Questions danced around his head, silent for the moment as his form
continued to remain still hidden besides the stones of the mountain.

Wings encased the large body, their length enough to almost hide him from
sight yet soft red danced on his form. A large thick tail flushed gently, the
red dancing in the dim light that was let off from the sky. It was a deep red,
something that match the color of blood when touched by oxygen. It held
depth, but the color was enough to remind anyone that he was alive and yet
at the same time could be dangerous. Never did you know what another was
capable of. But, it was nearing the end of the night for the light was slowly
rising in the sky-making the situation more and more uncomfortable for the
night b'alam. Staying here wasn't an option as much as he wished to
remained encased in his own dreams, ignoring the reality that seemed to pull
and tug at him. Get up.... It whispered, but he really didn't wish to. Why
now, why him ? Did he have not a say ? Another shard of light danced over
the mountain and in that moment, he knew he had no choice.

Dark eyes opened, crimson orbs peering forward at the rock that was a few
inches from his face. For a moment, he focused on the lines of the stone and
hyper focused on the particles of sand that seemed to make it hold shape. It
took a moment before slowly, he blinked the dark eyes. Lifting his wings up
some, he felt the muscles pull before he pushed them far out to their full
length. It was impressive and for a moment, he held them there. It was nice,
feeling the strength of the wings from just a simple movement. Was his
body strong ? Was he strong ? Orbs shifted from the stone to look down at
his body for a long moment before examining his furr, noticing a mark. Red
lines danced naturally over the furr to make a symbol. Brows pursed some
as he moved the soft red nose against it, seeing it not disappearing despite
his actions. What could it mean ? Perhaps another would have a better idea.
But his time was running thin.

Pursing his maw closed, he slowly begun to rise from the ground to look up
at the sky that was slowly awakening. This wasn't good for him for it seemed
the next night would take too long to come but he wouldn't be able to rest-
this he knew. The day where many of his breed would be sleeping, he would
be exploring the new world that he had been offered. Kamea didn't want it. In
a way, he wished to remain sleeping and watching the dancing figure but it
didn't seem he had a choice- which was in itself annoying. But, he brushed
the annoyance off as he dug his nails into the rock for a moment as he
leaned back, arching his back. Muscles rolled the movement, protesting
silently before after a long moment, he released his breath and slowly moved
to a neutral position as his tail danced around his back legs.

Cave. He needed to find one. Lifting his head up, black strands of hair
danced around his features with the soft breeze before finally, he spotted an
area that had a small ledge that shifted inside. Blinking dark eyes, he moved
further out on the steps before finally breathing in the air. It was soft, the
smell of the cold weather brushing his wet nose before once more he was
eyeing the entrance. Within moments, he was pushing off the ground and into
the air. It was a feeling of complete enthrallment and he couldn't help the
smile that pulled the edges of his maw back. Lifting up, he shifted away from
the rock as he darted around- feeling the muscles of his wings and back
shift in perfect synchronization to keep him afloat. It was amazing- he was
flying, like the figure in his dream. Of course, he couldn't be as graceful but it
was enough to make him feel close to that figure.

A shard of light hit his dark eyes making him wince, his wings fluttering
before he decided enough was enough. Play time would have to come later.
Shifting from where he had flown, he made his way back to the cave that had
caught his attention- though many lined the walls of the mountain. Hovering
for a moment, he did a game of pick one but decided to go with his original
pick- his gutt was telling him to just stay with his first choice.

Pads of his feet hit the edge and before long he was shifting inside of the
cave, ducking his head under the entrance as his wings laid flat on his back.
The dark eyes adjusted quickly as he glanced around some. It was dark,
moist and almost quiet in the small cave but it seemed to continue on in
many directions. Did it connect to the other caves he had seen above ?
Pursing his brows some, the males tail danced some as he shifted forward-
sniffing the air for a moment.

[ 1,046 Words ]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:20 pm
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Drakiabel had sparsely visited the surface before. The times he traversed up and away from the Capitol had only been to sate his hunger for blood. To head to the surface in the daylight hours was almost psychotic. Yet here he was, marching through the tunnels of a cavern merrily trotting towards the blinding daylight. Wings folded to his sides the bright male was only burdened with slight unease at the task before him. He even wore a grin to match the one he was woven with and walked onward with little concern over where or when he’d emerge from the pathway to the outside.

‘I’ll gather all the treebark I can find!’ He told himself with certainty. He had discovered through trading a bag of insects to a merchant, who then gave him a slab of treebark, that the stuff wasn’t actually entirely useless. While yes, true wood from the core of a tree held far more usefulness for complex furniture than just the bark covering it, bark could be reshaped and labored into many fine items and containers. Drakiabel’s personal goal was to gather enough bark to turn into a series of baskets that he’d then use to decorate his home cavern with.

As he had yet to procure “one” true job in the Dark Tribe the brightly Tah had decided to “take the day off” from his usual routine. He imagined that the theater would be alright without his aid for the day, and that the Toymaker Apprentices he was keen on joining would be more relieved than burdened that the easily distracted Tah hadn’t stopped by yet. The merchants might miss his daily contribution to their supply stock but he was certain that they were resourceful enough to make up for the difference.

Though he did wondered how long it would be before his fellow tribeskin started to miss his presence… Hmm. Perhaps to test this theory he would “vanish” for a few days and do his best to watch their reactions in secret. Hmm. Nah. Drak gave a chuckle as he gazed at his bright toes. He would feel so silly, a brightly colored Tah slinking around in an attempt to be sneaky! Besides, Drak didn’t know if he could bare not speaking with anyone for so long. He enjoyed socializing.

The sweet scent of wind brushed under his nose and Drakiabel smiled widely at the smell. He was close to his destination. Soon he would be within vicinity of the exit to the caves. He hoped that his walk had been a slow process, and that he would not have to wait long for the twin moons to rise. With their arrival the cool autumn air would beckon to the Tah and he would take to the skies eagerly to bask in their glow.

Speeding his pace to hurry to the entrance Drak caught a whiff of an unfamiliar scent. Was another of his kin waiting for nightfall? Perhaps it was closer to evening then he had thought! Such a concept filled him with excitement and the Tah found he began to hum a tactless tune as he emerged from one of the many tunnels littering this particular cavern. His eyes immediately sought to find the other b’alam in the area and when they succeed in locating him Drakiabel grinned. “Hello, hello! Is it nighttime outside?”

(WC: 564)

Stormie Koi


Shy Prophet

Stormie Koi

Liberal Tycoon

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:22 pm
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Ears flickered for the moment, a slight dance as he listened to the sounds of
the cave around him. It was a new world, new sounds and smells but the
inside of the mountain was something that brought a slight peace to Kamea.
It was hard to explain but being inside of this place made him comfortable-
warm. The breeze from outside ruffled his hair as he moved somewhat
forward- deep into the place that he figured he'd be hiding for awhile.
Dangers, he knew not of simply because he had encounter any and he wasn't
sure what could possibly harm him. The strength that bloomed through him
was enough to make him feel almost invincible. That was, until he heard
quick foot falls towards his direction, making a tension move across his
shoulders as he tried to locate the source. Where was it coming from and
who ? The cave distorted the sounds, making the dark eyes lift and peer
around for a moment before searching the ceiling for anything that seemed to
be a shadow. But with the faltering light outside, it seemed to be a fools
hope to catch something- but that was where his eyesight in the dark came
in handy.

Another sound emerged- a hum almost but once against the sound bounced
off the walls making a somewhat annoyed, yet bored expression line the
males face. Was this a game ? Was someone playing with him ? For a
moment, he couldn't be sure as he squinted upwards then sweeped around
the cavern once more. That was when he saw the source- the colors of the
other almost blinding in the dim light. It was strange for Kamea hadn't
thought to see another with such color be in such a dark place and yet here
he was, a shining light among the dark. It was strange, but the crimson eyes
rolled over the form as he approached the grey lion. Bones shape danced
over the others neck- oranges, blues, greens. It was a beautiful set of colors,
as if magic danced over the very being. Orbs followed the line of the others
shoulders to the wings that rested upon his back. Was he like Kamea ?
Surely, they had to be ... somewhat in the same group, species- whatever
the case.

At the question, brows raised some moving the males features before he
glanced from where he had came. Wasn't it sunrise ? Perhaps Kamea was
confused- he wasn't sure but he couldn't help but shuffle his feet some as he
hid his confusion for a moment. Turning eyes back to the other, he looked
down some before offering a slightly shy smile. I am not
sure what time of day it is, really ... I'm not much help on that.

Confusion was still here- he wasn't exactly sure where he was or what he
was, so being asked something as simple as that almost frazzled him. Was
it obvious he had just awakened ? Was he standing out like a sore thumb ?
Face twitching in somewhat nerves, he glanced towards the open slot he had
moved through and watched as the light seemed to dance on the edge. Was
it morning or night ? For a moment, he wasn't sure.

[ 538 Words ]


PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:13 am
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Drakiabel followed the grey Tah’s gaze to the flicker of light that touched the the caverns edge. The bright, glaring wound to his eyes told him it was most definitely not night yet. This cause a ripple of disappointment to wash through his body. Maybe he had travelled much, much swifter than intended. He had been initially feeling pretty jovial at finding new materials to work with… Or maybe his journey had been extra slow! Maybe it had been days since he had come to surface! Though the fact that he had yet to go hungry on his march told Drakiabel otherwise. Regardless of whichever way it was he’d be waiting for a long while for the harsh daylight to fade to a bearable degree of brightness.

Turning his attention back to the B’alam in front of him Drakiabel examined the Tah with curiosity. Since it appeared to not be anywhere near nighttime what was he doing so far away from the center of tribe territory? Was he going to try flying off and seeing how far he’d get in the wretched daylight before turning back home?

Oh. Unless… There was always the more obvious reason for his being here...

“How long have you been awake in this world?” The bright b’alam asked politely, genuinely curious to the answer of this question.

(WC: 222)

Stormie Koi


Shy Prophet

Stormie Koi

Liberal Tycoon

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:05 am
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Kamea felt eyes on him and for a moment, he let them take in his somewhat
confused appearance but after a moment, he straightened some and held his
held up higher, rounding his shoulders some. He didn't know where he was,
what he was or what was happening but he would be damned if he looked
weak. Especially to the eyes of another. His dark eyes took their time once
more to examine the colorful male and couldn't help but be curious- where all
the b'alams in this area as colorful as he ? The dark male knew he wasn't
colorful in the slightest- with the dark red staining his coat and the feathers
that danced on his body but that was the extent of his colors. Was there a
reason they were so different in color ? Did they have different meanings to
be here ? Different things they had to achieve ? What could his coat mean ?
Was he a warrior ? Mulling over these thoughts that shifted in his head,
Kamea didn't realize he had been staring at the other for a moment before
hearing him speak.

Dark red eyes blinked at the soft question, focusing on the actual other in
front of him. If he could feel sheepish, it would be right now but he offered a
light chuckle as he looked back towards the entrance. How long ? Ten
minutes ? Not giving a smart response back, Kamea's tail danced for a
moment as he heaved a sigh looking at the light that graced the tunnels
entrance. In this world... So he was alive... this wasn't a dream. It was
enough to make a shiver move over his back. There was no one to guide him
here, help him understand what was going on. It was a strange confusion but
he had decided he had lingered on his answer too long as once more, blood
orbs moved to look at the other he spoke to as his wings tightened across
his back .

A short time. Since I have walked into this place....
He mused softly, watching the others physiognomy for a moment for
reaction. Would it be surprising that he had just been summoned to this place
from his lovely, vivid dreams ? He wasn't sure. How often did new ones
appear ? Was he the first or the last in a long time ? These questions rang in
Kamea's head as he wondered many things, his thoughts forever on going
as he questioned what seemed to be himself or the universe.
What... is this place ? The male questioned,
giving into his curiosity for the moment as his eyes once more sought the
walls of the cavern. Light danced upon some of the walls, coming from an
unknown source. It seemed to place a pattern, creating a mystical effect that
was almost awe inspiring. A breeze pushed the smell of the home into his
nose, making Kamea take a deep breath- the smell of water reached his
nose but following was soft smells of wet earth and other smells that
probably clinged to the inhabitants of the caves themselves- this was a
home. Not somewhere that this other colorful b'alam just seemed to be
passing through. The thought alone sent nervous chills through the gunmetal
b'alam. There were more- he could smell them. He needed to get on his feet
and fast about this place.

[ 558 Words ]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:59 pm
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Drakiabel’s initial reaction was a look of surprise stretching across his features. His shocked expression did not last and instead was melded into a soft grin. He had not encountered a b’alam so freshly woven before! How exciting that Drakiabel was the first other b’alam this new one would encounter! How honorable a task he had been given! Hmm.. Well, maybe not honorable. It wasn’t as if the Grand Weaver himself controlled every aspect of fate and destiny. As far as the Weaver’s influence was concerned their meeting was little more than coincidence. Even with that said, Drakiabel couldn’t help but feel a little lucky. Unlike himself, who had been woven in the capital when the tribe had just started formulating, this new b’alam was in a relatively isolated area. Who knew how many nights it would take before he stumbled upon Castrum de Drac? Hmm, well, maybe only a few. Nevertheless Drakiabel felt it his duty as a dark b’alam to assist his new brethren in finding the city, and more importantly- the Arch Magi.

“This is the home to all of the dark tribe!” He outstretched his vibrant blue and orange wings as if to emphasize how large the dark tribe was in numbers. “Like you, and me. Only… most of our kind have different colors and patterns on their pelts.” Then he folded them back up and nodded in the direction the tunnel he had just emerged from. “These caverns lead close to the heart of the nation. That’s where the Arch Magi- the first of the dark kin, lives.”

(WC: 265 )

Stormie Koi


Shy Prophet

[ RP Zone ] The Underdark

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