profile revamp -- original quest

huxtable keighley
relapsing ragelord

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After the events of the dark court's masquerade, Hux has begun a very prominent descent into an entirely different man than the one he'd been before. His once happy grin has been replaced with a seemingly forever present grimace and he reacts viciously to just about any social interaction. His loosely moraled existence has spiraled even further into the abyss. Without the love and care of his sister to keep him on the right path, he's begun to turn to darker means of comfort. He's angry, and looking for any excuse to let the rage win. There's still a tiny part of him that struggles and works against the change, but it seems to him to be quite a hopeless endeavor.

the dying of the light

Thanks to Hux's recently deceased doppleganger, his life has been ruined. Reduced to nothing but a shell of what it once had been, the world around him has become darker- lonelier. His sister's death and the loss of trust between his nieces and his nephew and him have devastated the poor man. He's lost faith in reality, and has turned to drugs and alcohol and violence to try to ease the pain. He abuses his noble powers, and is entirely self destructive. He frequently makes the worst decisions possible for himself, and has done his best to bottle up all the emotions within him, other than his rage.


long hair, don't care.
Every time he runs out of his favorite hair products (and let's face it, he runs out a lot), there's always a sale of the very same brand the day he visits the store to pick some new product up.

rage against.
Hux can both lift and move the inanimate and animate (with player permission) alike via the use of will, so long as it's something he could lift normally.

do not go gentle.
If he'd rather be alone, the world around him makes it harder for him to be approached. Should someone attempt to seek him out during this time, they'll often find themselves lost or in special circumstances suddenly presented with an unexpected obstacle.

dark is right.
Should he will it his scent, sound, and appearance will become intoxicating to those that get too close. They'll feel a very present need to be close to him and, if eye contact is made, will have a very hard time tearing their gaze away (with player permission). This power can be successfully resisted.