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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

Tags: homestuck, troll, breedables, mspa, alternia 

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Tsarzi Ameroc - Blueblood [ACCEPTED]

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:28 pm
User ImageName: Tsarzi Ameroc
Tsarzi- Tsar or czar is a title used to designate certain European Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers
Ameroc- Vaguely based on the music genre Alternative Rock

Blood colour: ████████ - #004caa

Gender: Female?? ?

Symbol: Triple crescent moon

If her stony and static impression somehow lent your interest to her, Tsarzi's matching demeanor must be a riot. Tsarzi tends to be curt in her words and mannerisms, preferring practicality and realism to daydreaming or recreation. If she's going to do something, she needs a reason, and one she would consider valid. Will she learn something from the activity, will it help hone or test her skills in some way, is there some kind of gain? This is typically what she'll ask herself to make no superfluous actions are taken. She needs a reason behind her actions.

Tsarzi operates in a methodical and logical way. She's all about getting from point a to point b as efficiently as possible. Logic and reason are her close companions, and often the deciding factor in all dilemmas for her. Of course though, this is logic and reason under her own stipulations, so perhaps it's a bit skewed. The way she looks at things, it's a harsh world and only the strong survive. Everyone can't be good at everything though, and even if someone isn't a master at outdoors survival or combat doesn't mean they don't have something valuable to contribute. As long as you're willing to put in the effort and work to better yourself and strive for greatness, you're worth the breathing space. So despite her generally abrasive attitude, she's really quite fair and reasonable. Just don't be a self-pitying sadsack waste of space and you're good to go.

She's always willing to spare a moment to assist trolls around her, but being as goal-oriented as she is, she will not let herself be sidetracked by such a thing. You fell in the street, sure, she'll stop and help you up, but don't expect her to hang about and exchange niceties, she's got places to be. Tsarzi is willing to take time to help, but if she has other things that need done, she'll be prioritizing. If you really want her attention, you have to give her a new priority or focus.

That's how most things work with her though, all pros and cons. As a matter of fact, she has a very all work and no play attitude, even when doing things for the purpose of relaxation, which really doesn't bode well. Irritation and frustrations are fairly useless to feel, so she tends to bottle those up, along with pretty much anything else she finds her mental faculties hindered with. And while her self-control in the aspect of restraining her more volatile emotions is admirable, it's an invitation for disaster should the day come where she can't. Even then, she tends to get irritable and short with others when in a mood, making her more unpleasant to be around. Her goal is never to upset or be cruel or hurt trolls, it's generally a side effect of her demeanor that she doesn't register.

Beings of such a mindset, Tsarzi spends most her time on worthwhile ventures like exercise and research. Plenty of time is spent wrestling with Lupos or climbing and exploring Busthind Mountain. To know her surroundings is to have the advantage, and that's a basic rule of thumb for her. She spends plenty of time reading up encyclopedias or investing spurts of time into pop culture to understand the interests and influences of the common troll. She usually can't bear to submit herself to too much of it though. Puzzles, either physical or digital, suck her in though. Anything mentally stimulating that requires critical thought on her part is worth her time. The challenge and subsequent satisfaction of coming up with the correct solution keeps her fresh and on top of her game.

Perhaps the one good thing she's found from pop culture is music. It helps her focus and allows her to drown out the inane chatter of the city, which honestly, is a bit overwhelming for her at times. She will flat out refuse to admit that she genuinely just enjoys music. Whenever Tsarzi goes into town, she stops by the music store to buy a new album. She says that she needs new music because what she already has is getting boring, but that's not really true. At this point, she's just too uptight to enjoy something for the sake of it, or at least admit to doing so. As a result, she jumps through mental hoops all the time to force even the most inane activity to have some explicit purpose.

Thanks to Lupos, Tsarzi is does some meditation and slow moving exercises to help her relax and control her stress levels. As much as speed, strength, and knowledge are important, patience and awareness are also vital. Meditation helps to hone the senses and center one's self, helping with focus and stress. The slow moving exercises are for learning balance and to keep herself limber. These are two ways that Lupos has taught her to hunt and fight. It's pretty much thanks to the moving exercises and music that she doesn't burn herself out.

Personally, Tsarzi thinks that the hemospectrum is trash. Your abilities and skills and determination are what decide your worth, not the color of your innards. Even so, being the well informed and talented blueblood that she is, Tsarzi suffers some hemotypical arrogance. Why bother with other children at all, it's not like they can really offer her intelligent conversation to begin with. She hears most kids talking about inane and useless stuff and wants no part in it, never mind the fact that she eavesdrops all the time to even know that that's what other kids are talking about. Double never mind that if you tried to call her on eavesdropping she'll decide that she was done listening anyway and refuse to admit it happened in the first place. As matter of fact, she might take it upon herself to correct your attitude and make sure you know that you're wrong and waste time on a pointless argument for the express purpose of "bettering others." Part of her problem is she truly believes she's always right when it concerns other trolls, and that's a bit of a problem for a kid to think. Only she's allowed to call herself out on being wrong. Sure there's plenty more to learn about the world, but Tsarzi is convinced that her way of thinking and operating is the most optimal. Her lifestyle is obviously the smartest so why is anyone bothering to be any other way? It's this arrogance that really makes her a poor conversation partner, since plenty of trolls aren't exactly socially trained given the variety of lusii on Alternia. And as much as she thinks trolls are stupid for all their social inanities, she still thinks they have every right to be stupid how they want. She just feels that she should also inform them of that stupidity when it's turned on her.

Of course, none of that stops her from always butting into other troll's business and listening in at near every opportunity. She doesn't really get other trolls and it's her way of trying to understand. Troll watching and eavesdropping are her main sources of information on interaction and troll to troll communication. Of course, it doesn't make the most reliable information gathering, not that she'd believe you if you tried to tell her. Being that she lives to the beat of her own drum, she'll fight like a hellion if anyone tries to control or decide her path for her. And any kind of corrections or criticism to her person or way of doing things falls under attempting to control her. So really, she can be extremely difficult.

Tsarzi can certainly be hard to be around, but it doesn't all have to be unpleasant with her. In fact, most times, she more neutral or detached than unpleasant. If you engage her interests, she's much more receptive and engaging. The sharing of information and learning is always a worthy venture, and if you tempt her with knowledge or ask after her help, she'll almost never say no. Putter her knowledge and skill to use through productive action is something she craves. Giving her that opportunity will never be scorned. Instead, you'll gain the full force of her focus, damn all obstacles in the way, she and you have a task to complete. It's just that she needs that reason to interact, or she'll start getting bent out of shape about wasting her time doing nothing.

What Tsarzi sees to be one of her biggest failings though is that she doesn't have a firm goal or plan for the future. She finds herself uninterested in conventional work, has no desire to join the military, and rather bored with the whole prospect. She works towards the indefinite goal of having as many options open to her as possible, but her plans for the future can be a bit of a sore spot if brought up. Tsarzi is a bit unforgiving in how she pushes herself in general. She needs to always be doing something. Inactivity is stagnation. Given her focus on efficiency and productivity, she's always working towards something or planning out what she needs to be doing next. She tends to have lots of smaller, daily goals or tasks she sets out for herself, but the future is still murky, and it makes her uncomfortable that she doesn't really know what to do about that.

  • Resolute - Tsarzi is the master of herself. She is firm in her ideas and beliefs, stubborn to a fault in her mindset. If she makes a decision or choice, you better believe she's sticking to it. It should be understood that everything she does is on her own terms, and no one else's. Sure, she knows how to play along and hold her tongue when required, but she takes hardline stances on what's important to her and holds firm.
  • Efficient - If Tsarzi sets out to get something done, it's going to get done. She will utilize any and all resources at hand to get things taken care of with as little fuss as possible. No effort, no thought, and no time is wasted when Tsari's at the helm.
  • Observant - Sharp eyes and sharp mind filter the world around her. With no lacking in common sense and knowledge couple with this trait, it's easy to pick up new things. Tsarzi is a wealth of information, from general facts to small details she picks up. She's hard to sneak up on and even harder to fool.
  • Helpful- Tsarzi has never had a problem lending a helping hand to any in need. She's perfectly able-bodied and sees no reason not to help out if she's capable of doing so. It would make her a good companion or comrade, someone that will keep you upright when you can't do it yourself.

  • Curious - Perhaps her most fatal flaw is her insatiable curiosity. Tsarzi doesn't just like to know things, it's like a physical urge that nags relentlessly when she doesn't know something. She just needs to know things. They don't even need to be important things, but she wants to know what those two on the street are talking about or what is that kid looking at in the road. It's the easiest way to tempt her from routine and security, that's for sure.
  • Rude - Tsarzi has never been particularly inclined to social niceties and the like. She's blunt and straightforward in a way that borders on mean and if she decides you're wrong, she has now qualms interrupting and informing you.
  • Aloof - Aloof may just embody her whole demeanor and impression in one word. If she comes across as distant and disdainful, that's because she is. She keeps her hands almost suspiciously clean of matters she thinks stupid or below her, and at least half the time it will seem that each and every troll falls under those categories if you were to judge by her facial expression.
  • Impatient - Tsarzi expects others to hold the same priority of efficiency and productivity as her, and as a result, gets quickly frustrated by things she finds useless or wasteful. There is no room for self-pity or wallowing in Tsarzi's world, and as much as she can try to be mindful, a chewing out is almost inevitable. She doesn't appreciate trolls wasting their time, and even less when they want to waste hers. If she should ever find something she can't pick up easily, her temper is liable to get out of hand quite quickly.

Weapon: Trench Knives

Appearance: Tsarzi has half mast eyes and a stoic expression, with upright, plain horns. She has a mole near the inside corner of her right eye and another by the left corner of her mouth. Her hair is worn in a fauxhawk but with the longer parts of her hair pushed back by her neck with blue highlights on the ends. She wears a one sleeved grey shirt with a white border and her symbol in the center of her chest. She wears black cargo/tripp pants with blue accents. She wears a black belt with a buckle in the shape of her symbol and kept in place underneath is a blue wrap, hanging mostly on the left side. Hanging from the belt is a white strip of fabric. She wears an upper arm band on either arm, black and lines with white with little blue moons on them. She wears a couple bracelets, one of wooden beads and a few leather ones. She has some high quality black headset headphones with blue and white accents. She wears no shoes.
((If you need to simplify the design, you can take out the leather bracelets, custom belt buckle, and nevermind the designs on the armbands. I would really like for her to keep the wooden bead bracelet if at all possible.))
Face and hair

In the rocky and rough Busthind Mountains is where you find a pair like Tsarzi and Lupos. The hive is built against the rock wall of one of cliffs, with a spacious rocky yard that overlooks the valley. The hive itself has a very rustic look to it, both inside and outside. Very homey and cozy, which is a bit odd given Tsarzi's general attitude.

The hive is one floor, with an open design. There are shelves for books Tsarzi has deemed important to own and crates filled with cds. She had a work desk for writing and studying where she keeps her computer, which is almost exclusively used for putting music from cds onto a small portable music player she can keep in her pocket. There's a cozy fireplace and a couple armchairs. The place is kept relatively clean, but there's interesting knickknacks Tsarzi has picked up adorning the place along. Unique skulls Lupos got for Tsarzi to bleach are hung on the walls. A pelt nest that belongs to Lupos is next to her recuperacoon. She keeps her cabinets and fridge stocked with dried meats, grains, and other novelty foods that catch her fancy sometimes. The fridge is mostly just cheeses, water, and the rare soda. The only two separate rooms are the ablutions block and a walk in freezer. There she stores her meats and any other frozen foods. The hive is interesting, but still a bit sparse.

Lusus: Tsarzi was raised by a large combination wolf-gecko that has six legs and a giant gaping maw to swallow prey whole named Luposaurus, though usually just called Lupos. Lupos is a large beast (about the size of an adult brown bear), with specially scaled toes to allow him to crawl and cling to any surface with large claws for grasping and tearing. His jaw unhinges to allow him to fit whatever his prey is into his mouth easily and prefers his meal to still be living. He usually lazes around for a week or so as his meal digests, more lethargic than usual but still attentive to Tsarzi's needs. When he eats smaller prey, while he'll need to dine again soon, there's no long rest period needed for heavy digestion.

In order to feed Tsarzi, he'll occasionally bring home meat for her, but usually, he feeds her his tails. Most of his nutrients and fats are stored in his tail. After a particularly good hunt, Lupos will drop his tail. The meal he's digesting will help regrow his tail properly and healthily while Tsarzi has a good food supply for a good few weeks. He can't do this all the time, which is when he'll hunt mean for her, but he prefers to feed Tsarzi his own tails, believing his own meat to be the highest quality he can provide. When she's older, he'll expect her to go hunt her own food, but for now, he will provide her the very best. The extra upside is Tsarzi has learned to skin the tails and often sells the fur for extra money, should it be needed.

Lupos took a very hands on approach to raising Tsarzi and tends to be very rough and tumble with her. Lupos knows Tsarzi has the capability to become a force of nature and intends to cultivate that strength within her. Lupos has raised Tsarzi on the rules of nature and tried to give her all the necessary tools to survive any circumstance. He's quite proud to have such a smart and hardy pup.

If there is one person Tsarzi respects, listens to, and values the opinion of, it's Lupos. In their hive, they get along very well, Lupos content to curl up near his pup or on his comfy bed of pelts while Tsarzi studies. He play fights with Tsarzi all the time to keep her sharp and when he first got Tsarzi, he had to figure out ways to teach her what he saw as necessary skills, leading to him teaching her to meditate and the slow moving exercises (basically some mish mash of yoga, pilates, and tai-chi). He's done his best to impart the lessons of survival to her and continues to enforce them as he can.

Lupos acts very much as a guiding hand, teaching a lesson then letting Tsarzi try for herself, then correcting her as she practices. After she's learned something, he more passively observes, offering support when necessary but allowing her the space to grow and learn from her own experiences.

The biggest divide between the two comes from the fact Lupos is actually fairly easy going and low stress. He sees Tsarzi push herself day in and day out and does his best to make her slow down, but with such a headstrong child, it's hard to convince her that relaxing just to relax is worth time, especially if he outright tries to make her. Instead, he encourages her interest in music and continues to promote the habit of meditation and exercise to give her some kind of down time. When Tsarzi's attitude starts burning Lupos out though, he'll hang out on the roof or the cliffs nearby to get a little breathing space.

Lupos did neglect to teach Tsarzi much about troll culture beyond the basics, having little to no understanding or care for it. He finds most trolls to be silly creatures with lots of silly ideas and customs. Tsarzi's arrogance and straight forward nature are largely adapted from Lupos's own attitude.

While Lupos understands troll speech easily enough, the two often communicate through body language instead. With a predator lusus like hers, she moves in a similar way and tends to give that kind if impression.

Power: None  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:20 pm
Wow! I love Tsarzi and I really don't have much to give you! Just a couple of quick things:

I'm a little concerned about Tsarzi's lone wolf attitude. Right now, I'm having a hard time imagining getting RP with her, because it sounds like if anyone were to interact with her she would just walk away. You need to leave some kind of opening for people to jump into (collaborating on projects and other productive tasks seems like it would be her speed)!

There are many kinds of intelligences, and Hivestuck likes to avoid using intelligence (or lack thereof) as a strength or flaw. Might I suggest renaming this to logical or observant?

In order to feed Tsarzi, he'll occasionally bring home meat for her, but usually, he feeds her his tails.

This is hella disturbing and I love it. Bless you, Lupos.

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Green Minuet

Greedy Trickster


PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:24 pm
Green Minuet

Hey, thanks man u vu(

Yeah, I have this tendency to make difficult to manage/deal with characters it seems. That's definitely fair, but I think I've adjusted her attitude to give more openings. Made her a bit more inclined to be bossy and nosy, plus openings to get her to work with others and such.

Intelligent switched out too.

I highlighted all changes in blue, hopefully she's good to go now o vob

And yes, Lupos is a delightfully frightening creature.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 8:08 pm
The changes look fantastic! I think she's ready!

Green Minuet

Greedy Trickster


Ice-Cold Cultist

9,875 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Hygienic 200
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:31 pm
Beep boop
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