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[MetaPRP] I Left My Credentials At Home (Polair & Nictor)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:57 pm
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Located somewhere lost between the the Chittentown and Civisect Manufacturing Facilities for the Great Space Race.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:40 am
Nictor Sabbat

Really, nothing about this situation was unexpected.

Nictor is clumsy and easily sidetracked, not to mention he doesn't seem to have an aggressive bone in his body. Whatever it was that made the drones think he'd be of any help at the manufacturing facilities was a mystery to him. But now he was lying face down on the desert ground, sand and dust settling around him. Someone had started up a raiding party and somehow he got dragged along.

Now that raiding party was off in the distance and he was literally eating their dust.

Nictor went to heave a great sigh, only to breathing in sand why did he do that this is the worst. He coughed and hacked and spluttered, jerking upright into a seated position, trying to spit the sand from his mouth and clear his sinuses of it a the same time. the grit clung to his face and hair, mixing with the pollen clinging to his skin and clothes.

He swiped at his face a few times, trying to get control of his backing, only for his hand to come away with blood. Right. Glancing down through squinted eyes, he saw some hard rocks peaking out of the sand, stained with yellow drops. Wonderful.

Humming in exasperated exhaustion, Nictor flopped back on the ground, staring up at the sky. He didn't really want to raid anyway. Besides, the night sky was beautiful. His time was better spend appreciating the scenery than accidentally sabotaging Chittentown's own raiding party.

Man, working as a volunteer was exhausting. Trolls and drones were everywhere and the sound sounds of loud machinery were inescapable. The rooms were small and Bee wasn't allowed in, so Nictor had to visit his lusus during breaks. Everyone was busy all the time though. Nictor wasn't sure he could ever live like that, constantly needing to be doing things and running around like a cluckbeast with its head chopped off. He liked his lazy days. Still, there was a purpose to all this work. He smiled faintly up at the stars. It would be amazing to see it all closer.




Alien Garbage

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:48 pm
Polair was exhausted. Working at the science dome and keeping an eye out for any mishaps was tiring and exciting all together. She never thought she'd be there, the place where she belonged. Oh how she wished to get a recommendation letter from them. The child smiled and with her clipboard at hand, she was off to check some of Civisect's facility as she was ordered. However as much energy she had to go and check the facilities inventory, Polair's mind went somewhere else when she looked up to the sky.

Oh how she loved how the stars dazzled tonight. She would kill to stay and see such scenery. Not really kill but, stall perhaps? It was great, knowing Cerpin, and their future crew, would one day take her up there. To analyze, to study and discover great things. Suddenly she tripped over a rock as she was too focused on the stars. She fell on the sandy ground and got up her feet, not minding to dust the sand on her. Something else caught her attention-- blood. Yellowblood on the rocks.

"What in the world?" She said as she noticed there was someone else there. A lowblood. The child tilted her head and looked at him from behind, her gaze went to the child, then to the stars and back at him. Was he stargazing? It was weird, this was a path to their facility and... she had never seen him in the science dome. Well she just needed to see his ID and check if indeed he was part of her team. He could be checking the facilities as well, If he wasn't part of Team Civisect, well, she wasn't sure what to do with him.

"Excuse me." She said, tapping him lightly on the shoulder to get his attention. "What are you doing here? Were you sent to check up on the facilities as well?" Polair asked as she checked her reports. Nope, she was the one assigned with that task. "May I see you identification card?"

where are ur credentials kiddo?
PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:51 am
Nictor Sabbat

Lost in whimsical musings of lying amongst the stars and collecting rare stardust nectar with Bee, Nictor didn't quite catch the sounds of footsteps approaching. He did however catch one to another presence when words chimed in.

Nictor froze, staring sightlessly into the sky, nervous to look around.

See, the first problem here is he shouldn't even be here. It's that weird in between place from the Chittentown facilities and the Civisect facilities with some footpaths and maybe a suspicious trail where dust had been kicked up by the raiding party.

Second problem being that Nictor really didn't want to interact with other trolls because he inherently couldn't trust them and strangers scared him to death.

The footfalls continued approaching again, the crunch of gravel and sand shifting beneath feet. Nictor shut his eyes tight.

Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, please don't notice me. The mantra was one reserved for hiding from particularly volatile fauna or that one cabbage stew vendor he'd bumped into seventeen too many times.

Nictor jumped at the touch to his shoulder, scrambling backwards. Wide eyes locked onto the other trolls clothing and sirens were wailing in Nictor head. This is not a drill. If this were a drill, it would be a nightmare where he accidentally stumbled into the middle of the Saint Perigee Parade and tripped on a stray beetle and fell into the Empress and accidentally tore her celebratory garb with his teeth and then all the royal drones stomped his limbs until his bones were mere shards and the Empress has her fun disemboweling him slowly and tortuously. No, instead this was very real and there was a royal purpleblood in front of him and he was staring a ther, terrified.

Some level of self-preservation that never quite deserts the poor yellowblood, made sure he was listening, for all the good it did him. Most of words couldn't penetrate the haze of panic, so all Nictor caught were the final bits.

Nictor didn't know what to do. What do you do when a seadweller talks to you?

Well, listen would be a good place to start.

Oh no, he'd already failed the first step.

He needed to calm down. He needed to do what she'd asked of him. All he'd heard was a lot of white noise and something about a card? What was he supposed to do with that information?

"Hhh, hn, ahhm, I-I-I," he tried. Nictor's thinkpan was fritzing harder than it had in a while. Hands were clenched tightly in shorts and his eyes stared a looked unfocused as he stared through the purpleblood. He looked like a pathetic lost woofbeast.

"I-I d---on't-t h-h-haaaave m-mm---y c-c-card-d," Nictor finally spit out, which all things considered, he's pretty impressed. Or, well, would be when he had the presence of mind to be. In the meantime, his breathing was still erratic and was shaking like a leaf.

oh my god when i said credentials i was thinking about Polair's crazy miniature zoo being her im a smart science lady credentials but this works too it's going to be a beautiful disaster



Alien Garbage

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:36 am
Polair couldn't help but blink and step back as she saw Nictor freak out because of her. She held her hands together, knowing very well she should keep them to herself. Though she couldn't understand why he freaked out. Was it something she said? She looked at him quite confused and scratched the back of her head. At least she understood he didn't have an ID on him-- Which was bad. First of all he was a lowblood, and second a lowblood with no credentials whatsoever. He'd be questioned if any other troll approached him and ask the same question and, if he couldn't even answer her firmly, they would probably bother him plentiful.

The child looked down for a second, noticing her ID for a second. She took it off and handed it to the yellowblood. She certainly wouldn't get into trouble, her fins always seemed to make people's attitudes die down for obvious reasons. "Here, take mine." She insisted, awkwardly waiting for him to take it.

"It'll help you avoid any troubles... Next time, keep your identification card on you at all times alright?"
Polair caught another glimpse of the stars again and couldn't help but sit down and smile at the twinkling lights. Maybe he wasn't even lost but wanted to be somewhere less hectic? She sure would loved to stay in a clam place such as this one.

"They are so pretty..." She said. "Are you a skywatcher by any chance or where you taking a small break from all of this?"

gotta say i love nictor <3
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:35 pm
Nictor Sabbat

Nictor was worrying his lip something awful and watching the purpleblood like she was his final judge at trial. He made for quite that sad sight, half curled into himself, eyes wide like saucers and brow pinched terribly in worry. She might ahve pulled her hands away but that frown was far more concerning. Oh no, ho no she must not have liked that answer at all.

Nictor started to try and scramble back once more when the seadweller's hands moved towards him but he quickly slipped back, sending more sand and grit into the air. Nictor sputtered a little and wiped his face, momentarily distracted from his panic.

Sand tasted so gross, he hated when it got in his mouth or nose or eyes. It was gritty and grindy and made his teeth feel weird when he ate.

Yeah, and while he sat here worrying about all the reasons sand could be unpleasant, there was a purpleblood right in front of him that he thought had been about to throttle him for disobedience. Well, there was no throttling, so that was the good news. Bad news, that meant the purpleblood had reached out her hands for another reason and was likely waiting on him while he floundered around on the ground.

Nictor flinched with the realizationa dn peeked back out from behind his sleeve at Polair's hand.

He blinked. Then blinked again. And he blinked a few more times just for good measure. His arm slowly dropped away from his face while he stared dumbly at the offered card. Nictor jumped when she spoke, eyes darting up to the purpleblood's face then back to the card.

Was she serious? She wanted him to take her ID card? Nictor's mouth worked uselessly as he continued to stare, absolutely befuddled. A purpleblood, a seadweller, highest on the pecking order, was looking at Nictor and acting civil, courteous, and kind. Or at least bothering to pretend to be kind. But, but this was a purpleblood. They had no reason to hide themselves, to act and say and do as they will is their right. To be fair, he didn't know the rhyme or reason to what most trolls did.

Baffled and completely off guard, Nictor eventually took the ID on the sole basis or he'd been told to and he didn't much care to test the purpleblood's patience with anymore of his antics. Nictor's arm fell limply back to his lap where he stared at it, rubbing a thumb against the laminated plastic.

When the purpleblood spoke again, Nictor's eyes snapped back up, once again staring, but this time in shock and awe. To help him? She was really doing this to help him?

When she'd asked after his card, he'd thought this was going to go downhill very fast, that she would be upset and threaten to cull him, but instead, she handed her ID off to him like it was nothing so that he could stay out of trouble. The earlier panic was completely gone now, completely washed away by awe and confusion. Nictor blinked, he was mostly running on automatic, his thoughts jumbled and messy. While he was having a hard time not looking at the fins adorning the side's of the purpleblood's head, he made great efforts to look back to the sky. Nictor couldn't do much more than nod dumbly when the purpleblood went on to tell him to make sure he kept his card on him in the future.

Right, he should probably...

"Th-th-thanks," Nictor uttered, tone reflecting just how off kilter he was.

Something wasn't quite right though. It was niggling at the back of his mind but he just couldn't fathom anything beyond his immediate situation right now. It was absolutely baffling how much trolls he was meeting weren't being nearly as aggressive and terrible as he kept expecting.

Dazed by how much things had not gone as per his expectations, not that he was complaining, Nictor was not expecting the seadweller to plop down on the ground nearby to stare up at the sky, making him jump a little.

"O-oh," Nictor stammered. "Uhh, ahh. Y-y-yeah, I like t-to s-sk-sky---watchhh. B-b-but, ahh, y-yeah, er, y---es t-to the breaaak p-part too." Nictor trailed off near the end, glancing nervously around and ducking his head, unsure if he'd responded properly. And dang if soemthines wasn't still clamoring for his attention behind the muted panic and confusion. Idly, he continued to play with the ID in his hands.

whoo writing tags in the middle of the night half asleep oh yeah



Alien Garbage

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 4:41 pm
She blinked repeatedly as she started at him staring at her fins. Was that really a big deal? The child couldn't help but touch them subconsciously, thinking she may have something on them, like seaweed or a bloodsucking snail. Never mind, she just had to ignore the feeling. Her eyes trailed back to the sky and the seadweller let out a sigh. Those blinking lights always calmed her down, comforted her... It was like having Claud there without him being there with her! Of course, she couldn't deny that her lusus's forms of affection were an annoyance but... sometimes she had to be by herself.

"Oh! That's great!" She exclaimed. This was so exciting! Meeting yet another skywatcher... she was really lucky! "Where do you most often go to watch the stars? I usually skywatch in Four Fronds and the Ocean but..." She smiled weakly. "...My lusus never allows me to skywatch in Chittentown. He's afraid I might get lost or meet with strangers that might hurt me..." Or that she gets abducted by flashlights-- he was sure paranoid about them for some reason. "I really want to see the stars under the sandy dunes... I've heard that different natural phenomenas occur there since the deserts stretch miles away from the city. " And the more they were away from pollution, the more exciting things could be seen.

"What do you like the most about the night sky or what do you wish to see? I'd love to see the arch of out galaxy rising over the horizon!" This was one of her dreams, and she was determined to accomplish it.

slaps u with this ancient tag
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 8:13 pm
Nervous hands toyed with the plastic card, trying to find some way to expel the buzzing of his nerves. He wanted to stare at the seadweller beside him because when he wasn't looking her way he could feel every nerve along his back prickling like someone's fingers were resting just above his skin, curled in a viscous claw and ready to rake along his exposed back. It was uncomfortable and worrisome and made him want to squirm in discomfort because is he wasn't watching her, he wouldn't know if she made a move.

Maybe that was the reasons he gave him the card, so that he wouldn't have a viable reason to suspect her of ill intentions if she started the interaction with helping him? It would certainly make him look bad. And his brain found that to be a safer conclusion that the idea that the action was altruistic in nature.

Even if he consciously balked at the idea, his awe didn't subside much.

Nictor was reading the card as they sat in what could have been companionable silence if he wasn't worried the seadweller was stretching her jaw in preparation to take a chunk out of his shoulder. The words were sluggish in processing though, and his progress in interpreting what he read was interrupted when the seadweller piped up with what might have been far too much enthusiasm.

Nictor jumped a little, really not expecting so much to come tumbling from the purpleblood's mouth, but there it was. It took him a few moments to parse what had been said, and a few more to pick out which parts had been questions. Beneath caution and paranoia, the sparks of excitement were ignited. He hadn't really taken the time to stargaze from Four Fronds when he visited the woods, given the woods could creep him out if he paid too much attention to the atmosphere and not Bee, but the ocean! He'd watched from shore before, with the soothing beat of the waves against the sand, the water ticking at his feet, rather pleasant until the tide came in and soaked him.

Right, right, her question, her question, where did he stargaze the most often?

"I-I, uhh, I u-u-usually w-waaatch f-from the d-d-deseeert," Nictor stuttered,
tone growing quieter as he went on, growing worried as he spoke. What if she was upset? After all, she just said that Chittentown was the one place her lusus didn't let her go. Would it bother her that this lowblood got to so freely do something she desired? He might have just dug his own grave and started shoveling the dirt in over top of himself for her.

:u i finally did it *muted airhorn noise*


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