Name: Samantha

Blood colour: Teal

Gender: More Feminine than Masculine


Profile: Samantha can be found on any given day tinkering. She is very into old parts from battlecruisers that have been found when she goes wandering around her respit block. Her hair is very curled, and very long.

this should be written for your troll's child stage, rather than containing anything that might happen to them in the future. teen/adult changes and growth can be submitted as an edited profile later on in their life, if or when things change.

Strengths: Samantha's Strengths would be that she's very kind, but also very cunning. Her weaknesses are her temper that flares up too much and the fact that she gets easily distracted with other projects that she has laying around. She also loves reading books, but gets easily bored with one book and starts another. She's very scatterbrained, so her room is incredibly cluttered.

Weapon: Her weapon of choice is a long range Sniper rifle that she made herself, sometimes it backfires on her and will not work correctly. Most of the tinkering that has left her eyebrows singed and noticeable scars around her eye area.

Appearance: Samantha's hair is long, curly, and black. She wears glasses, with teal rims around them. She's always smiling, minus the fangs that portrude from her semi overbite. Her horns are Curled back and sometimes hide in her mess of curls, however they are pretty short.

Home: Samantha's home is in a desert plain like environment. Its where she found herself after she was taken by her lusus. She found a old worn out building that seemed to be in disrepair, and hid in there so she wouldn't be killed.

Lusus: When Samantha was a tiny wiggler she was trying her best to find her way around the labyrinth, however there was many vicious creatures, her little teal body, her little curly hair as she shaked and shivered as she skittered through out the caverns. However there was one creature who took pity on the little tiny wriggler. Her Lusus is a sand worm of shape and size. It's partially big, and it goes out and hunts by itself, it does not need to be fed. However it does need affection from Samantha.

Power: Her only strength is her empathy. She has strong empathy. Which goes with her kindness.