This is our complete posting game list as the sub-forum grows feel free to use this list to find the games that might have fallen off the first page.

Remember folks, posting games are your friends! Posting in them keeps the guild bumped up and you earn gold by posting!

Here be the list...

Ask cleverbot about the AAY! - Go to the Cleverbot site and ask it a random question about the avatar above you. Post your question and the response you got.
Describe the AAY in One Word - By judging the avatar above you describe them with ONE word.
Pokemon Attacks A-Z - Post an attack that a random Pokemon would use in battle. Feel free to use Pokemon Cards, the anime/manga, or video games to find attacks that match with the corresponding letter.
Post one random fact about yourself - Post one random fact about yourself, it must be truthful though!
Rate The Song Above You - Listen to the song above you then rate it in your post, don't forget to post a song of your own for the next person to rate.
Song Titles A to Z - Post the name of a song that matches the correlating letter.
The post the song that youre currently listing to game - All you have to do is post the song/artist that you are currently listening to.
The Inventory Worth Game - Go to your invo page and post how much you are worth.
The Dumpster Diving Game - Just post what you pulled out of Gaia's dumpster.
Violently Injure The Above Poster - Violently attack the avatar above you.
Why did you cheat on the AAY? - All you do is post your lame excuse for cheating on the avatar above you.
Why did you break up with the AAY? - Post your crazy breakup story about the avatar above you.
What do you think the AAYs Trademark item is? - By judging the avatar above you post what you thing their trademark item is.
What Pokemon would follow the AAY around? - By judging the avatar above you post what Pokemon you think would follow them around.
What Pokemon Type is the AAY? - By judging the avatar above you post what type of Pokemon you think they would be.
What item would you steal from avatar above you? - Look at the avatar above you, post what item you want to take from them.
What was the AAY in their Past Life? - By judging the avatar above you post what job they think they had in their past life.
What is the AAY's role in the castle? - By judging the avatar above you post what role you think they had in a castle.
Which Hogwarts house would the AAY be in? -By judging the avatar above you post what house from Harry Potter you think they would be in.