<@>Name: Archie Xlaeci

<@> Archie: From the name Archibald, in reference of Sir Archibald Douglas.
<@> Xlaeci: From the word Excalibur, King Arthur's Sword

<@>Blood colour: ████████████████, #b61200 Rosy Red!

<@>Gender: Male

<@>Symbol: Rose

<@>Profile: who is your troll? what are they like? how do they think? give their basic personality with an explanation of any thoughts and beliefs that are outside of the social norm. along with this, please include a few hobbies, any goals they have, their views on basic troll life (the hemospectrum and their own place in it) and where they can usually be found on any given night. remember to touch on the strengths and weaknesses that you will elaborate in the sections below, as well as on their relationship with their lusus.

this should be written for your troll's child stage, rather than containing anything that might happen to them in the future. teen/adult changes and growth can be submitted as an edited profile later on in their life, if or when things change.






<@>Weapon: Rapier

<@>Appearance: [LINK 1] || [LINK 2]

<@>Home: Desert

<@>Lusus: Fox is a very cute and protective lusus that shape shifts into a snake to teach their kid how to actually become a hero. Archie doesn't know they can do this so he constantly tries to find the horrid snake to kill them and what not.

Power: N/A