Welcome to the Arena.
This is the place where you will be posting creative works of various types.

arrow Before you get started, there's a few things we need to get straight. Gaia, as a whole, is a PG-13 site. Everything you post or link to must fit this rating guideline or you are not allowed to post/link to it at all. In other words, no fics on adultff.net, no graphic sexual art on y-gallery, or any other adult oriented site. To reiterate, all outgoing links that are posted must be of a PG-13 nature. On a side note, you may link to your live journals or personal websites as long as there are no links on that page leading directly to stronger rated materials.

Moving right along, let's look at what can be posted and how you should go about doing so.

What you can post:
- Fan fiction (PG-13)
- Fanart (PG-13)
- Minishops/art commission shops or links with the appropriate information.
- Requests for art or fan fiction assistance or advice
- Contests for fan fiction and fanart

What you can't post:
- Anything rated R, M, NC-17, Adult, etc.
- Requests for anything rated R, M, NC-17, Adult, etc.
- Requests for links to licensed materials
- Requests for/links to unauthorized filesharing (downloading) of any kind
- Begging or questing threads
- Avatar contests (those go in the chatterbox)

How to Post it:
All content, both posted and linked to, must not be rated any higher than PG-13!
Your posts must include any applicable tags in their titles:
[L] Literature. Denotes a written work.
[A] Art. Denotes a drawn, painted, etc. (visual) work.
[series name] The name of the series your work is based off of. Harry Potter, Bleach, etc.
[pairing] The specific pairing (or character, OT3, etc.) your work mainly focuses on. Naruto/Sasuke, Roxas/Sora/Axel, etc.
[R] Request. Asking for someone else to make you art or literature based off a certain scenario or pairing. May offer gold in exchange. (Also to be used if you are asking for a beta, tips on how to color something, etc. -- any assistance OTHER THAN asking for opinions on a finished work.)
[C] Contest. A user-run event where multiple other users may submit creative works to be judged. (see Additional Guidelines about prizes)

arrow New Posts without the correct tags -will- be deleted. Please edit your threads accordingly.

Additional Guidelines:
- You can host contests (fan fiction or fanart) so long as you do not make more than a 10% profit off of it. In other words, if you ask for entrance fees, you must actually give out prizes and not be the sole beneficiary of all that money you're raking in.
- You may also create shops here, or create in-depth links to your shops. You can not make a thread with just a link, you need to describe your shop, post examples, and prices.
- Do not post in all capital letters. It is the internet equivalent of screaming.

Fanfiction Posting Guidelines
If you're posting directly, we ask that you follow these guidelines.

Warnings Spoilers, squick, death, extreme violence. Please use your discretion when posing warnings.
Notes Any Additional notes or dedications
exclaim Also, let us know whether you want feedback or not, some people get really touchy when you give them honest comments, so let us know if you are not comfortable with constructive feedback from your readers.

When you post your fan fiction, please make sure that your formatting is correct. Please don't post in large blocks. Watch your punctuation and grammar. People like their fan fiction to be readable, not just giant blurbs of misspelled, badly punctuated words.

exclaim These Guidelines are subject to change for further clarification. Also, there should be no need for Ratings posts, since every post should be PG-13 or less.

Fanart Posting Guidelines
If you�re posting directly, we ask that you follow these guidelines.

Medium used
Time Taken
Notes Any notes, explanations or dedications for your piece as well as links to anything that might have inspired it.
exclaim Please, let us know whether you want feedback or not, some people get really touchy when you give them honest comments, so let us know if you are not comfortable with constructive feedback.

exclaim These Guidelines are subject to change for further clarification.

question If you have any questions, please PM a crewmember and we will answer them as promptly as we can.

Last Updated: July 16, 2008