As promised, here is a casting call for metaplot roles to span the length of the shop story. These roles, as they are for the foreseeable future, have no particular activity requirement, and should you decide to take a break from the shop there will be no adverse effect on you or your character. Each character selected from the auditions (and we will keep every audition on file as what doesn't work at the time may work at a later date) will be part of revealing a pivotal part of the story.

This meta role is one you should think very, very hard about before auditioning. By auditioning for this meta role, you are--in part--handing over your character's future arc to serve the shop. Should you be chosen, the shop can and will drop into your character's story at any time and impose a new restriction, give a new power, or dictate a memory for them to lose or recover. While the possible benefits of this role are great, you are also agreeing to allow your character to function, in many ways, as a quasi-NPC within the story.

This doesn't mean that you'll be barred completely from making plans. Of course I'll ask before I drop in, in most cases, to ensure I'm not going to be royally ******** you over forever. However, there will be times when I don't ask because asking would be 200% a spoiler.

This meta role is not for those who are triggered by gaslighting or the notion of suppressed memories; if it's going to hurt you in any way to have your character deal with these topics, please don't audition. I trust you all to know your own limits and do what's best and healthiest for you!

All Dreamer+ players and staff may apply for this role, HOWEVER... I'll only accept one staff member's audition for every two player auditions, with priority on players. Silverah and shibrogane will never have characters in this group. That is a promise.

To audition for this role, send in a PM with your character's name, high concept/blurb, and link to journal. Also include 250+ words on this topic: A pivotal moment in your character's life that they have forgotten.

This audition will be open until the sun burns out or the plot point is revealed.