Thomas C. Drummond
The Conversational Correspondent


Cecil has a terrible tendency of just… over sharing. He just lacks a filter at times. You’ll hear his heartbreaks over the radio at night, and you’ll hear about his cat’s upset stomach in the grocery store, or what bit of what creature got left on his shoe and wasn’t that so –cute- of him. Worse than that this over sharing seldom leads itself to interruption. Or even if you can get a word in he probably wasn’t listening. He was probably just…thinking of more details for you.

Dulcet Tones

There is just some small ‘magic’ that happens when he’s behind a Radio Microphone – something soothing to his words when he speaks over the air like, being close to your favorite pet. It doesn’t take the bad news of the day away, but somehow it just makes it a little easier to take. Which could be good if he ever over shares about… alternative realities.

We’re all mad here

Like his younger sibling, Cecil has the family’s tendency towards Blond white hair; with his striking blue eyes it’s a handsome combination.
He loves tattoos, he has nearly full sleeves on both arms, mostly they seem to be a random mixture, interesting beetles, their wings outspread, stylized eyes, more tentacles than your average book by Lovecraft, but despite their random and somewhat disjointed nature they somehow seem to …work together.
His favorite color is purple, but his favorite thing to wear besides that…is his Hufflepuff scarf.
He’ll all too happily shout “HUFFLEPRIDE”

He swings in dress either to things like well cut vests and button downs to…well, something a little more hipster. The Glasses he barely needs are heavy black frames that look striking against his thin face and that near white hair. Unlike Lizbeth he lucked out on the vision scale.

His ears are gauged, normally he wears black plugs but occasionally swaps out to wooden or bone ‘hooks’ or other interesting shapes because ‘they are fun’.

LOVES CATS. His own cat is called “Mister President” because that just makes politics easier to take as a whole.