Irina Feinstein

Irina is a loud-mouthed, big-haired young lady. She's got the mouth of a sailor, she smokes, she drinks. She eats whole foods. She hates cleaning up after herself. Deep down she's loyal to those who can see past her quirky exterior. Maybe a little too loyal, one could say. Irina was born in New York but raised in Ashdown after her parents divorced. She stayed with her mom who struggled to make ends meet.


Irina's got serious daddy issues. She didn't see a lot of her pops once her parents divorced. At this point in her life, she's been in a lot of relationships with people who didn't really have her best interests in mind - and it's simply because Irina needs to be loved. Rather, Irina needs to be needed, and she's done some pretty stupid s**t to get the approval of whoever she was seeking it from at the time.

She ain't no dreamer just yet, but if she was...

Irina never gets drunk. No matter what she drinks, she's never intoxicated.


// Dark curly hair kept short, dark eyes, olive complexion.
// Her sense of fashion is disheveled at best. It screams late 80's-early 90's. Bright pops of color, denim, bras as shirts.
// Irina has no sexual preference.
// Irina is 23.