Diego Valentin Bosque
Geeky Boy Scout
17 years old. A senior in high school. Currently torn between what his family wants him to do and what he wants to do. An eagle scout, and a gamer geek. Might be addicted to video games if he ever stayed home long enough to play them. Spends lots of time camping and doing things for the community.


Diego is torn between what his family wants his future to be, and what he wants to be.

Your character's trouble is their main plot going into the story. "Deal with their new powers" is not really a good trouble because everyone shares it, but "I have a problem because of xyz thing that I am/do" works a lot better. So "I accidentally light things on fire" IS a trouble, but a better example would be "Because I light things on fire, I have a standing warrant for my arrest with the Ashdown police department." They can be internal, stemming from internal turmoil or aspects of their identity, or external, stepping from an outside cause. It could be personal demons, family reputation, obstacles in the path of their personal goals…

While your trouble exists to complicate your character's story and give you fodder for plot conflict moving forward, it shouldn't take over everything your character does. There is definitely space for characters like Uchiha Sasuke, but that's not a character that will be easily knit into the storyline. Consider how you're going to interact with other players and characters as you write your Trouble, and it will pay off as soon as you get into the game.

We ask you to include this so that we can easily create threads linking your characters into the game's plot. Ashdown will have common prompts offering story hooks, rewards, or powers that would otherwise be unavailable.


Some people call it luck, others skill, but Diego just hasn't ever had a problem winning prizes from claw machines. It might take him a round to get a feel for a machine, but he's never spent more than a couple of dollars before winning.

Is there anything else you think we should know? This is where you put history and personality details that don't fit in the expansion of your high concept, relationships (for good or ill) your character has with others, etc. This is also where information like their age, the location of their main stomping grounds, etc. goes. Just because this is an "other" section doesn't mean it won't have stuff in it! Consider it the free-form section.

Diego is Hispanic. He has a darker skin tone, black hair and green eyes. He wears fairly casual clothes, jeans, t-shirts. His favorite are his gaming shirts.

He has a wiry build.