Rose Rainwater
practically perfect in every way

Her job is translating old books into English. She mainly works with old Russian books and documents. Her hobby is making tea. Rose Rainwater is a thirty year old woman who tends to be perfect in every way.

Self Isolation

Because her job is what it is, she tends to isolate herself on purpose. It means she's really awkward when it comes to encounters with people who have no interest in her job. She loves translating books, so a lot of the talk she has ready is about something interesting she read, or details about the history she has uncovered.

Never needing to measure

Like stated above, with her drinks and cooking, she doesn't really have to measure things. She tends to eyeball it perfectly and doesn't really think about it. So basically a bakewitch.


Rose, despite sounding very scholarly, her hair isn't what you expect. She wears just comfortable clothing. Jeans and tanks that are really big with a tube top under so she doesn't show much off. Or like shorts and a huge tee. Just something comfortable since she works at home.