Damir Kozel

    First, an apology: Kozel means well. He does. It's just that his idea of helping others achieve the success he thinks he is means constantly commenting on others' flaws and trying to run their lives. With a strict definition of what it means to be a contributing member of society, the very goal everyone should be pursuing, Kozel tends to look down on anyone who deviates from his own choices and opinions, which actually, tends to be most people. A narrow-minded stick-in-the-mud at best and simply delusional at worst, Kozel, in all his arrogance, seems to believe he's meant to be a shepherd leading the flock when really he's just sheeple, c'mon.

    Suffice to say, Kozel's got some extreme beliefs from a mess of sources he's determined to impose on others. He is steeped in outdated, traditional views part strict upbringing in an influential, political family in Ukraine, part misguided ideals gleaned from everything to the teachings of the Eastern-Orthodox church, to old Soviet propaganda and ancient Saturday Evening Post clippings -- but let's not go down that rabbit-hole of weird things he probably has saved in a box under his bed.

    [[High concept title might change if I come up with something snappier!]]


    Second, a confession: Kozel is a massive hypocrite. Back home, his family wanted him to enter politics, but he became a journalist instead. He's making amends now by studying Poli-Sci at the nearby university and involving himself in local politics, sure, but what about those entomology courses he's taking, too...? And practicing such beautiful calligraphy just reeks of the useless hobbies he so often looks down on in others.

    Well, never mind that. Kozel is a good man, helping his eldest brother Davor settle into this country he's assimilated into. Pay no mind to how Kozel belittles him at every moment, he's really quite gracious and welcoming. A real family man, you might say, often dropping how he hopes to someday marry and have kids of his own to carry on the family name, let's not consider how deep in the closet he is even to himself. Kozel constantly works towards The Ideal he's come to believe, all the while struggling to accept the fact that he has his own interests aside from those high expectations, real and imagined.


    tba when i come up with something good and fitting for this prig