Davor Kozel
- Despite his intimidating appearance--part manufactured, part natural--Davor hesitantly reveals himself to be a soft-spoken and modest man who just wants to live nobly and peaceably. He keeps quiet about himself while displaying a surprising compulsion to tend to others who look like they need it, unable to leave problems alone. In fact, Davor can be a bit of a people-pleaser, inwardly fretting and restless while appearing outwardly as calm and unshakable as ever, willingly going along with the whims of others. Unfortunately, Davor's need to protect those he attaches himself to often means sacrificing his own security, ethics, or, yes, risking life and limb.
- Davor is an amputee. It's still rather recent, and it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say he's somewhat in denial over it. He has prostheses he can use, sure, but he prefers not to wear them. It feels like lying to wear these fakes, an answer no one quite understands but okay he's always had a weird fixation with honesty. More likely, he just doesn't want to acknowledge that he needs any help. And that's just it: for as much as Davor is drawn to help others in any way he can, even to his own detriment, he does his damnedest to downplay his own wants and needs. Now that he requires more support than ever, he's withdrawn further, and the outbursts of anger he's come to develop certainly don't tend to make his unbalanced relations any easier.
- It's... it's embarrassing, frankly. Rodents are vermin, and no one wants to live in a home infested with mice or, god forbid, rats. And yet, Davor has grown up knowing such company well. He can always be sure of field mice finding him when he's out hiking, approaching him as comfortably as any tamed pet -- and he can still recall the way that woman screamed at the sight of the rat trailing after him on the sidewalk, other beady little eyes peering from trash cans and gutters and apparently quite interested, too. Davor doesn't do anything to encourage them, he swears.
[[Ayyy just wondering how feasible this could be for a power! I noticed "can speak to cats" as an example. Could it really go that far re: COMMUNICATING RODENT FRIENDS :D or should it stay more of a weird affinity thing? I'm fine with either, though I do admittedly love the idea of mice and rats helping Davor out when he fumbles with things, as he will do.]]
- It's his left arm that's been amputated, Davor's dominant hand to add insult to life-altering injury. The technical term is a transhumeral amputation, limb lost all the way to above the elbow. Despite not wanting to "lie" about his amputation, usually refusing prostheses unless absolutely necessary, Davor nonetheless tends to cover himself up with layers, heavy coats slung over his shoulders, or an ever-present red scarf to draw the eye away -- please don't stare. Don't ask, either. He fled his home country of Ukraine to escape the conflict he followed his younger brother Dalibor into. You can probably guess what happened from there.
He looks pretty rough around the edges. I mentioned intimidating because well he was a fighter and is built like it, not super tall but certainly solid. His light blue-grey eyes are usually half-lidded in what could either be weariness or contemplation, who knows. There's a scar going across his lips and a bunch of others you'll never ever see, too. What a sad man.