Name: Rodgud Bluuud

Blood colour: #561263

Gender: Male

Symbol: [IMG Ref]


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Hatched in the swamp, among the rebels
he loves the swamp/nature and wants to protect it
he's not great at communicating but he's never harsh
he doesn't understand a lot of the norms of society
he likes to hunt, like, a LOT, and he also likes to SWIM
there's nothing he loves more tho than fresh-cooked meat
the thought of eating anything else makes his stomach turn
he generally comes on as too strong initially then withdraws to nothing but a grunting shadow
he gets nervous when people look at him for too long
when he starts to get anxious he starts to scratch all over and feels the need to cover himself in mud
he's a cute little rebel wild child omg love him



Rodgud excels at calmly assessing situations and coming up with various scenarios that could be carried out from there in what he generally hopes to be his favor. During his childhood, most of his responses to said observations are to A) run, B) hide, or C) find Guckglop. Occasionally, he'll do his best to try for D) All of the Above. Thus, this trait proves to be especially helpful in prolonging his life among the swamp-wilds and will grow with him as he ages. It also aids him in some of his favorite hobbies; such as hunting, or navigating through the various dangers of the swamp.



Rodgud dissolves into a mildly irritable, suddenly seriously itchy mess when met with any sort of above average stress. He does his best to avoid conflict, and is subtly alarmed when approached with competition. He doesn't do well with being the center of attention and prefers the background to the foreground. If he's ever thrust in front of an audience it will be akin, in his thinkpan, to being skinned alive on stage. If his stress reaches extreme levels, he will act out in violence and try his damnedest to get away.

Weapon: Axekind

Appearance: Rodgud has wild black hair that is both voluminous and unkempt. It, more often than not, has various pieces of the swamp tangled within it. He has a mouthful of crooked, sharp teeth and a pair of tusks jutting upwards from his bottom jaw. He has a small build and is more dexterous than strong, but there are still sinewy muscles apparent just under his grey and mud-caked skin. He wears rags, because he hasn't yet saved enough beetles to afford anything close to a wetsuit and the swamp absolutely destroys whatever fabric he attempts to wear. It's very obvious he doesn't do a lot to prove himself as eye-pleasing. He's highly self-conscious about his appearance, and will often do his best to not make eye contact or keep himself hidden behind mud or his hair as best he can when within the company of others.

Mutation: Rodgud has a tentacle instead of a right arm [IMG Ref] that- when unfurled completely- can reach about 6 feet outwards from his body [IMG Ref]. He has complete control over it, most of the time, and will swear up and down that it speaks to him using his own thinkpan. Rodgud is afraid of his own grotesque appendage, and does his best to hide it from view when out in public.

Home: Salamire Outpost

Lusus: Oozing mud monster with random tentacles extending outwards from its muddy, lumpy body. On its underside, Guckglop has a large mouth with impressive rows of razor sharp teeth. It can move extremely quickly through the trees, and can drag through the swamp water at quite a steady pace. It speaks in oozes, groans, and grunts. Usually it launches itself from high up in the canopy onto whatever its prey is, descending upon the poor swamp animal teeth-first and devouring it near-instantly.

Guckglop is a stern and demanding parent. It expects the best of Rodgud and is eager to teach him the ways of the swamp and how to be a proper swampdweller. Guckglop has never had a child with a tentacle like one of its very own, and it thinks of Rodgud as a superior troll due to his mutation. It also urges Rodgud to do well within the rebellion, as Guckglop itself is eager to prove its worth as a lusus and raise yet another legend among purplebloods. Guckglop tells Rodgud of imagined new eras, all began by the small settlement hidden within their sacred swamp.

Rodgud is Guckglop's loyal student, and though their relationship can be estranged at times Rodgud ultimately trusts Guckglop to the extreme and believes in it both as a mentor and a parent. His view, however, is often negatively warped from passivity into something a bit more aggressive by Guckglop's more antagonistic and warrior-like viewpoints.

Guckglop had never cared for the hemospectrum, but had complied with it due to there being no other options. With the rebellion growing stronger and stronger every day, the lusus believes it to be his chance to end the matriarchal reign of terror and bring forth a more "survival of the fittest" way of life.