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There was a soft fluttering sound by her ear as the nantlil basked quietly in the early afternoon rays of sunshine. The grass beneath her belly was soft and the ground was warming up all around her. Earthy and floral scents filled her nose as she inhaled, letting the land all around relax her. Except for that fluttering sound. That was getting closer. It was too soft to be a bird. And an insect, she had discovered, had a soft 'hum' or vibrating type sound. This? Well, she wasn't sure what it was. Golden eyes blinked open slowly to glance in the direction of the sound. Nothing immediately caught her gaze. Tilting her head slightly, Raven focused on the sound.

Looking again, she narrowed her eyes and focused on the little bunch of shrubbery nearby. She could just make out a butterfly, frantically beating its wings to escape what she could only assume was a spider's web.

Raven sighed and turned away, stretching out her paws and letting claws sink into the soil. With a wide yawn, the nantlil got to her feet and shook her whole body. She felt refreshed and ready to take on the world yet again! It had been a nice moment to collect herself and figure out which direction to head next. The Earth Tribe was where she had called home. And the Water Tribe had been the first tribe she'd ventured too and explored. Now, however, she was torn. Did she return back to the Earth Tribe? Continue on to another tribe? Or perhaps just let her paws lead where they willed?

It had been the last that decided her. Raven simply closed her eyes and started walking in a direction. And she walked for a good passage of time, watching how the land subtly changed.

It was perhaps by chance that she wandered along the same pathway that another seemed to be traveling. The scent was still strong, and she estimated they weren't too far ahead. So the nantlil sped up her pace to a trot until she spotted something moving further ahead.

"Hello!" She called cheerfully, never stopping to consider that it could be someone that either didn't want company. Or worse, would attack such easy prey traveling alone.

(Word count: 377)
