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Homestuck inspired troll related b/c 

Tags: homestuck, troll, breedables, mspa, alternia 

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Tiruan Geleta - Purpleblood [ACCEPTED]

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Sugi Kawakita

Big Tipper

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:38 pm
Name: Tiruan Geleta
Tiruan is Indonesian for "artificial," Geleta is an anagram of Legate, one of the highest ranked positions in the Roman army.

Blood colour: #2c083f

Gender: Male

Symbol: The sun cross, which represents many, many different "chief" gods.

Profile: Tiruan had the good fortune to be hatched at the absolute pinnacle of the land-dwelling hemospectrum and by God has he relished every second of it. He accepts the positions granted by the bloodcaste to the non-aquatic trolls as absolute law--the cool-hued absolutely have dominion over the warmer-blooded, lesser trolls, and deviance from that is akin to grass suddenly deciding to graze on the hoofbeasts instead. It's not only just plain wrong, but it doesn't even make sense. Grass is not capable of munching on wildlife, and lowbloods are not capable of being the superior to highbloods. It's just how life is.

It's how life is for land-dwellers, anyway. Like every proper highblood, Tiruan has a particular distaste for seadwellers. To some, it's a mere rivalry, but to Tiruan, the amphibious nature of seadwellers is nothing more than a mutation, like neon-colored blood. He truthfully considers them even lower than the peasant redbloods, and he already wouldn't spit on a fire to put a redblood out. His lusus has taught him to keep such thoughts to himself, but between him and his pops, they agree that he should be the rightful ruler of Alternia, given that his blood is the purest purple there is without any mutations being involved.

He does defer to the Queen's rule, but with a good deal of disgust in his vascular organ. He believes that the only reason she has any rule at all is because her lusus is essentially a nuclear silo, but even so, he doesn't have the kind of force to challenge that, and probably never will. Might Makes Right, he supposes, though he knows that he's truly her superior.

Tiruan, naturally, is an incredibly proud troll, but knows he has some room to grow. His weaknesses are a real source of shame for him--someone of his class should be perfect. Perfect. Anything that forces him to acknowledge his own faults is an awful tragedy that must never be repeated. He has a bit of an obsession with being the absolute best, period. The absolute best-dressed. The absolute best swordsman. The absolute best engineer. The absolute best athlete. The latter is especially difficult for him, given his frame, and is something that he really struggles with. He knows his body COULD be perfect, it just...isn't. Except his left leg--so much more powerful than his right, so much quicker and more responsive. His left leg is perfect, he just wishes the rest of his body could catch up to it. The fact that he had to lose a leg to achieve such perfection--even partially--is utterly irrelevant, he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. In fact...

Anyway, his lusus has been raising him to be a properly dignified young man, and has made him pursue several interests and fields of study befitting such a regal highblood. From deadly combat to horticulture, culinary pursuits to mechanics, Tiruan has dipped his toes in quite a few fields of study already, though of course he has no more than an elementary knowledge of most of them--there's only so much you can study in a few short sweeps. To this end, his hive is well-equipped with Wiggler's First [Subject] manuals, and he spends a lot of time making excursions to the library to pick up more books on subjects that Octodad insists every proper highblood should know. In fact, almost any time that isn't spent studying is spent practicing. Practicing with his swords, practicing perfect dinner manners should he ever host an event, practicing hiking and climbing and running--but never swimming. Sharing water with the mutants is one of the most repulsive things he can imagine, who knows what kind of diseases they have?

He aspires to eventually come into power, however he can get it. A Subjugglator position would sound VERY appealing as long as he didn't have to wear the silly facepaint, he's always thought that the clownish ways most of the Subjugglators exhibit is very unbecoming for someone of their class. If not that, then perhaps some sort of very high-ranking military officer? Maybe the ruler of Alternia. He'll see where it goes, but rest assured, it is going.

Tiruan, perhaps rightfully so, believes that he is all but a god as far as trolls go. His position on the hemospectrum places him about as high as possible without being one of those aquatic mutants, and as far as he's concerned, that means he's The Best Troll. He has utmost esteem and respect for himself, good luck trying to get under his skin.
For a pipsqueak, Tiruan really knows his stuff. His lusus made sure that he'd know what every high(est)blood should, and behave appropriately for his caste. Which isn't to say that he isn't a pompous p***k, because he definitely is, but no moreso than someone of his exquisite quality should be!
Given how important combat is in troll life, especially for ones who are going places(which Tiruan most certainly is), Octodad places quite an emphasis on fencing practice. It started with just shadowfencing and following drills, but Octodad keeps alluding to "live drills" coming very soon, whatever that means. Of course, dexterity doesn't stop there--Tiruan's a pretty darn nimble kid, plus Octodad's teaching him about music, so he'll soon be put to work on learning an instrument or two or three.
Being strategic is an important part of royalty! And boy is strategy something Tiruan excels at...within the context of recreational boardgames and speed-puzzles. But he's confident that those have a ton of carryover to real-world applications! All he has to do is envision all his troops as nothing more than faces painted on the side of a highblood hive and his practice will pay off, probably.
An extension of his self-worship, Tiruan's horse is just so high that he has to look down his nose at absolutely everyone. There is literally not another troll that he does not believe himself to be above, and he makes this fact plenty known, not necessarily to boast, but simply because he believes it's an observable fact, akin to smalltalk about the weather. While those who adhere to the bloodcaste as strongly as he does may be less phased by this, those who don't take as strongly to it will have some difficulty tolerating the twerp.
Tiruan sure is nimble. Lithe, even. Svelte? Lean...Fine, he's skinny. He's a pretty bony guy, weak and fairly frail. He's even small for his age, kinda runty. While his movements are precise and calculated, he knows that he will probably always be useless whenever raw strength or power are actually required. His size and scrawniness are something he's secretly ashamed of, considering them a low point on an otherwise perfect troll--bringing up what his size keeps him from accomplishing is certainly one way to try to upset him.
It happens when you have a god complex. Tiruan is firmly stuck up his own waste chute, and it is almost impossible for anyone except Octodad (wise mentor that he is) to convince him of something he doesn't already believe in, since after all, if it were true, he would already know it. God help you if you're a lowblood trying to suggest something to him, his bigotry mixed with his stubbornness makes him all but a brick wall, completely unreceptive to anything that doesn't echo his own beliefs.
Tiruan absolutely has to live up to his seemingly-immense potential, and when he doesn't, it drives him bananas. He holds himself to fair standards, he's not comparing his skills to a professional adult's, but if he meets someone around his age who's better at something than him, or fails at something he knows he COULD have succeeded at, it seriously gets to him and drives him to excel that much more. He strives for perfection in all regards, and when he falls short of his own potential, it's one of the few situations that you may see anger or frustration from him.

Weapon: Tiruan dual-wields gladiuses. As a kid, they're just wooden replicas for practice, but Octodad promises real ones as soon as he's old enough to properly defend himself.

Appearance: As touched on earlier, Tiruan is a short and skinny guy, and as you might imagine, he carries himself in an incredibly dignified manner. He's got a head full of curly locks, and his horns begin at the back of his head and circle partway around. His clothing is pretty high-class, very casualformal (maybe a dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, a vest, casual slacks, and boots), and tends to have his symbol incorporated subtly throughout--cufflinks, epaulets on his fancier days, etc--rather than just wearing a large copy of it front and center. His left leg is a robotic prosthetic, having lost his actual leg in an accident while trying to scale a mountain.

Home: Tiruan has a circular-shaped hive on the Civisect City beachfront, rather resembling a doughnut when viewed from above. The courtyard in the center has an aerated saltwater pond for Octodad's convenience, as well as a couple of training dummies, and a small garden kept well-away from the pond. The interior is classic and minimalist, primarily made up of wood paneling, while Tiruan's actual recuperacoon is in a small basement under the courtyard.

Lusus: Tiruan's lusus is Octodad, an ordinary-looking octopus. In fact, even on closer inspection, he still is almost completely identical to a standard Earth common octopus, though exceptionally more deadly, with bone-crushing grip strength. Octodad does very much care for his charge, and is the reason behind Tiruan's god-complex and loathe for seadwellers, given that he's been feeding the child his ideas since he was a wiggler. Octodad knows that Tiruan is all but royalty, and he has done everything in his power to make sure his troll knows it as well and behaves appropriately. Tiruan, in turn, absolutely adores his lusus, even looking up to him! In Tiruan's eyes, Octodad's intelligence and culture are second to none on the planet, which is a pretty good mindset to have when the person being idolized is reassuring you that you're a godking in the making.

Power: N/A  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:38 pm
*Rolls a crit on in here*

Color-ways Tiruan is too close to the seadweller border, so you'll need to blue it up a tad. Frossa's color is considered the highest landdwelling shade of purple in-shop.

His confidence and cool-headed strengths are reading as pretty similar. Both of them appear to boil down to his ego keeping him from becoming unnecessarily angry or upset.

As for his scrawniness flaw--while it is a nice contrast with his robust ego--the way its written doesn't really mesh with the shop's mechanics. The flaw that he's not strong in combat wouldn't be reflected in an actual shop fight. You may want to focus more on how his physicality affects his behavior.

I'd also like to hear more about how his prosthetic leg affects Tiruan in his personality section. He's clearly got an opinion on it since it functions better than his natural leg, plus his attitude towards achieving perfection. Not to mention losing a limb is kind of a big deal, even on Alternia.

Why does Octodad believe his child is the best--even above seadwellers, which is interesting since he himself is aquatic? What's Tiruan's attitude towards his lusus?  


Ice-Cold Cultist

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Sugi Kawakita

Big Tipper

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:24 pm
*Rolls a crit on in here*

Upon re-reading, I did phrase them too similarly. Replaced one rather than wrestling with trying to make them distinct!

Altered it a bit! I do try to note a physical strength and a physical weakness with all of my OCs, but I think it meshes better now.

Added a couple sentences to the paragraph about his perfectionism in Personality. Ultimately, I intend for him to become obsessed with mechanical augmentation, and there are a few hints to that scattered about, but nonetheless, profiles are written for the child stage, so I can't really go into too much detail about what he'll be like in the future. C:

I don't think there's too much to Octodad thinking his child is great, it's just standard Parent Stuff, he's a pretty good pops. I can try to elaborate a bit if you want though.
From what we've seen of canon trolls, purpleblooded landdwellers have aquatic lusii.
And lastly, added some to the Lusus section about Tiruan's feelings for his dad, and rephrased some other bits.

As for the blood color, perhaps things have changed and the troll writing guide hasn't been updated, but there's actually a section in there with a link to an exact color that Ami said was the cutoff point, iirc she made it as a response to a question in the Q&A thread about what exact hue a troll became a seadweller at. Tiruan's bluer than that color, so he's within Ami's definition of a landdweller--he's VERY close to the cutoff, but that's an integral part of his character! It is something I would like to keep if at all possible, but if not, I do think the guide to creating a troll should be updated with the new regs.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:17 pm
hey sugi, please listen when a mod talks to you about a hex hue. it's literally so close to the limit that i have to colourpick to see the difference. even if your troll's entire thing is about them having some kind of 'im the highest landblood' complex (just guessing, i haven't read your profile) you can be just below and it will not literally destroy your entire character, since there are no player character landdwellers who exist in that tiny nanosliver area, and never will.  

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin

Sugi Kawakita

Big Tipper

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:43 pm
hey sugi, please listen when a mod talks to you about a hex hue. it's literally so close to the limit that i have to colourpick to see the difference. even if your troll's entire thing is about them having some kind of 'im the highest landblood' complex (just guessing, i haven't read your profile) you can be just below and it will not literally destroy your entire character, since there are no player character landdwellers who exist in that tiny nanosliver area, and never will.

I'm...not sure what I've done to warrant the hostility? I said in that response, "but if [I can't keep that color], I do think the guide to creating a troll should be updated," so I'm not exactly throwing a fit and demanding I get my way or whatever.

So Frossa's color is actually the cutoff point? Except bluer, as Tiruan is of no relation to Frossa and blood color is like, genetic, right?  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:10 pm
no worries, there's no hostility! i'm just busy and dropped in to give a quick reply - we asked you to change he hex so yeah please do. blood colour is not limited to trolls genetically so he could have he same hex, or the same hue with a diff saturation. we have plenty of redbloods with the exact same hue (the lowest red) with just saturation changes  

Vice Captain

Versatile Vermin


Ice-Cold Cultist

9,875 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:22 pm
Hail to the king~

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