He was thirsty, which was why here he was walking along the side of a river. And it was an impressive sight indeed, however Sullivan had no problem admitting to himself that he much preferred the warm sun shining over the world below it as his equally impressive scenery of focus. But he had no trouble, too, recognizing how vital a river and thus water is in sustaining life.

Yet why was he not drinking, but instead still strolling by the traveling currents? Well, before quenching his thirst, the first thing on his agenda was finishing the both slightly chewy and slightly crunchy nuts he had gathered in his makeshift travel pouch. Said pouch was a peculiar work his mind thought up while on his own travels. It was just a piece of garment he had acquired through a discount during a browse at a traveling market being that the cloth was considered a scrap piece in excess to the artisan of weaved clothing in comparison to the other goods that filled that particular stall. He simply cut a thinner piece off of one side of that garment and tied it to one end so he could turn the strand so as to securely tie contents within the simple container. How long it would last with regards to wear and tear was another matter. But, Sullivan halted his wandering thoughts at that since he reckoned that was more than enough of his recollections about the food pouch's backstory of origin.

He tossed up the last of the refreshing morsels the pouch had carried and what followed again was that in his next step forward he caught those pieces of food with a snap of his jaw. And he ate that last serving with as much of a grin as he could manage while savoring the end of his snack. In tucking the food pouch back into the hold of his cape, a chuckle rumbled in his throat as he considered himself fortunate that he had not ended up choking while he recklessly had played around with that meal. And then at last he finally had a drink from the river, thankful for the soothing gulp of added energy gained from each swallow.

After his fill of water as well, he resumed his walk. And not long after he covered a notable amount of distance, he spotted a figure in the horizon that his vision was registering. It was still a ways between his location and who appeared to him to perhaps be another B'alam, but with the speed of the strides he was observing in his case and the other's, he wouldn't be surprised if it was only a matter of time, specifically a pawful of or several moments before they may very well cross paths. And since their paths were at present approximately on the same line of steps ahead, he began to consider whether he should angle his steps at some point to contribute in the avoidance of a collision.

Word Count: 502


((A pile of several hundred words I had gotten carried away with along with a finished breakfast later, and I now present our RP to you, Riri <3 x D))