User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Name: Palleo Zweirz
ilmapallo - balloon in Finnish
zwierzę - animal in polish...
balloon animal!!

Blood colour: #8444B4 ██████

Gender: male

Symbol: ???

Personality: Palleo is your pal and a precious cinnamon roll

Silliness, wanting to entertain others but lacks confidence and is terrified, sad trolls make him sad <:o(

silence, does not talk much or at all. not mute, just quiet


hemospectrum confusion and inability to understand lowblood oppression/treatment, wants to help but is simple and ignorant

address juggalo religion

    Palleo has an extreme sense of empathy and will go out of his way to nurture and care those around him as much as he can.

    Sensitive and feeble, Palleo's tenderness makes it easy to hurt him, both physically and emotionally. He does not take to criticism well and will be distraught by unkind words and actions. He avoids confrontation as much as possible, which makes him somewhat of a pushover, especially in regards to his blood hue.

    With a soft heart, Palleo tends to be shy around most trolls and is quiet to a fault. He lacks confidence in his abilities and his self esteem is extremely low.

    While he himself is trustworthy, he assumes every troll he encounters is also as such and puts all of his faith in others. He desperately tries to see the good in all trolls, no matter how horrible they are. His friendliness and passive demeanor makes him

Weapon: ???


Home: Civisect City

Lusus: giant mamma seal