User ImageName: Phiome Piktik User Image

Blood colour: Red #650207

Gender: Agender
Gender is a confusing topic for a community of over 5000 individuals.

Symbol: Stylized Bug


Phiome has never been alone, they have always had multiple opinions on what they should do, say, eat, everything. Phiome is constantly instructed on how to live their life from the large swarm that is their lusus. It has gotten to the point where Phiome is not a troll anymore, but a name given to the swarm. The troll itself might have thoughts, but they are drown out by the voices of the thousands of others. The swarm is a parasite that relies on trolls to survive. When Phiome was hardly able to walk the swarm cut off their right arm and eye, making the troll rely on its lusus for the most basic of necessities. Because of this reliance on their lusus, Phiome fallows everything they say and do. They have to, they would be culled without the help of their lusus.

Phiome's main plan is to stay alive. Its the driving force of most every living thing, and if they can help it, they will keep that instinct going. Phiome's thought space is most commonly filled with a million small comments, and they rarely, if ever, get quiet time to listen to their own thoughts. There is always at least one flea awake, out of the millions that infest the troll's hair, and the fleas are always talking. Although each flea does not have the mental capacity to really say that much, they do have eyes and ears everywhere. Phiome has essentially 360 degree vision, even with only one eye, as their lusus is constantly feeding them information on what they see. Often times, it can be overwhelming. At first the troll had difficulty, getting over stimulated from too many different commands coming in all at once. What were they to do when they heard thousands of voices all suggesting different actions? The troll and the lusus have finally found an even ground, having the commands and opinions of thousands organized and thought out, resulting in Phiome receiving the most thought out plan. Sometimes the best course of action for the entire group comes easily, and Phiome moves and functions fluidly. Other times tho, when there is disagreements among the insects, Phiome will stay still for several seconds, waiting for their lusus to get organized, and come up with a plan.

Phiome survives mainly by catering to those above them, mostly through cleaning their hives. Cleaning is great for Phiome, they can listen in and hear all sorts of interesting things, while not having to actually talk at all. Most employers just want a clean hive, a nice smile, and someone that respects their high blood color, and Phiome is all about doing just those things. They would rather bend over backwards, or, if need be get down on their knees to please someone other than upset them, and does their hardest to be the best, most obedient lowblood they can be.

    complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive to another's will
    Phiome is quick to accept orders at face value and act on them. There is not a lot of wiggle room for a disabled lowblood, its best for Phiome's lifespan if they just accept what others ask of them.

    tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent
    Not only does Phiome do what you ask of them, they also go above and beyond most expectations of a lowblood. Phiome pits their entire being into a task, making sure it gets done well.

Good Listener:
    don't interrupt what the other person is saying and show an interest in what is being communicated
    Phiome listens to try and find out what is normal to talk about. There are just so many voices in Phiome, they need a reference point for what is acceptable.

    marked by want of affection, attention, or emotional support
    There are a lot of differing opinions in Phiome, so they need a buddy to be their anchor. Its led them to kinda latch of to a troll when they find one, especially at social gatherings. Phiome has never, litterally never been alone. If such a thing were to happen? Well, Phiome does not know and, as far as they know, never will. They have never been along, have never heard silence, or been left with their own thoughts.

    not tending to believe in other people's honesty or sincerity; suspicious
    Trusting someone other than the Phiome community is dangerous. What if they find out about how this whole setup works? What if its socially unacceptable? No, Phiome has 5000 individuals, they can use others, but not trust them.

    not strong or sturdy; delicate and vulnerable
    Phiome tries to be hardy and strong, but really, the ecosystem and community is fragile. If an amount of hair is lost that's a large population loss. If new information is received it has to be processed by so many individuals that it takes a while to get a response. Change is hard for this structured machine, it runs just so, dont add weird stuff.

    one who transcribes professionally
    Phiome keeps notes. Phi is actually very good at remembering things, mainly because they cannot write or talk, their head is their only safe space. Phiome is made up of so many members that there is always someone around to be designated the job of memorizing the last conversation the entity had. Due to the short lifespan of fleas this is sometimes called short term memory.

    not showing any emotion; unemotional
    Emotions are too confusing. Too many individuals having too many of their own personal feelings. Thats why Phiome tends to filter out emotions based reactions, words, and conversations.

Phiome wields a simple gun, a rather small model, that can easily be hidden. They only use it when cornered, when hiding, begging, and looking sad dont work.

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