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It seemed as if the world around him was slowly warping and changing with each twist and turn that it took, as the world usually does with the aid of the Weaver and time. Nothing in the world truly lasted forever, at least most things anyway. Things in the world are created when the Weaver wills it to be. Things in the world go when the Weaver wills them to return to him. Some things in the world needed to end in order for other things to come into creation. Sometimes sacrifices are needed in order for some things to survive. It truly was, and still is, an interesting thing to think about when it comes to how the world stays in balance. However, such topics are not meant to be thought about or talked about in a light manner.

Some of the changes, such as his growing friendship with the Nantlil known as Marie, were positive, absolutely positive. They were the light of his still young life. They brought him happiness and made his days so much easier. It was nice to know that he had someone who cared for him just as much as he cared for them. He had someone who always seemed interested in his day. He had someone who was interested in what he had to say, and, well, she was just all around amazing in Zobek’s mind. Such a beautiful creature the Weaver had granted him the companionship of. She was so kind. She was so gentle. Marie, oh, what could Zobek compare someone like her to? Maybe to the moon or sun? No, she was greater than that. So much greater than that. More beautiful and shining than the trees in the forest and the sun itself. Such a rare and beautiful being that graced the world with her presence. Her friendship would always be a lasting treasure in his life. She would always remain in his heart and soul.

But Marie was besides the point of his current dilemma, out of his focus at the moment so to speak. Right now his focus was making to the Opal district in order to meet with Siraj, one of the light tribe Magi. The call for a meeting was a great and unexpected surprise for Zobek. For what reason would Siraj want to meet with someone him? He was of no importance as far as he knew. He did nothing great. He held no power in the courts. He was not even part of the courts! Had he missed something over the last few days? Maybe he was to be brought into the court of the Magi as an adviser of sorts? Ha! He would not be surprised if that was the case, because he was a great B’alam after all, correct? Ha! No, Zobek was not on that level, yet, no matter how much the thought stroked him in a positive manner. He could only hope to become something great in the future. Someone who aided other B'alam and brought them happiness and peace of mind. That would be something to aim for, something to live for.

The young Tathll still had a lot to learn when it came to the world and how it functioned. He still had much to learn when it came to how his own tribe functioned. And more importantly, he still had a lot to learn when it came to himself.

He had already learned much just by watching the Light Tribe build itself from the ground up! Once they were nothing. They had no leaders. No way. They just existed with no goal, no purpose. But like the other tribes that walked the world they were blessed with leaders to lead them towards greatness. They now had structure and soon they would work towards purpose. Or so Zobek hoped. It would bring him joy to be offered to have a place in something such as that. To help lead. To help build.

He could only hope that whatever the reason for his requested presence he just hoped it would be a positive experience for all. Surely it had to be. It was not as if Zobek had done anything wrong, or had any kind of complaint against him. He should not. He would not. He had no brought anger or harm towards another. Especially when he could count the number of B’alam he knew on one paw, as sad as some might find that knowledge. Then again, he was not really one to socialize anyway. Some would say, well if he had anyone who really knew him that is, that Zobek was more of a solitary being that had, well, selective taste in companions.

Oh well. Those thoughts had to sit in the corner for now. The path towards the Prism district seemed to be long, and, well, long. Sure, the walks through the various districts was relaxing in a sense. And yeah, the sights were interesting as well, but he just wanted to get to the grand tree as quickly as possible and get things over with as quickly and calmly as possible as well.
And there it was just ahead, the grand tree of the Prism district…
