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Sprign Samsar

Sprihg-in Sam-sarr

Sprign is in reference to a spriggan of Cornish faery lore.
Samsar is in reference to the term samsara.

Blood colour:

green (#4E762F)




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Sprign Samsar is a ??? troll.



If there's a problem that needs to be solved or something broken that needs to be fixed, Sprign doesn't waste time night-dreaming. Despite his lazy grin and slumpy posture, he is a troll that likes to get things done quick and with little fuss. Practical and hard-working. Utilizes what's available to him.


beep u/c



brrrrp u/c


pffff u/c


Starkind- throwing stars in the shape of his symbol.


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Messy black hair
taller than most trolls his age
covered in freckles, mud, and foliage
sharp uneven teeth
feet are always bare with sharp clawed toes
horns are a pair of tall spikes with thorn-like protrusions


Four Fronds


KodamaDad is a small creature that speaks in a series of clicks and whirs. He can move so quick he blurs and his favored terrain to travel is the forest. His parenting style is a lax one. He encourages independence, but will always be willing to offer a bit of helpful information should Sprign ask for it. His main objective as the troll's dad, is to teach him to respect nature and, thus, utilize it to his advantage. Because of KodamaDad's knowledge, Sprign knows a vast majority of information in relation to the flora and fauna of Alteria. The two have a very close relationship.