User ImageName: Yaholo Nakota (Ya, Yaho, Holo)

Yaholo = Native American name meaning "One who yells"
Nakota = Native American name meaning "Friend to all"

Blood colour:

Gender: Male

Symbol: HAMMER



Friendly/People person: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Yaho enjoys spending time with other trolls. Though he may live in a cave, he's still on par in terms of social skills with his peers and spends a lot of his time outside using them.





Clumsy/Overly Apologetic:


Weapon: A giant hammer that he never leaves home without.

Appearance: Markings Hair Hair 2 Hair 3 (Inali)

Hair - Past his butt, pitch black, dreads. He ties it up on occasion, but the ponytail always gives him a neck ache if he wears it for too long.

Skin - Gray, covered in war-paint colored like his blood.

Eyes - Black, wide, often staring at you like a lost puppy or closed in a deep immobile-sleep.

Horns - Thick and curled behind his head.

Expression - Content, smiling, but not wild.

Top - Caveman toga. (See reference)

Bottoms - When not in full caveman garb, he wears tunics and shirts that cover his bits. He's adverse to pants though, claiming that he can't move as fast as he would be able to if he weren't wearing pants. However, leggings or hip hugging shorts are fine.

Shoes - Fuzzy caveman boots, tied together with twine.

Accessories - His hammer, which is a stick with a giant rock tied to it.

Home: Raised in Busthind in a large cave system, but it's not nearly as uncivilized as you'd gather by looking at him. He has a proper bed with covers and a dining area, as well as a makeshift kitchen and washroom. It's certainly not natural and jarringly handmade, but it's warm and comforting enough to call a home. Along the walls of each room are crude cave drawings made by Yaholo and his Lusus, some of which represent significant things that Yaholo experienced in his short life. If you're good at deciphering images, you might just learn a thing or two about him that he wouldn't share otherwise...

Lusus: Cerebolf is large, three headed wolf-bear hybrid that carts Yaholo everywhere he wants to go. They are biologically female, but the heads often argue with one another about the reality of that situation, and have settled on being ambiguous for the sake of ease. Essentially, they are three different personalities and consciousnesses on one body, but they are capable of sharing memories and information with one another should one be out of the loop. Yaholo differentiates them as follows-

"Mom" - Mom is the head furthest to the right. She tries her best to keep the other two heads from fighting and focuses on getting what Yaholo needs first before working on what they need. She's nurturing, firm, and patient.

"Dad" - Dad is the head in the middle. He's terribly stubborn and is the first to suggest violence in any given situation. He fights the most with Mom over how to raise Yaholo.

"Grunkle" - Grunkle is the head furthest to the left. They're visibly older than Mom and Dad and take quite a few naps during the day. However, they often have the best jokes and advice to give Yaholo when they happen to be awake.

Power: SMASHYSMASHY (No powers)