Name: Audrey - An old english name that means noble strength.
Muscip - Dionaea muscipula the scientific name for Venus flytraps

Blood colour: #3B8C2D
Gender: Non-binary

Symbol:a rose with teeth

Profile: Because of the constant struggle with Audrey's lusus, Audrey is constantly suspicious of everyone meaning ill towards them. They view everyone as a potential enemy and is ready to fight if there is even the slightest hint that this is going to happen.



Weapon: A modified paintballgun


Home: where has your troll chosen to build their first house? locations currently available: forest, city, suburb, desert, mountain, lakeside, plains, beach, cave, ocean and lake (ocean and lake available to aquatic trolls only). please check the troll info mega-thread in the information subforum for a more in-depth explanation on where you are placing your troll! what does their house look like? what is their aesthetic?

Lusus: Audrey's lusus is a violent and volatile thing. He refuses to be called anything except for, "Him". Him sees Audrey as nothing more than an object for his games and to feed him when he needs it. He calls Audrey his 'seed' or a 'spore' and forces Audrey to do things for him or face death. It would seem Audrey's lusus has no compassion for Audrey and treats them more like furniture than an actual child.

Him taunts Audrey for being weak and small, uses emotional blackmail and often attacks Audrey out of the blue, telling him he should be more prepared for surprise attacks or he will die someday. Him plays a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Audrey for no other reason than because Him enjoys watching Audrey struggle. On the other hand, Him can't stand when someone else attacks Audrey and becomes violent towards those who attack his seed. There is no end to Him's blood thirst.

He pushes Audrey to be as pretty as possible for his own personal preferences.
Power: optional. see power section above for more information.