"Some shared experiences" - RP
Characters: Zeke and Luzia
Players: Zakiax & Kyrieko
Kyrieko || 0 words | 0 Complete RP's |
Zakiax || 358 words | 0 Complete RP's |
TBA words total

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Evening was slowly settling across the land. Zeke stirred from the den of his extended family. The cubs as well as his blood siblings seemed to be still sleeping. Moving with silence he exited the den and started his patrols of the surrounding area. With the sun still low in the sky the light blinded this dark member so he had to rely on memory as well as the other sense. The pain from the blinding light had been intense at first but soon dulled as he pulled a wing over head to keep most of the light from reaching his face.

His sight would become better as the night approached, but to the dark member seeing just white and pain was quite annoying. He often wondered why the grand weaver would create creatures like him, yet he figured being able to see at night had its perks. Being nocturnal he always wondered how those who lived most of their lives during the day saw things compared to how he saw things at night. It would be nice to meet one, though it was often unlikely. He and his siblings had not meet many outside of themselves as well as other dark members who also lived their lives at night.

As a rose knight of Clan Bayeux he took his job with pride like his blood brother. Waking early was something he was used to along with not being able to see for the first hour or so. He moved to the edges of the clan and began to scout using sound and scent mostly. His ears remained alert to the sounds around him the scents let him know of those around him. Currently he did not sense anything out of the ordinary.

His ears flicked at the rustling of fauna, wishing that soon the sun would drop fully be low the horizon so that he could see properly rather then relying on the rest of his sense to see was around him. Often his senses fooled him so he spoke, perhaps it was something other then fauna."Hello"

Sorry took a bit longer to start this then I thought it would - Also sorry for the double quote.