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{FIN} Strange Habits {Haru & Jendara}

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:01 pm
"Strange Habits" - RP
Characters: Jendara & Haru
Players: Regal Renegade
→ Regal Renegade || 3,356 words | 1 Complete RP |
3,356 words total
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:03 pm
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                                                                                          It was like waking from a dream in which she was surrounded by billions of stars, each twinkling in various shades of color. There was also an all-encompassing warmth that could not be explained, but it gave her the feeling that someone was taking great care to deliver her from this dream and prepare her for what her eyes would come to see once leaving this mystical world between worlds. A voice that was not quite a voice echoed through her mind, spreading awareness and giving her the one thing that would make her creation complete. “Jendara.” It echoed softly.

                                                                                          The first thing she noticed was a moist earthen scent before she opened her eyes to see a canopy of green shielding her from the rays of the sun. Her ears twitched as birdsong and the rustling of foliage drew her attention from here to there. After a moment of observation she raised her head and propped herself up on her forelegs which remained resting on the soft soil below. With each breath she took she felt more and more a part of the earth upon which she lay, and soon she allowed her claws to till it with gentle curiosity. Without delay her quizzical brow eased, and was soon replaced entirely with the twinkling eyes brought on by a smile. She didn’t know what had brought her here, but she was quite glad that it did.

                                                                                          At first she was shaky when getting onto her paws but it soon passed and she was able to make her way deeper into the forest. A whooshing noise caught her attention and she veered off her path until she came upon a stream cutting through the woods. Approaching it she hung her head over the bank and took in her braided hair, the decorative feathers, her striking markings and the stunning turquoise eyes gazing back at her. “Well now, I am lovely aren’t I?” She giggled before twirling merrily about. At first she had not wanted to leave that ethereal world behind, but now she could see how this one was so much better.

                                                                                          After a time spent adventuring and familiarizing herself with her new world, a new sound caused her to stop in her tracks. A rumbling issued from her stomach and soon it felt as though an empty pit had begun to open within her. A word came into her mind just as naturally as the sensation it denoted; hunger. She needed food, which meant she needed to hunt. For a moment she was confused, but just as before the answer came to her from some invisible source. And just like that she went from being a doe eyed individual to a predator. Her nose began to twitch as she sought out her prey, and her body seemingly moved on its own.

                                                                                          A scent caught her attention and just like that her body became lowered to the ground and, though she felt a bit clumsy, she made her way toward the sound. It was not loud, more like a whisper in actuality, but her eyes soon fell upon a rabbit chewing contentedly away at a piece of grass. Her shoulders rose and fell, and her body swayed gracefully back and forth as she prepared to pounce. Her heartbeat sounded so loudly in her ears that she was certain she would frighten the creature away, but so far it seemed completely unaware of its own demise. With a quick launch off of her back legs she was on top of it. Her first hunt had been a success after all, and she felt quite proud of herself as she carried her prize off to place where she would be able to enjoy it.

                                                                                          Before long she settled on a tree overhanging the stream that she had discovered earlier. With a sigh of accomplishment she lowered herself to the ground beside the bank and began eating her well-deserved meal. All was perfect as she appeased her aching belly, the dappled sunlight coming through the leaves above warming her pelt and the scent of the damp earth near the river making her feel quite at home. Even though she had only just awakened, she felt as though she had belonged here for as long as she could remember. This was where she belonged.


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:46 pm
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                                                                                          Haru rarely ever strayed from the Light Tribe lands for he rarely ever admitted to himself that he was not a true member of the Light Tribe, but today was different. Today he had felt up to venturing toward the Earth Tribe territory that he had turned his back on just after he had awakened. Though he still felt ties to the earth, he had felt an even stronger calling pulling him toward a place of dazzling light, and unusual beauty. On most days he could nearly convince himself that he had scales and a horn like those of the B’alam born to the Light Tribe, but he still knew he would never truly be one of them. This made him slightly bitter despite his lighthearted and amicable nature, a side of himself that he rarely showed to others.

                                                                                          Perhaps that was why he had ventured into the woods that day, perhaps he needed to wallow in his bitterness so that he may once again rid himself of it and feel at peace. Either way, it was a day that would change the course of two lives though he knew it not.

                                                                                          His chronic clumsiness did not leave him as he picked his way through the underbrush and gnarled tree roots. He tripped more than once and, unlike on any other day, he did not laugh it off but allowed it to fuel his grumpiness. He had just about had it with this journey when something caught his eye. Resting peacefully beside a shining stream was a B’alam unlike any he had ever seen before. She was born of the Earth Tribe like himself, but very few he had met wore a necklace like she did, or even have feathers decorating what looked to be thick hair. His curiosity replaced his foul mood for the moment and he made his way carefully toward her, an amused smile gracing his countenance.

                                                                                          “Well hello there!” He called out whilst carefully wading across the shallow stream. With his luck if he had tried to jump it he likely would have ended up on his back in it. Once across he angled himself in her direction and headed toward the tree. She looked so at peace with the world, chewing on the remnants of what looked to be a rabbit and soaking in the nature all around her. Jealousy began to well up in his chest as he thought of all the times he wished to truly feel at one with himself. Even so, he maintained his lighthearted composure. “Do you mind if I share your shade?”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:08 pm
Jendara had not noticed the male’s approach until he called out to her. Looking up from her meal she watched as the brightly colored male forged the stream and began walking toward her. He seemed like quite the happy sort, a gaiety that was apparently infectious for a smile to match his own soon rest upon her maw. Excitement filled her breast at the prospect of having a conversation with the very first B’alam she had met since waking, and how fortunate she was that he was so friendly. “Hello there!” She called back with a giggle. It was the first time she had heard her voice echo out across the landscape, and that too brought her joy.

Her chin tilted upward as his figure grew larger until she nearly had to look straight up to see him. “Not at all! Please, make yourself comfortable!” She responded, splaying her front paws in order to illustrate the many places he could claim. As he considered where to rest she observed him further now that he was near. Something within her told her that he was of the Earth Tribe like herself, but there was also an added element there that she did not possess. The line of gilded fur raised off of his spine had her looking at her own back in comparison. Again the sense of knowing washed over her as she recognized the trait as that typically found in B’alam born within the Light Tribe. Of course, this did not make him a member of the Light Tribe, but it did make him stand out from those of the Earth Tribe.

Her first day and she was already learning so much about the world she now inhabited. With every passing moment it became more and more beautiful in her eyes. With a polite bow of her head she returned to her meal, after all, she had not finished it yet and her stomach still yearned for a little more. As more and more flesh and sinew were stripped away she began to notice gleaming white objects become exposed, bones the knowledge told her once again. There was something about them, something that caused a tingle to shoot up her spine and a great desire to uncover them fully to wash over her. She began to eat more intently, and delicately so as not to damage the bones.

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:25 pm
He nodded as she motioned to the area around them and accepted his request to join her. His eyes darted this way and that as he attempted to discover what the most comfortable spot would be, and before long he decided to lay so that he was facing her. She was even more interesting up close. Her chocolate colored coat stood out in stark contrast to the bright colors he had become accustomed to during his time with the Light Tribe, she certainly fit the Earth Tribe image well. It frustrated him ever so slightly for he would never fit so easily into one category. He felt even more irked when she continued eating right in front of him. Perhaps it was his bad mood that had him feeling so irritable, but she could have at least endeavored to make more of an attempt at conversation with him.

“My name is Haru and I have come from the Light Tribe territory. What is your name?” Despite his grouchiness he was still able to keep it all under wraps. As he waited for a response he watched as she became seemingly infatuated with the bones of the rabbit. Maybe she made jewelry from bones? That certainly seemed to be the case judging by the necklace she was wearing. He even noted how she carefully ate around them so as not to damage them. “Are you saving those to make more jewelry?” He mused. He had always thought of bones as mere trash or a source of the delicious marrow that he would often save for desert. He had seen others wearing bones as accessories, and though they looked alright they were not quite his taste. Nonetheless he could appreciate fine craftsmanship and an eye for the creative.

“I myself prefer the look of crystals,” he closed his eyes and visualized, “they are multicolored and glisten so beautifully in the light.” He began to chuckle before continuing. “Though, with how clumsy I am, I would be more likely to break one than wear it.” A little of his merriment was returning to him, maybe coming here would turn out to be good after all. Talking necklaces and nonsense would surely lift his spirits; maybe even take his mind off of what had made him so salty in the first place. “The Light Tribe has a forest that is littered with lovely crystals! You could even maybe put some in your jewelry for some added flavor!”

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:42 pm
She had barely heard a word he said as she fully exposed a bone for the first time. She couldn’t explain it, but it was as though the bone were speaking to her. Little whispers of something began to tickle her mind as she stared at the shiny white surface. “How magnificent!” She shouted, mindless to the conversation of the other. Her eyes shot toward her companion and she laughed excitedly. “The bone! I can hear the bone!” She looked back down at it and suddenly felt the urge to gnaw gently on it. Something unseen was guiding her, but somehow she knew she had found her purpose hidden just below the surface of this small bone. Tilting it this way and that with her paws she continued to observe, and more words formed in her mind. “It has a story to tell.” She grinned.

It was as if a piece of a puzzle had clicked, she knew what she had to do. This was only the first step in a long journey she would take. She began to wonder what other stories would come with each new bone she would discover. “I must find more…” She mumbled. It was almost as if the most beautiful song in the world was dancing through her mind. There was something about a courageous B’alam facing her fears and standing up for what she believed in, and something else about a different B’alam with deep hatred harbored toward the female. Like threads being woven together in her mind the bone began to knit a story for her. Carve it. A voice seemed to repeat over and over again.

She looked up to Haru, enthusiasm dancing within her eyes. “It wants me to carve the story it is telling into its surface! Have you ever heard of such a thing?” She grinned. “I think I have found my purpose within this world and on my first day too!” Another though struck her and she soon turned back to the dwindling carcass. “I wonder what the other bones have to say!” Without hesitation she began to dig for more bones in the hopes of hearing more stories. What a wondrous thing to discover! Who knew that such small objects would have such large voices? Her heart skipped and jumped as she was overwhelmed by joy and excitement. “Isn’t it wonderful Ha-“


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:59 pm
One word came to mind as the female before him began shouting about talking bones, unsettling. He could hardly believe what she was saying to him. She was hearing the bones speaking to her? Never mind that she had completely ignored his every attempt to speak to her, she was obviously deranged in some way. He had heard of flawed idols being carved, but he had never come face to face with a freak such as this. How morbid that she thought she could speak with pieces of a carcass, much less that they had some story to tell. His nose wrinkled as he watched her fawn over the bloodied pieces of the rabbit. He didn’t even know what to say as she went on and on, asking him questions and boasting about finding her purpose in life. She was downright deranged.

“Shut up!” He yelled before she could finish her last bought of nonsense. “What is wrong with you? Talking about hearing bones telling stories and such. You’re insane!” Using his paw he motioned toward the bone she was currently cradling. “That is a bloody mass of disgusting trash, nothing more!” Snatching a bone he bit it in half to expose the marrow. “This is the only thing they are good for, their marrow. Otherwise they are just what we leave behind when eating.” Tossing the broken thing aside he took a few steps back. “You’re a freak…”

He knew part of his outburst came from the fact that he was jealous because she had found a purpose for her life, but she had also legitimately begun to make him feel uncomfortable. He belonged in the land of crystals and light, not of scavengers picking at bones and claiming they could talk. When she began to reach toward him he assumed a defensive pose before jumping the gap of the stream. “Stay away from me. I don’t ever want to see your face again; you are obviously flawed beyond repair. Don’t ever come to the Light Tribe territory, never.” Before she could say more or see the damage his words had done upon this otherwise innocent soul, he ran in the direction of the place he called home. He would never come back here again, ever.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:19 pm
Her heart plummeted as Haru began yelling at her. Was she really a freak? Was she insane? Was she flawed? Tears blurred the world as she listened to his words, but she became even more upset when he took a bone and broke it in two. It was as though someone had died, within that bone there was a story that would never be told now. He had silenced it forever, but was he right? Were bones nothing more than trash or a source of food? Could she really have come into this world as some mutated weirdo? She began to shake as a sob wracked her entire being, how had such a pleasant day turned to such a horrible one?

She reached out to him with her paw as he began to walk away. “Haru, please I-“ But she was cut off as he assumed a threatening stance and separated himself from her. His blue eyes that had been so welcoming before now harbored both discomfort and disgust. His words soon changed from sounds into physical pains as he turned and ran away. “What have I done?” Her voice was barely audible as she fought to speak over the torrent of tears now washing down her cheeks. Sorrow soon turned to anger and she glared down at the bones. “Why?” She growled, and with all of her might she used her paw to swat the carcass and remaining bones off into the tall grass. Lowering her head onto her paws she continued to cry, feeling worthless where she had once felt beautiful.

She didn’t know how long it took for the tears to finally stop coming, but by the time they did her throat hurt and her eyes felt as though they were nearly swollen shut. The sun had begun to fall beneath the horizon and she would sure the darkness would consume her body and soul, but then she heard a tender whisper calling to her from where the bones had fallen. At first she wanted nothing to do with them, but eventually she could not ignore them any longer. Once more she brought herself shakily to her paws and followed the voice until she was staring down at the bone from before. “Hello there…” She said softly.

With a thud she fell to the ground in front of the bone, and without hesitation took it gently between her teeth and began to carve. She carved the story about the fearless female B’alam who fought for what she believed in, and about the male who thought her worthless and inferior. Tears began to fall anew as she did so, but these tears were more cleansing than painful. As her teeth moved this way and that over the surface she began to feel the peace she had felt earlier returning to her. Maybe she was a freak, but there was nothing she could do about that if it made her happy.

The moon was smiling down upon her when she finished her carving, and she looked down at the masterpiece she had created. Strange symbols and shapes were etched into the bone, each one revealing one more element of the story the bone had told her. It was now silent, having finished its tale but she could somehow still feel its voice within her. Rubbing her eyes on her paws she gently picked up the bone and trotted away from the scene of so much misery. She would find a place where she could work in peace, and she would keep listening to the song of the bones for that was what she was meant to do. She was the interpreter of the bones, the Bone Scribe Jendara.

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:21 pm
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