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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains
{FIN} Leave Out All The Rest {Kalani & Kalista}

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:07 pm
"Leave Out All The Rest" - RP
Characters: Kalani & Kalista
Players: Zakiax & Regal Renegeda
→ Regal Renegade || 2,597 | 1 Complete RP's |
→ Zakiax || 1,650 | 1 Complete RP's |
4,247 words total

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                                                                                          The B’alam before her writhed on the ground, foam issuing from her wide open maw in a silent scream. The whites of her eyes were all that could be seen and her twitching became even more violent with each passing moment. The little red cub remained rooted in place as the healer tended to the female with a sense of calm composure that Kali didn’t think was possible. She wanted to scream, to run away from the terrifying sight before her, but then the healer would have to tell her father and she could not live with that. It was her decision to become a healer within the clan, and it had also been her decision to have her training start immediately. Normally they waited until a cub was just a little older before exposing them to something like this, but Kalista had insisted.

                                                                                          “It looks as though she has ingested something toxic; I am going to need some charcoal ground up in warm water as soon as possible.” The healer barked to Kalista and the others under her tutelage. As much as she wanted to take the order and instead run far away, she headed in the direction of the charcoal pit. Reaching in with her tiny paws she pulled out lump after lump until she thought she had enough and turned to find another trainee running towards her with a bowl of water. A third brought a large round rock in his jaws, and another a flat stone. Together they crushed the charcoal and sprinkled it into the bowl and delivered it to their mistress.

                                                                                          “You are an exceptional student Kalista, and for one as young as yourself that is very impressive.” The healer smiled at her as the once writhing B’alam now rested quietly. “I will be sure to tell your family of your wonderful performance today.” With a gracious show of gratitude Kalista left he healer and headed for the only place she could think and be alone. It was nothing more than a dune that had been built of sand by the wind, but it gave her comfort and that was all that mattered.

                                                                                          She was glad she had made it through another day, glad that her parents would be receiving the good news any time now, but that still didn’t stop her from dry heaving or shuddering at the thought of what she had recently witnessed. If she was going to fulfill her dream of living up to her father’s reputation, she would need to be much stronger than this. Pressing her belly to the warm sand she released a sigh that stirred the sand beneath her chin. “I need to try harder…” She muttered.

Just a friendly reminder about the rule of there are no NPC in b'alam. ^_^ ( I know this was made/posted before the Bone Collector was made, but just a marker to show its been addressed. Keep up the wonderful Rp Work. )

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:35 pm
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Darkness awoken the little one, however it was early in the night. Teal eyes glanced through the darkness seeing the rest of his family asleep, well all but one. One was missing. Perhaps she had gone for training again. A yawn escaped the small ones maw before his tongue licked his dried lips. Kalani couldn't understand why their older sister insisted on training so early in their years. All he wanted to do was play, well sort of. Kalani didn't know what he wanted to do with his life yet. Everything he seemed to do is just follow his siblings around like their little lost shadow. Speaking up and speaking his mind was hard, but it was how he was woven. Maybe someday that would change, but now it was just how things were.

He moved slowly to his paws and quietly made his way out of the den area, and into the setting sun. Squinting eyes as the soft light blinded him, his ears twitched as he took in a deep breath of the air around him. Kalista's scent was faint but still traceable in the evening air. There was hesitation in his paws, every ounce of him wanted to stay behind in the safe confines of his parents and the rest of his siblings, yet he wanted to go against his urges. Possible once in his life he too could be brave. Slowly one paw fell in front of another as he made his way through the buildings he knew very well. Even partially blind he could still maneuver his way through, the past few days out and about with his siblings they had explored the area and Kalani had put the layout to memory.

Still there was one thing he had to look out for, the danger of other bodies in the vicinity. Unlike his the tribe he belonged to everyone else seemed to sleep when they were awake. This was another thing he still had yet to understand. How could they sleep when the night was so beautiful? Getting a stronger whiff of the scent his paws followed quicker, now he was completely out of his comfort zone, the only way to fix it was one going back or finding his sister. He preferred the latter, not wanting to retrace his steps, for he was doing so well.

By time he had reached his sister the sun had gone down and his full eye sight had returned. "Kalista?" he questioned in his squeaky barely audible voice.

Regal Renegade


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:56 pm
The air grew cool and when she opened her eyes she was staring up at a sky full of twinkling stars. How she missed being active at night and sleeping during the day, but her training had to take place during the day. Being a healer was a full time occupation, so she had to prepare herself for irregular hours to begin with. Though she did greatly miss the time she once spent with her family walking beneath a full moon and making shapes out of the stars above. Living up to the reputation of her bloodline was no easy task, but for as long as she could remember she had chosen that course of action. When the clan spoke of her in comparison to her family they would only talk of how she perfectly represented her family in all that they are.

Jolted from her thoughts by an all too familiar voice she rolled over and found herself staring up at her younger brother Kalani. She was quite impressed with this rare show of bravery; normally it would have been like pulling teeth to get him this far from the den. Bringing herself to a seated position she eyed her brother and cocked her head. “Are you alright?” She could tell that the journey had made him uncomfortable, but he had made it and that was all that mattered. “Did you have a daymare Kalani?” Her voice took on a tone of concern as she stood and approached him with a warm smile upon her face. “Or did you come all this way simply to adore your beloved sister?” She giggled whimsically.

In reality she was very glad that he had sought her out, mostly because she needed someone nearby. It took every ounce of her control to keep from bursting into tears and sharing the horrors of her training with her brother. Instead she continued to pretend as though nothing had disturbed her, as though she was completely fine and able. Inwardly she was a mess; a quivering, pathetic little thing crying out for help and understanding, but she would never allow anyone to see that. It would be far too damaging to the persona she was working day in and day out to create.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:19 am
Paws shifted with nervousness under him. Though when he reached Kalista and seeing that she was awake eased his restlessness. The blue male moved and settled in next to his sibling leaning most of his weight against his older sister. The contact between him and his sister calmed the nervous ticks his limbs often had when he was away from his family for to long. He was quite thankful that she hadn't fallen asleep yet, else things might have become quite awkward for the male.

In truth he hated to be alone, he disliked strangers and he wouldn't change anything of the clan they were apart of. Slowly he was getting used to the fact that b'alam came and went as they pleased, even if their parents remained constant in the clan. The merchants were quite intriguing, watching as those tried to sell their wares from the darkness was quite amusing, the tactics they tried with each different b'alam.

Finally after several moments of long silence Kalani spoke, his words gentle, yet more smooth then the first time he spoke. Being more comfortable helped with that. "I missed you Sister."

Regal Renegade


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:23 pm
The silence between the two cubs came and went as both became absorbed in their own thoughts. She hadn’t even realized she had zoned out until her brother’s soft voice caused her ears to twitch. The warmth of his figure pressed beside her reminded her of the times when they were able to pile together and sleep peacefully together as a family. It was enough to blur her vision with tears as she lowered her head and nuzzled him appreciatively. “I missed you too Kalani.” She fought hard to keep her voice from wavering or her body from trembling, and just as she thought she was losing the battle she forced herself to think of something more uplifting. “Do you remember when we would chase the moon moths around all night?” She giggled. “I always thought that if we caught one it would take us to the moon!”

She felt so very grown up though she knew she was still a cub, at times she had wondered if she had shortchanged herself by requesting her training begin so early. Shaking her head softly she banished those thoughts from her mind and leaned contentedly on her beloved brother. She always felt better when around Kalani. She got along well with the rest of her siblings of course, but there was something different when it came to him. It was as though they shared a deeper bond due to some secret they shared, though she couldn’t quite figure it out. “I am impressed that you came all this way, you are getting brave!” She smiled warmly and swatted at him playfully with her paw. “Pretty soon you will be fighting off sandworms.” She teased, making up some strange sounding creature just for the fun of it.

If ever she was feeling down about growing up too quickly, Kalani was the one who would inadvertently make her feel better. She could drop her guard around him, something she knew she would have to remedy in the future if she hoped to be successful at her goal. She knew that obtaining perfection would be nearly impossible, but she had been prepared for that the moment she made it her ambition. She just wasn’t sure if she would be able to sacrifice everything she held dear in the pursuit of it, and that would likely end up being her doom.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:04 pm
Kalani's head slowly nodded to Kalista's first statement, he did really like those nights. The nights in which he and his three other siblings played together under the watchful eye of their mother. "We can still try to catch them." he replied back. Maybe if all of them caught one they could all go to the moon together, they'd be a playful family again. Truthfully half of Kalani didn't wish to grow up, the other half was scared to.

"I wanted to turn back," He admitted softly. Several times during his little 'adventure' he wanted to turn back, staying away from his family and being on his own was much of a discomfort. He saw the playful paw come at him and he tried to dodge it, however his failed attempted caused his hind paw to slip on the side of the small sand mound and he tumbled backwards. "ohf" he groaned as he hit the ground.

"Sandworms sound pretty scary." He replied back. Kalani was still upon his back, contemplating if he should move or just stay there. "I don't think i'd be able to fight them or anything else."

Regal Renegade


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:33 pm
The nostalgia of simpler days was almost too much for Kali to bear as she once more wrestled with the lump forming in her throat. As she was certain her voice would give away her feelings if she spoke she nodded in response and continued to keep a smile pasted to her lips. She didn’t know what it was, but Kalani could always reach the true Kalista no matter how hard she tried to fight it. She was pleased when the topic changed to his bravery or lack thereof as he made it out to be. He may have considered turning back, but he didn’t and that was what counted. She should attempt to be more like her younger brother in this regard.

With a proud flick of the tail she trotted over to where her brother had fallen and loomed over him. “They are terrifying! As big as a mountain and as mean as can be!” She giggled. Her laughter soon died away though as she was reminded of how scared she had been earlier today when confronted with that sick B’alam. Lowering herself to the ground she rolled onto her back and neatly folded her paws to her chest. “I think you would,” she assured, “though I wouldn’t.” She couldn’t keep the tears from coming this time, but instead pressed her face into Kalani’s shoulder. “I’m a coward…” She whined.

She was certainly not acting like her father now. She had none of his grace or his strength as she cried softly into her brother’s fur. How could a sniveling mass of fur ever hope to amount to anything even hinting at perfection? Once the sobs began to lessen, and her voice returned to her she spoke. “We were treating a sick B’alam today, and the whole time I couldn’t stop thinking about how frightened I was! I even thought about running away! I’ll never be a great healer Kalani…” With a shuddering sigh she rolled again onto her back and clumsily mopped at her eyes with her paws before looking up at the stars. “I’ll never be a great anything.”

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:48 am

"Very scary sounding" He spoke his voice trembling a bit as he did. The sound of these things did scare him and his voice showed it. He couldn't really understand what was so funny about something so big and terrifying. Kalani's confusion did show upon his face when she giggled at him. The light blue cub was about to roll over and get up when his sister decided to hunker down next to him.

"I wouldn't -" he reassured back, though the rest of his sentence was cut off when Kalista continued her own. Then she started crying, which came to quite the shock for Kalani, not once before had he see her cry. He was unsure what to do, normally he was the one who ended up breaking down in tears, mainly from nerves.

Thinking back to what his siblings and parents normally did to calm him down he did the same. Rolling to his side he brought a paw over his sister holding her close. His wings did the same as he moved them over Kalista shielding her from the world around them.

"Its okay," the smaller one began trying to reassure her, "Everyone is afraid of something some more then most, I bet even father has some fear." There was a pause as he tried thinking of what else he should say. Kalani nearly stated that she had to face her fear and hide it like Father, but he held himself from doing so, since he couldn't even take his own advice on the matter.

When she rolled away from him he withdrew his wings and paw only to stand up to stand over her. Sticking his face into her he spoke with as much conviction that he could manage. "You will be a great healer. Promise me you will!"

Regal Renegade
(He's totally taking her made up creature as a literal creature - Another character aspect I need to add now. Taking things literally XD

Oh god Zain and Katrina's fear will be realized soon too! So much excite for character devolopment!)


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:47 am
She felt at once comforted and ashamed in her current predicament, but she also felt as though she could confide in Kalani without him thinking she was lesser for it. Despite that sensation of security she also made herself a promise that she would never shed tears like this again, it was far too much weakness shown by someone with her goal. If she ever hoped to reach the same pedestal as her father she needed to become much stronger, and much more grown up. She needed to remember this moment and how she felt, and use that to her advantage for the future.

Though she knew her brother was probably right about their father having some sort of fear she found herself having a highly difficult time believing it. Those stern blue eyes that always appeared to somehow see into the future and his overall strong appearance didn’t seem to lend much credibility to the notion. But, nonetheless, she sniffled and nodded her head in agreement whether she believed it or not. She was surprised she had not thrown her brother into some sort of attack with her crazed behavior; he seemed to be handling his anxieties quite well. How had she missed him growing up already?

When he stood over her she was met with his mist colored eyes that seemed somehow to be full of a confidence she hadn’t seen before. His conviction in what he was saying stayed her tears, and allowed her to toss her doubts aside once more. “I promise Kalani.” She grinned up at him and drew her claw over her heart in an ‘X’ pattern. “Cross my heart little brother.” If she couldn’t do it for herself, maybe at least she could do it for her brother. Every time she felt afraid or uncertain she could simply look back on this very moment in time. Who knew that the one with all of the wisdom would be her younger brother? Maybe he was more grown up than she was.

“I don’t know what I would do without you.” She playfully reached up and placed her paw on his cheek.

He is so friggen adorable haha! Now he will have nightmares about Sandworms! Way to go Kali!

Hope you don't mind I threw a bit of foreshadowing in there with the last line.

Fears for everyone all around! This poor family. XD
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:15 pm

"A promise is a promise and must be kept" he reminded her, a small smile crossed his lips. Like the sandworms he took promises quite serious, breaking them was against his 'beliefs'. It was something one of their other siblings had said to him once when he was having an attack. Even so he knew not all promises could be kept, it would be impossible to do so, it was something he could not really accept.

At her last words his small body began to tremble a bit. The brave conviction his face held just moments before was swept off of his face. "I don't want to think about it." He whispered softly, his voice trembling. The thought of losing any of his family members was something that he didn't want to think about.

Kalani lost the strength in his legs and his body dropped on top of Kalista's. His breathing became quickly erratic as a small panic attack settled into his being. The trigger was the combined stress he had from leaving the den by himself earlier with the thought of losing members of his family.

Regal Renegade
Nope don't mind at all.
Also Sandworms and moon moths came up in my first post where Kalani gets cubnapped XD


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:50 am
Though she could not say to what degree her brother felt bound to promises, it gave her strength any way and she needed all she could muster. With a nod and a smile that soon turned to a serious expression she reiterated her previous statement. “I promise.” If there was one thing Kali would not do, it was let another down. Perhaps that was part of her problem, part of the reason she was pushing herself so hard when it came to becoming a notable healer within the tribe and to be worthy of her lineage. Whatever the reasoning may be she had her goal in mind and now, even more so, would have to make it a reality.

The complete shift in his attitude did not go unnoticed by Kali as she watched Kalani begin to tremble and waver on his paws. She hadn’t meant to make him fly into a fit with her words, but she must have gotten at some deep fear that she had been unaware of. “Ka-“ Before she could even begin to comfort him he toppled over, and right onto her. He wasn’t heavy by any means, but she was certainly shocked when all of it came crashing down on top of her.

As she pulled him close she made sure to keep her breathing even so that he may listen to the rhythm. “Listen Kalani, listen to my breathing. Pretend it is one of the songs of the clan and just listen.” On top of her controlled breathing technique she began to hum a little tune. It would not solve the overall problem, but if she could just get him to calm down a little she could get him home. “It’s alright little brother, just breathe and we will go home. You have had enough adventuring for one day.” With gentle movements she began to rock back and forth. “We can go see everyone and have some breakfast.” Her tone was even and calm as she spoke. “There there, I won't let anything hurt you. I promise.”

Awww, poor Kalani! T.T Sandworms and Moon Moths..and cubnappping! -Flails-
PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:05 am

His erratic breathing tried to calm at his sisters words, only to come out as a fit of sobs. Despite his sisters attempt to calm him down it wasn't really helping much. Every breath he took during his attack hurt as if his chest just seized. Each time he tried to control himself it only seemed to make things worse. So he let it go and just let it end itself, fighting it wasn't helping so he just gave up against it. Something that happened often, he giving up rather then fighting it.

Kalani's attempt to be brave ended in complete failure, which only seemed to make him feel worse about himself.When his attack was over his breathing became in-sync with his sisters. Slowly his trembles in his body faded and his entire form relaxed with in his gentle sister's arms.

Silence feel over the both of them as Kalani began to regain himself. "Thanks" the small whisper escaped him, when he felt up to speaking. He snuggled into his sister's warmth, despite wanting to go back to the den with the rest of their family he did not move.

Regal Renegade
He's trying so its a start to his character development. o3o


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:44 pm
She wasn’t as good at bringing Kalani out of one of his fits as their mother and father were, but it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying. She continually reminded herself to focus on her own breathing and to continue remaining calm so that he may focus on her demeanor and hopefully sooth himself. She knew him to be more than capable of overcoming his anxieties; he was far stronger than he believed himself to be. He just needed to learn that for himself. With the tenderest of movements she stroked the back of his neck with her paw and whispered encouraging phrases to him until he eventually appeared to calm down.

When he thanked her she let off a quiet giggle. “I didn’t do anything little brother; you brought yourself out of your attack.” She encouraged with a smile. Her presence may have helped him ground himself but in the end it was he who fought off the fear. She continued to stroke him a moment more before slowly releasing him. Out of all her siblings, Kalani was the one she respected the most. He ventured out of the den despite knowing his own limits in order to keep her company. He pushed past the wall of anxieties he had built up within himself and had emerged stronger. She could definitely learn from him.

“I bet mom and dad are looking for us about now.” With another playful smile she gently poked her brother’s stomach with her wingtip. “And I don’t know about you, but I am starving!” She began visualizing all of the food her parents were likely to present them with. “Let’s go back home.” Nuzzling Kalani’s forehead she brought herself to all fours and grinned. “Shall we glide back?” They still did not know how to fly, but gliding was always fun and she hoped it would keep Kalani’s mind off of the journey back home.

He is such a cute character, I can't wait until they meet again someday just to see how he has grown and changed. ^^
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:48 am

"You helped" he squeaked softly still a bit shaken. He felt weak, never once was he able to get out of his own attack by himself. Always other people had to talk him out of it. To Kalani it made him feel a bit pathetic, he wanted to be stronger like Kalista and the rest of his siblings, but every time he tried it ended up in failure.

Her little smiles and giggles were beginning to help him forget his own worries. He nodded to his sister's second statement. Yes they would be worried. When she poked him in the stomach he wasn't all that hungry his attack kind of made him lose his appetite. However, he wasn't about to let his sister's hunger go unsolved. "Yes," he replied his voice becoming a bit stronger then when he first started out. "I'm gonna walk though," still being a bit shaky he didn't know if he could rely on his wings. Often in these situations they clammed to his back.

Regal Renegade
Shall we end it here?


Vicious Firestarter

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:57 pm
[ RP Zone ] The Endless Plains

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