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-edits to add cert in-

The young female slowly stretched out each of her limbs, feeling how the muscles tightened and then loosened. Each of her paws gently dug into the earth, claws extending to feel the cool soil. All of her motions were familiar. Let her feel her surroundings. It let her know that she was awake. Not dreaming. Not lost in some void lacking all sensation.

Luzia yawned before shaking herself after getting to her feet. She stood quietly, ears swiveling around to pinpoint the nearest sound. No one was nearby. Which meant no one was watching her.

Sliding one foot forward cautiously, Luzia began moving forward, stopping every couple minutes to sniff and listen. Then feel around with her paws and tail. And once again begin moving forward, tail dragging on the ground behind her. A trail for anyone to follow that was searching for where she was. Which was becoming a regular occurrence and probably worried her parents sick. Something she did feel bad about. But she didn't want to have to always rely on them!

Her paw knocked into a rock, making the dark Light Triber pause. She carefully felt around to find even more rocks. Some as high as her shoulder. Curiously, she tried climbing up on one. This was something new! She hadn't tried to climb on rocks! Once, she'd tried to climb a tree. It hadn't ended so well.

A smile playing at her lips, Luzia stretched out her paw and found another rock within stepping distance. She managed to hop from one rock to the other fairly well. Her back foot slipped a little, but otherwise, she'd made it! She wasn't sure where exactly she was, but was mostly confident she was still within the Light Tribe territory. Hopefully...
