User Image
Name: Whisma Ojovel

Whisma = Whimsy + Christmas
Ojovel = Oh + Jovial = "Oh, joyful"

Blood colour:

Gender: Female

Symbol: User Image
(Probably more like the center one)

Profile: Getting to this soon yep


Cheerful: It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Whisma is a happy little troll. She seems to always have a reason to keep smiling, even in hard times. If, and when she does feel sad, it doesn't take her very long to motivate herself out of the funk. Nothing can keep Whisma down for long.

Generous: Though raised by a hoarding rat, Whisma has developed a deep love for giving. She likes to buy things for others at random and often drops things off sneakily with little "love" notes. Aside from gifts of monetary and physical value, Whisma also invites trolls to stay at her hive if they need a place to stay and keeps extra food with her if she meets someone who's hungry. She thinks that being generous is an excellent way to make friends and doesn't mind if she gets nothing in return. The reward, for her, is in the act of giving. It just makes her feel good.


Forgetful: Whisma isn't the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to remembering things. Her brain just dumps relevant information mere minutes after she's heard it and it leads her into some pretty interesting situations. It doesn't seem to bother her all that much, though, and it's more of an annoyance to others. After all, having to introduce yourself five times can get infuriating.


Weapon: A long a** Fire Iron


Hair - Big, poofy afro with a green headband toward the front, giving the illusion of bangs. (The poofs are being suppressed LOL)

Skin - Normal gray, but dotted with darker freckles. (Her entire body is covered with them)

Eyes - Open and excited, but not huge or over the top.

Horns - Three small triangles, stacked to form a Christmas tree-esque shape. They have a small "stump" at the end that keeps them attached to her forehead.

Expression - Cheerful, excited, or looking at something that makes her happy

Top - A simple black dress with bunches of white ruffles underneath the skirt and sleeves. It has a small buttonable pocket on the lower left hand side where he Lusus spends most of her time.

Bottoms - Striped stockings, green/black

Shoes - Black Mary Janes

Accessories - A flower shaped messenger bag. No one truly knows what she keeps in there, but she's pulled some pretty interesting things out from inside it. She also likes to wear the "gifts" that her Lusus decorates her with. (Little baubles, rings, ribbons... etc)

Bag looks like this (But green)

Home: Whisma and her Lusus have made their home in the Suburbs outside of New Hemisect City. It's a modest hive with a few rooms and a basement, but it's filled to the brim with decorations and other junk. Whisma's room, kitchen, and living room are all on the first floor, as well as a few guest rooms. The basement, however, is strictly for hanging out and hosting parties, which Whisma likes to have as often as possible.

Lusus: Mimsy is the rat Lusus who lives in Whisma's sweater pocket. She likes to hoard things and decorates Whisma with particularly shiny items, like tinsel and lost jewelry. The pair are incredibly close and often squeak to one another in a code that only they seem to understand. Though Mimsy is small, don't under estimate her ability to protect Whisma. This rat can chew your ear off faster than you can count to three.

Whisma doesn't remember the details, but Mimsy has been there for her long before the trials. Mimsy sensed that her charge would get themselves lost as soon as they left their cocoon and secretly snuck Whisma things that would help her get through the trials before they met. Then, once Whisma was safe from all harm, Mimsy showed herself and lead her home. Sure, she might have ended a few lives in the process, but it was all for the sake of her adorable Troll baby.

Power: Is being adorable a power? 8U (No, no powers for you)