Name: Kursha Vidari

Blood colour: #617906

Gender: Male

Symbol: Crosshair

Personality: Despite the passing sweeps, Kursha has changed little since his youth. He continues to value power and recognition above all else, and will stop at nothing to achieve them. With a childishly short temper and the fire to keep it burning, he has more enemies than friends. He takes pride in that fact too, unwilling to reconcile the idea that companionship is anything but a weakness. The truth however, is that he is far lonelier than he would ever dare to let on.

Kursha constantly manipulates, even when he is not consciously trying to. He excels at reading others and using their emotions to his advantage, though this may not always work better in the long run, especially considering his tendency to get under others' skin. He enjoys pushing buttons and for the most part cannot resist

Kursha has an excellent memory, especially for names and faces. Half innate, and half trained, it makes a great asset as a bounty hunter, and an even greater one when pursing vengeance.

Constantly manipulates, even when he's not necessarily trying to. Penchant for fighting. Loves to start trouble. Inability to maintain a close relationship. Only really comfortable with others when he is fighting with them. Hate is a lot easier to handle than... other things. Even, so he is incredibly jealous of people in successful relationships, to the point of belittling them. Fears people figuring out how insecure and looking down on him he is so he puts up a lot of bravado. Values attention more than anything else even bad attention. Worst fear is being alone, specifically with himself. If he has a way to keep occupied, he's fine, but the minute he's left alone with his own thoughts, he's overcome with a sense of dread. For that reason, he keeps himself busy all the time, never relaxing. He has a lot of self-loathing, but he has not yet come to terms with it. After all, he's supposed to be better than everyone else, right? Right? Besides, there's no reason why he should hate himself. Even though he hates the Colonel, he has not been able to shake her influence. Nor is he aware of how badly she twisted his mind. Many of his insecurities stem from how she handled his upbringing. Mantras such as "emotions are a weakness, a tool for the enemy to manipulate" and "fear is power" he carries over from his childhood. Not surprisingly, he buries most his emotions as deep as he can. Rage has become his end-all response, since he never learned how to express other emotions. He genuinely believes other emotions to be a flaw and has no remorse in taking advantage of others' emotionality. He does not handle stress well and is prone to fits of hysteria. He is perpetually on the verge of snapping. Loss of childhood hobbies. Makes gun puns though. Ha! Continued attempts to play it cool. Love for games. Everything is a game. Rarely considers the consequences for his actions because he likes to live in the moment. Highly competitive. Even over really stupid stuff.

Strengths: Overcome by insecurity, selfishness, and a vicious temper, Kursha has very few redeeming traits. Some would argue that he has none at all. If there is one thing to be said for Kursha however, it is that he does not give up. Period. He has the tenacity of a cockroach and a near bottomless reserve of willpower.
Flaws: Nope.

Weapon: Custom long rifle, with a revolving chamber. (Note: Currently using an ordinary rifle, as Rasali is in possession of his usual weapon.)

Lusus: For as long as Kursha has been able to remember, his relationship with the Colonel has been strained at the best of times, and violent at the worst. A warrior with no compassion, she raised Kursha as a soldier. Bonding activities included learning proper forms of address, appropriate use of weaponry, and finally tests of endurance, the latter of which often manifested as neglect or abuse. He received no emotional support and near constant criticism throughout his childhood that eventually resulted in him projecting his own ego as a defence mechanism.

After the Old Hemisect conflict, where Kursha disobeyed the Colonel outright for the first time in his life, the tension between the two came to a head. Kursha renounced her authority and in a long overdue fit of spite made it clear he intended to join the Phoenix Initiative permanently. The Colonel subsequently disowned him, forcing him to evacuate his own hive. From there on out, Kursha broke off all contact with her. He did however begin using avians for target practise.

Two sweeps later, after Kursha betrayed the rebels to the empire and led the assault on their headquarters, he sought out the Colonel to blame her for his failures. Though she never revealed herself or responded, she has taken to roosting on the parapets of Kursha's hive and occasionally tailing him on his outings. Kursha has yet to attempt to shoot her down.

Home: Still on Busthind but new hive away from b***h-mom.

Power: HE HAS ONE.