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Reply 03 One-on-One RPs
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A poll because I've lost control
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Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:26 pm
City name: Alderney
Climate: Built on swampy land, frequently hot and humid, frequent and intense rains. The city itself has no real plant life, but outside the city, swampy, deciduous trees, not a lot of brush. Lot of muck and mire.
Government: Corrupt monarchy, with the rule and power of the king supported by military force. Military force is necessary, because very few people actually agree with the rule, except those who benefit directly from it...which basically means the very wealthy, or those in the king's employ.
Architecture: Because there's so little land that can be built upon, due to the swampy nature of the region, when they ran out of room to expand outward, they expanded upward. As a result of this, the city is narrow, but tall. Roadways on the ground are barely wide enough for two cars, and on side streets, are only wide enough for one. Access to many homes and businesses is only available by walking along catwalks that hang from the walls of the towering brick and cement buildings.
Due to the heavy smog pollution, the top of the city was initially outfitted with fans to vent out the air to keep it clean. However, in recent years, the fans have gummed up from the constant pollution, and so the vents no longer work as well. The pollution level in higher stories is bad enough to require a gas mask in order to breathe safely.
Magic: The city is pretty mixed--some folks have magic, some don't. It's a fairly even mix. There's a branch of scientists trying to find ways to weaponize magic.

To be updated later as needed.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:44 pm
Name: "Freddie" (Ferdinand Holst)
Age: 20
Appearance: Measuring in at 5'4", Freddie is anything but tall and handsome. He's dweeby, he's got terribly unkempt brown hair, he's got big crooked teeth and feels awkward about smiling. Generally speaking, Freddie dresses as "alternative" as he can--perhaps some counter to his nerdiness. He owns a leather jacket given to him by Blue, and almost perpetually wears this, even if everything else he's wearing is pretty plain. He's scrawny and doesn't look like he'd be much of a fight.
Likes: Late night phonecalls, motorcycles, hot coffee. Freddie is by all means a night owl, and a bit sentimental. He'll keep people on the phone way past a reasonable hour. He's also very fond of motorcycles, especially his own.
Dislikes: Physical confrontation, overly sweet desserts, rain. If you pretend like you're going to hit him, Freddie will flinch every time. He doesn't own an umbrella and hates getting wet.
Skills/talents: Freddie's... not really good for a whole lot, that he knows of. He has good listening skills, and kind of acts as the mediator for the group, since he's the only one who can calmly help settle disputes. Technologically, he's pretty much useless. Magically, he's as clueless as they come. He's a nice guy, though.
Personality: Freddie isn't very sure of himself, but he has no trouble being sure of other people. If he trusts you, he'll trust you with anything, even his own life--but he won't trust himself to remember someone's birthday without asking them twenty times just to make sure. Despite this, he can be quite brave and isn't afraid to take chances and risk his own life on a routine basis, because he values himself on such a different level from the value he has for everyone else.
Backstory: Freddie is one of those weird estranged family members that every powerful family has, that they cut off and refuse to acknowledge. He claims relation to the ruling monarch of Alderney, but has never had anything to back this up other than sharing a last name. If asked about his childhood, he grew up with a single mother who loved him very much and passed away from lung cancer a few years ago, leaving everything she owned to him.

Name: "Dee" (Deirdre Bruhn)
Age: 25
Appearance: Dee keeps her black hair long and ratty, and ties it back because it's most convenient to her. She's got tanned skin and dark eyes, and is built pretty well for only being 5'1". Dee dresses half-fancy, half-messy; she'll frequently wear dresses underneath ratty old jackets, or with big clunky boots underneath. She's not afraid to get dirty. She's frequently dirty.
Likes: Silk sheets and displays of luxury, the rush of lawbreaking, cigarettes. Dee likes to live an exciting life full of shoplifting and trespassing, taking lawbreaking as a challenge she has to meet. She smokes, though not as often as Johann, and figures she'll die anyway so why not have fun?
Dislikes: Strict gender roles, bitter drinks, figures of authority, especially religious. Dee seems to live her whole life trying to rebel against anything people try to tell her, especially how she's supposed to behave as a proper lady. She also hates beer, but sweet wines are nice.
Skills/talents: Dee is a pretty good runner, she's small and agile and strong enough to do any necessary acrobatics sometimes required when moving from platform to platform in quick succession. She runs along the catwalks easily, and it's difficult to catch her when she's trying not to be caught. She can also pack a pretty good punch for her small stature; she definitely works out.
Personality: She won't take anyone's nonsense, just won't deal with it. People start trying to tell her what to do, if she doesn't agree with it, she'll let them know quite loudly and angrily. Dee's a little fireplug, and she'll ferociously fight for whatever she thinks is important at the moment, and this can extend to fighting for people as well. She thinks she's trying to buck the system by breaking as many laws as possible. She's terminally angry.
Backstory: Growing up outside of Alderney, Dee was at first shocked by the size of the city, because the town she grew up in was small and humble. The switch to her was a dramatic change in her life, where she moved from a proper little girl into a bit of a troublemaker. She met Johann while they were both in school, and has stuck to his side ever since.

Name: "Smoky" (Johann Dreschner)
Age: 26
Appearance: Measuring in at 6'2" with broad shoulders, the first thing most folks notice about Johann is his imposing stature. Next, most people usually notice that he's always got some kind of cigarette or cigar in hand, even a pipe, always something to smoke though. He has short brown hair, which Dee usually cuts for him, and sharp features. Johann is most often seen wandering around in junky clothes, like he doesn't care who sees him dressed like a slob. He's often covered in oil and soot, and he doesn't bother carrying a gas mask like everyone else does.
Likes: Chocolates, lamplight, and a good book. Despite everything he's gotten himself involved in, Johann at the end of the day is really just a quiet, introverted individual. He's notorious for avoiding any late night hijinks with the gang, in exchange for taking a night in for himself. Dee sometimes follows suit.
Dislikes: Loud sounds, rain, and the tendency of others to judge without thinking. He doesn't really like people that much, as a general rule. Johann also hates getting wet. Rain, most of all. The rain in Alderney is generally polluted and filthy.
Skills/talents: Johann is something of a firebreather, and if you catch him without a cigarette, he'll often still be blowing out smoke rings anyway. His magic was a gift when he first realized how good he was at it, years ago, but by now he's pretty much tired of it and having to explain it, so he carries around various smoking devices to pretend that's where all the smoke comes from. He's also a pretty good mechanic, and fixes the gang's transportation, which generally consists of motorcycles. He claims to have worked on tanks in the past.
Personality: Johann is pretty laid back and a bit withdrawn; he knows how to interact with groups of people when he has to, but won't unless it's required. He's not super close or connected with anyone aside from Dee, and actually has a bit of a rivalry thing going with Blue, which is one of the few times he'll get loud and angry, when they're in a fight. Despite being fairly laid back, he isn't afraid to resort to extreme violence when necessary, without hesitation.
Backstory: Johann's father was a mechanic, and he knew he'd always follow the same path and didn't mind--working on vehicles was fun. When his father refused to work for the monarchy, he ended up locked away, and when Johann was old enough, he didn't make the same mistake. Once they were done needing him, he abandoned his work and fell in with a group of much more rebellious folks instead.

Name: "Blue"
Age: 20-something?
Appearance: The moment that Blue discovered how to color his hair must have been life-changing, because he's done nothing but keep it dyed a dark, deep blue ever since. He's a decent height, around 5'10", with darker skin and a thick build. He's not muscular, per se, but certainly isn't scrawny either; maybe big-boned would be the word for it. He dresses nice, like he's trying to impress, for whatever reason. Then ends up filthy anyway. Good going, man. Aside from his startlingly blue hair, his eyes are a pretty blue as well, and some folks have claimed that at night, they give off a bit of a glow.
Likes: Soft music, recreational drugs, and the open night sky. Blue seems to exist in a constant state of trying to forget where he is, who he is, or anything that's going on. Like Johann, he's often got something on him to smoke; unlike Johann, he's generally actually smoking it, and it's rarely a cigarette. He just wants to go nap somewhere quiet, honestly.
Dislikes: Bright lights, white rooms, floral perfumes. He'll start wigging out in too sterile of an environment, especially one that's medical in nature. Blue hates the stark organization of official buildings, and bright lights are harsh on his eyes.
Skills/talents: Blue appears to have some sort of magic, but nobody's entirely sure what it is he does with it. He's never seemingly used it around anyone before, and seems to have an aversion against using it, if anything. Aside from that, he seems to be fairly intelligent, when he's not intoxicated in some way, though he has a tendency to mix up words.
Personality: Skittish would be a great word to describe Blue when he's sober; every little noise or sudden movement can send him into a panic. He's extremely jumpy, and generally very aggressive when sober. If he's intoxicated, he calms down, and a lot of things that would previously bother him don't seem to anymore. He gets chatty and overshares frequently when he's stoned; he's been known to ramble for hours at people if they'll listen.
Backstory: Blue claims to have no memory further back than a few years, when he was pulled out of a ditch by Julep and told that his name was Blue, and they were friends. Something bad appears to have happened that may have involved a medical institution, because he's terrified of doctors far above his fear of anything else. He doesn't appear to have a family or a real name, because he was found without any identifying information, making it impossible to track down who he was before now.

Name: "Julep"
Age: 28
Appearance: Thin but not without curves, Julep takes pride in her appearances in the strangest of ways: she purposely dresses down and plays up the grunge, to look like a hooligan. It feels more "risque" to her. She has short black hair, and dark eyes, and generally can be found wearing mostly mens clothing, presumably much of it is borrowed from Blue or Johann, since she's actually too tall to borrow from Freddie; Julep is about 5'7". Underneath her exterior of city grunge, she can usually be caught wearing some kind of more mystical talismans, pendants, jewelry that seems to belong to a different era. She generally tries to keep this hidden.
Likes: Dark colors, fast cars, and the taste of a fresh salad. Julep takes great pleasure in a lot of the finer things in life, like racing cars and motorcycles, and eating good food. She doesn't wear light colors ever, because it's so easy to get dirty.
Dislikes: Quiet rooms, lawmakers, and overcooked food. Julep gets bored easily when nothing's going on, and demands entertainment. She's picky about the food she'll eat, and would rather something be undercooked than overcooked and bland.
Skills/talents: Julep is the unofficial leader of the group, mostly just because she can force everyone to listen to her. She's got a domineering side that works to her advantage in stressful situations, and can make the kind of split-second decisions that nobody else is willing to make. She can use magic, but only the magic granted via talismans or other magical articles; everything she does is generally very visceral and earthy and demands sacrifices and offerings to do it. Rumor has it, she can change form, but nobody has ever seen it.
Personality: Julep can put up a convincing fake-bubbly front at anyone she thinks would receive her better if they thought she was cheerful and innocent, but in general, she's not much like that at all. She can be very cold and calculating when something needs to be done, and isn't afraid to throw anyone under the bus for the greater good of everyone else. Supposedly she has a soft side, but very few have seen it. She's fairly chill with people she's friends with, though not particularly warm or open.
Backstory: Julep turned up in Alderney already fully grown and with no family to speak of; she doesn't like to talk about where she came from beforehand. She found Blue a few years ago and took him under her wing, because she figured he was a good ally to have around. She chose to latch onto the rest of the group in the interests of strength in numbers, but she's not particularly close with anyone.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:02 pm
Name: Gatts "Silvertooth" McCreary
Age: 24
Appearance: just short of six feet tall and weighs in at one hundred thirty pounds. His hair is blonde, usually worn long and pulled back in a pony tail. Has "rugged good looks" with a well groomed beard and sharp features. Nose is bent at the bridge from being broken repeatedly. Clothing is kept simple, nothing that stands out too much.
Likes: fighting, money, his boxing gym.
Dislikes: losing, betting, and lawyers.
Skills/talents: as a boxer he has one of the meanest left hooks in the city. Ran a small time gang in his teens so he understands how to lead. Though not particularly well educated he is far from stupid.
Personality: a friendly demeanor hidden behind layers of arrogance and acting like a real sonuvabitcth. He rarely reveals his true self to anyone, instead showing false confidence and bravado.
Backstory: Gatts was raised in the crafting district. His father was a tanner. His mother died in childbirth. He learned to take care of himself early on in life. Together, he and another two boys on the neighborhood were running the gang known as The Leathers. He participated in small time robberies and smuggling. Most of what they did was illegal street racing or bare knuckle boxing. After being seen in an underground fight a promoter recognized his talent and got him into the real ring. He has moved on from the gang of his teens and is now running a full size branch of a gang under a made man in the mafia. Most of his work involves running bookies and setting up matches. Still steps into the ring every chance he gets though.

Name: Brandon "The Oxen" O'malley
Age: 22
Appearance: six and a half feet tall and built like a bull. Hair is close cut and bright read. Wears a full mutton chop/ handlebar mustache. Wears a collared shirt, dress pants and shoes, along with suspenders and a flat cap.
Likes: reading, rainy days, and helping people.
Dislikes: fighting and the military.
Skills/talents: though he hates fighting, he is always willing to step in when his friends are in danger. He was taught from a young age how to read and write. Has an incredible memory and is good with numbers. Plus he earned the name The Oxen flipped over a burning car and pulled one of his friends out.
Personality: quiet and calm. A real gentle giant. Slow to talk and easily embarrassed. Most people think he is unintelligent because of his measured rate of speech.
Background: Was raised in the apartment beside the McCrearys. He was the best friends with Gatts and helped him start The Leathers. Today he acts as Gatts' right hand man and bodyguard. While Gatts is the schemer, Brandon has the smarts to support it.

Name: Billy "Bolts" Williams
Age: 26
Appearance: five feet seven inches. Built like a twig. Wears coveralls and a miners cap he got from his father. Hair is brown and messy. Has a scar across his cheek and another across his forehead from a knife fight. Always has on his signature goggles.
Likes: engines and machines of any kind.
Dislikes: people and being interrupted.
Skills: engineering and driving. He can fix anything or fabricate engines from what looks like scrap. A bit of a savant since he excels in almost no other talents.
Personality: closed off and usually in his own little world. He always had a few loose screws. Rarely shows any sign of emotion. When he does it's usually manic rages. Can only be calmed down by his adopted brother, Brandon.
Background: Grew up the youngest child in a mining family. His mother was always sickly and his father and two older brothers were always out at work. After an explosion in a the mine his father and older brothers were all killed. His mother eventually withered away and he was sent to live with his cousins in Alderney. He was the chief mechanic in The Leathers for two or three years. Eventually he lost it and drew a gun during a fist fight. Two kids ended up dead and another three were seriously injured. It's been eight years since then and he hasn't been seen since. Though there are always rumors. Over the past two years there have been a serial killer taking out low level mobsters. Scenes are brutal and show the use of excessive force, even after the victim has died. Since its gang members, the police haven't been looking too closely at them, instead leaving it to sort itself out.  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:05 pm
It was raining in Alderney, and many people were staying indoors. With the vents far overhead, the coming of rains always meant a downpour of pollution and foul-smelling fluid that must have come down from the clouds clean, before it hit the ceiling of the city and filtered through as filth. Of course, rain was common enough around these parts. Many folks were used to it, so anyone who had to be out, well, they'd be out anyway.

Such was the case with the trio walking down the catwalk, third story up off the street. Middle of the group was a tall fellow hiding his head under his leather jacket while he smoked a cigarette, trying to shelter from the rain and keep his smoke from going out. To Johann's side, a short girl tagged along in a dress and heavy boots, undisturbed by the rain pouring down from above. Dee was laughing and chatting amicably with the third member of the group, who didn't seem to care about the rain either way except to shelter his own smoke with his hand while they walked.

"I dunno, Blue, I'm pretty sure they're just waiting like the rain-slime's gonna kill us if they leave the vents filthed long enough," Dee remarked with a snort. "Saves them the struggle of getting rid of us."

Blue shook his head and murmured quietly back, "They got more use of us'n that, Dee, you know it. They've got alt...alternate... alternatives like, better than just snuffing us with pollution."

She shrugged, "Okay, yeah, probably kill us with smoke first anyway."

"Probably," Blue agreed.

Johann stayed quiet through their exchange, he was the one leading the group and he was...uselessly lost, honestly. They'd taken a wrong turn, and now he wasn't sure where they were going, anymore. But he wasn't about to admit that to either of the others.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:03 pm
"God I hate this fecking rain." Gatts muttered as he pulled his jacket on. "Oh come on you big lump. Let's get moving. I don't want to be here all day." The man he was referring to was in the doorway of the office. Only a little light shone through around him seeing as he took up most of the space between the door frames. "We're done here" the shorter man said as he held up his left hand, inspecting his knuckles. They were busted and covered in blood. Only some of it was his own.

He took one last look into the office as he stepped out into the rain. Three men lay unconscious on the floor or across the furniture. One was moaning as he started to come to. They were running a "printing company" which was really just an front for in illegal gambling ring. Usually working underground boxing matches. They had decided to get uppity and start shaving off some of the cash owed to Gatts. Brandon had been the one to see it. He was the numbers guy. Gatts was merely the schemer. And the one to set things straight. He had gotten his money in the end. And they wouldn't be forgetting the percentages owed again.

They weren't in the best part of town though they knew it by heart. And no one with any sense would mess with the pair. They were the best fighters on the street. Though this fame had painted a target across their backs. Gatts hands were in the pockets of his overcoat, fingers hovering just of the handle of his Tiny Tom pistol. Based off a model from the last war it had was made to fit into a pocket or a shoulder holster. With thirty rounds in the mag it could do some damage.  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:20 pm
As Gatts and Brandon stepped out onto the catwalk, the trio was passing by. Dee and Johann managed to steer clear of them, but Blue, with his face half-obscured, hiding his joint from the rain, smacked straight into Brandon and stumbled back, dropping the precious joint in the process.

"Aw, c'mon, c'mon, you serious? You serious with me?" he whined, staring at the wet joint as it smoked for a moment and went out completely, in the water he'd dropped it into. He looked up at Brandon and hissed at him, sounding a bit upset, "This is your fault, man. This's your fault."

Dee was practically cackling with laughter as she watched the exchange. "Blue, pay attention where you're walkin', you wreck!" She didn't feel any sympathy for Blue smacking into random people.

Johann was the one who stayed quiet, watching the strangers, reading their expressions. He wanted to be ready to react, whatever they did next. Also, standing still and keeping quiet made it a fair bit easier for him to keep himself dry, jacket still held over his face. He smoked from an unlit cigarette, and the smoke that slipped from between his lips didn't smell like a cigarette at all.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:34 pm
Brandon maintained his balance after being run into. His mind had been somewhere else at the time. He bent over and picked up the fallen joint. "I'm sorry mate. It was an accident I swear." He stood up again revealing his full height. Well over six and a half feet. The hefty jaw and with an underbite and slightly extended lower canines showed in blood in him a few generations back. The flaming red hair with a combination of mutton chops and and handlebar mustache gave him an even more intimidating appearance. His voice was gravely. "Hold on mate." He took a long draw. "You got a little more than green cardboard here. I could hook you up with something better."

Gatts shook his head as he watched Brandon. The man was an ox but had the aggression of a cow. Gatts himself had considered breaking the guys jaw when he started accusing them and yelling. But now that Brandon had offered the proverbial olive branch there was no need. This issue would hopefully wrap itself up. And maybe end up with some extra cash if it went well. His hand remained around Tiny Tom's wooden pistol grip. Just as a precaution.

Brandon spoke calmly. "Seriously. Let's head back to my place. I'll get you some samples to prove I'm telling the truth." He still held the joint in front of his face. Seriously. Who would turn down free Grow" with the police cracking down harder it was getting difficult to attain. Especially at a good price.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:56 pm
Blue stared at Brandon, eyes narrowing as he tried to determine whether he was being screwed with or not. "...who're you anyway?" he asked first, hoping to play it safe maybe, though honestly if he had to ask who someone was, the answer probably wouldn't mean much to him. Blue had the air of someone who was trying to come off as responsible, but the biggest read coming off him at the moment was just exhaustion. He hunched where he stood, not nearly as tall as Brandon to begin with and making himself look smaller; the bags under his eyes could've packed for vacation. He stood steady, though, and stared up at Brandon, and added, "And I mean, not just like, names. Who're you guys?"

After Brandon showed off his full height, Dee edged a little closer to Johann, watching the newcomer interact with Blue, like she wasn't sure what to expect from such a man.

Johann pulled his jacket down off his head and pulled it on properly. He stuffed his cigarette into his pocket. His hair finally started getting wet from the rain, and he just stood there, stoic, interestingly watching Gatts more than he watched Brandon, as though he suspected which of them was going to be more likely to turn to violence. Even without a cigarette, thin wisps of smoke escaped from his mouth as he breathed.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:38 pm
"I'm The Silvertooth. At least that's what they call me in these parts." Gatts said smiling, and revealing his namesake. The only shiny silver canine that had been originally knocked out in a fight years before. It was an honest smile but nonetheless it seemed threatening. Brandon on the other hand seemed much more peaceful. "They call him The Oxen for obvious reasons." He nudged Brandon in the ribs with his elbow as he spoke. "We are...businessmen who operate in this part of town." Words were chosen carefully. He never knew who was listening in the shadows.

"I'm sorry if we got off to a bad start." Brandon said apologetically. Holding out his right hand hoping to shake. "Let's get out of the rain and back to our office." rain was soaking through his thick wool peacoat. It was rapidly gaining weight as they spoke.

Gatts turned and continued walking wordlessly. He wasn't sure whether they would follow or not. Brandon picked up and got in behind him and slightly off to the side. "Your choice." He Brandon shrugged as he walked away from the trio. Brandon hoped they would follow along.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:14 pm
Despite being the most cautious of the trio, it didn't seem like Johann was really the one informing any decisionmaking, because he and Dee both looked at Blue for an opinion. There was enough of a delay that they were getting out of earshot by the time Dee whispered over to Blue, "Silvertooth? Oxen? Man who're they, I never heard of it before." She snickers, adding, "I so hope they like, gave themselves those nicknames."

Blue watched her for a long moment and remarked, "Uh, people call me Blue so."

Dee shrugged. "Fair enough but honestly, you wanna follow these guys? Probably decapitate us wherever they take us and--"

Johann actually spoke up, interrupting her, "I think they're looking for a legitimate business deal. Blue's a customer and more importantly, a possible return customer. I don't know what business model you follow that includes decapitating every random passersby you meet on the street, Dee." He shook his head. "No, I'd...say they're probably safe to follow, but do you honestly want to, is the bigger...question... ..." he trailed off as Blue turned to follow after the duo finally.

Blue picked up the pace to catch up with Brandon and Gatts, indiscriminately walking through puddles rather than trying to avoid and keep his feet dry. He was already pretty much soaked through, all three of them were. Johann and Dee followed after Blue as he tried to catch up with the others. "Hold up, hold up," he called to them, voice cracking as he tried to get a bit more volume out of it.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:39 pm
Ah. His plan had worked. Gatts knew how most people would operate. And the "turn and walk away after getting their attention" plan rarely failed when used appropriately. More so it would get him out of this rain faster. He heard the voice calling behind him. "Need something?" He asked nonchalantly over his shoulder. The pace slowed but didn't fully stop.

In a dark part of town the elf sat in the corner of an abandoned warehouse. There was a small bed made from stolen blankets which represented the entirety of the furniture. The elf's knees were tucked up to his chest with his arms wrapped around. it didn't move. It didn't speak. Your hand would have to be on its chest to even tell if the was a sign of breathing. In the blackness of the warehouse it wouldn't be seen by any wandering scavengers unless they tripped over it.

It's eyes were focused on the gun in his hands. An aging revolver. A blade projected from the barrel. An angry, black iron bayonet that was work from use. Only halfway sharpened, but still able to tear through flesh. Untold amounts of blood had covered it. The barrel was covered in scratches. Each one denoting a kill. The elf couldn't actually remember the count but still managed to scratch every kills into the barrel. It was probably closing on fifty now. Most were mobsters. Men like the elf had once tried to imitate. Others were a shop keeper who had shooed him away, a childhood bully, and many a lost invader into his home.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 4:00 pm
Blue caught up with him first, while Johann and Dee followed at a less desperate pace. They weren't the ones looking for what he was offering, after all.

"Yeah I... it's hard finding folks who deal, round here," Blue admitted. "Another's always welcome, if uh, you're looking for customers. I'm always looking for contacts." He stuffed his hands into his pockets so he would quit fidgeting with his coat sleeves, but now that he wasn't occupying himself with the joint he'd been smoking, he was definitely a bit more...twitchy.

Elsewhere in town, some hapless stranger shoved open some side door on the warehouse and stepped in, talking loudly over some obscured device as she entered, maybe a walkie talkie. "Alright. It's darker in here than I expected--haven't you got any lights on? ....you do? Hm. Might've picked the wrong warehouse, sweetheart. You are in the empty district, right...?"

Julep wasn't concerned about any potential dangers in the place, probably some street dweller judging by the oil-stained state of her wardrobe and her knotted hair. She made no efforts to brighten up the inside of the warehouse, looking around curiously as she discussed where she needed to go, with whoever she was speaking to. Her aim was rather... off.  

Omniscient Muse

Wheezing Genius

16,725 Points
  • Gender Swap 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Timid 100


PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:28 pm
"It's not like we are exactly hiding. We just have..." Gatts paused a moment and pondered a way to phrase his thoughts. "We just have our code in this district." The baker with the "Dane Empire Black Bread" for sale. The smith with extra horseshoes. Even the police officer who whistled his tune as he walked down the street. All were in Gatts' payroll.

"You can find most anything if you look hard enough." Gatts said with a smile. He knew it probably came off as more intimidating than he meant it to be. These honestly seemed like good people. Well. As good as it got in these parts. Better yet. They seemed like potential customers.

Billy detected the intruder the moment she entered the warehouse. His hair stood rigid on the back of his neck. The muscles in his arms tensed. He pulled back the hammer of his gun and dissappeared into the shadows. He could clearly see the intruder. She was in his territory. All he knew was little more than pure animal instinct. He struck out from the dark, aiming a stab at the the small of her back.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:11 pm
Blue nodded. "Yeah this... it ain't really our district," he admitted. "We're more like low end of fashion district kind of removed off a lot of junk. Makes things um... quieter? More soli...sol...uh... we're alone more." Solitary. That was probably the word he was looking for. Blue seemed pretty scattered; it was no wonder if he couldn't get a hold of anything good on his own.

"Gotta get more around though. Been tied down lately a lot. All us have," he sighed. The other two were talking to each other as they walked along. It seemed fairly obvious they were a couple.

The walkie talkie hit the floor at about the same moment her hand came down on top of his, grabbing it before he had the chance to stab her. Julep's head did a full 180 spin on her shoulders to face backwards at her attacker, while static fizzled through from the person she'd been talking to, still trying to catch her attention.

Something was very wrong about this woman. In the darkened room, her eyes gave off a dull glow somewhat akin to a blacklight. She hissed at him through gritted teeth, "I wouldn't, if I were you."  

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