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Reply [ RP Zone ] The Underdark
[FIN] Just a little lost...[Hook x Deseperoux x Chronos]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:39 am
Word count:
Hook: 1314
Deseperoux: 2088
Chronos: 1586  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:34 pm
It had been quite an adventure to visit the water tribe. It was there where Hook had traveled to learn how to 'read' and write. It had also been a success, and Killian was returning to the closest place he had considered to be 'home'. The mountains and tunnels of dark tribe, it was were his brother had resided and Hook had some gifts for him. That, and a skill to share with him. It was a skill that would help them both in the creation of a project they both had been working on for some time now.

It was approaching the passing sun, and with hope Chronos would be awake by time he had returned home. The Dark Tribe's mountain's were just coming into view as Hook, and Mr. Smee travel on lofty wings. As they approached, something glinted past the trees, and moved about on the ground. It easily caught the sharp eye of the born wind tribe, shining quickly appealing to his nature. It was a familiar glint...one that was the start of him conclusively loosing his paw. Bad form and all that.

Though, still his curiously had gotten the better of him.

"Mr. Smee!" Hook called out to his first mate, that followed his shadow under him. "Come about! Prepare for land" His slurry accent rose against the winds

The bolf barked and adjusted his course, and with a few flaps, prepared to come about for a landing. The lantern he had grasped, just as always was returned to hang on Killian's hooked paw. So the Bolf could easily land himself.

There was a break in the trees, ah a landing.

"There!" Hook spoke to Mr. Smee and his head nodded to the break of the trees. The bolf gave a bark and with a close of his leathery wings, started his descent. Hook was next to follow.

Desperoux, was a little lost, and a little hopeful that he was on the right path to where he had been going. Where? Well, that was to the Sister Dark tribe after all. He had been traveling for what seemed like many moons and sun passing. It felt like he would never be there, though he did have many occurrence on the journey. Met some new b'alam and a particular dark Nahtll.

At a distance, the Tahtil, had been able to climb a tree and get a sight of the dark peaks of the tribe. Though, as he approached in what he thought was the right direction, it was harder to see above the trees.

Tripping over himself, Desperoux let out a 'uff' as he tried to see what might have been around him. His ears turned about as he thought he had heard something.

Stopping, his ears turned back as head something, sound like it dropped...heavily, from maybe a tree?

"H-Hello?" Desperoux's voice called out, as his tail shifted in the air curiously. A timid step rose as he debated seeing what perhaps was just beyond the trees. But his thoughts stopped him, and the reminder what had happened last time....maybe it was scary...or not friendly. Though LeAnna was nice, and it wasn't that bad before.


A soft breath left the Light b'alam and his paw retracted. Lowering to his hind hunches, there was a subtle gentle rustle of his bag. His yellow tail turned and wrapped carefully around his light paws.

He digressed as golden ears arched forward curiously.

Perhaps, it would just be best to wait and see....

Swallowing, Desi's head tucked a little into his shoulders, tail tip twitched. He would just wait for now....


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:53 pm
Chronos could hardly wait for his sworn brother to return from his trip to the water territory. It was a trip that Chronos himself wished to have been able to make, especially if it were to see more of the home of the clever water b'alam and travel with his good friend. Their conversations were worth more than the first disappearance of light at the end of a day. However, there was too much to do and that had kidnapped his time completely. It was soon to be the season of his beloved tribe and he had much to prepare for.

Today, thankfully, he had prepared for Hook's return. The wait throughout the day was almost unbearable. Like a child waiting the night before to open presents the next day. There was no amount of distraction that could pull his attention away from the thought.

So much so that Chronos had nearly left when the sun was still in the sky. His knowledge of the area was well enough to fly about blind for a while, even if it was not such a wise decision. Chronos had also been working on a device that would allow him to walk out in day as if it were night, but that was not going along as smoothly as he had hoped and it was far from being ready to be used.

But now! Now that the sun was sinking rapidly into the distant horizon the light was dim enough to safely fly through and not become completely blinded! Chronos spared no time in spreading his wings and leaving his workshop behind to meet his friend half way. He still had to squint when he broke past the comforting embrace of darkness from the home-cave, but he paid it little mind.

He flew forward at a hurried pace, his large wings scooped as much air as it could with each rotation of his wings. Unfortunately dark b'alam were not well known for their speed.

It was almost nightfall, surely Hook was near by. Okay, so , truth be told, Chronos had only speculated his brother's arrival today. It wasn't yesterday or the day before. He had ventured out early every day since the estimated time had passed. But what not? He had completed what he felt a solid concept of what they had been working on. The sketches were rough, but exciting none the less. It was hard to hold in such excitement, especially when there was no one to share it with. La Muerte would not understand... and it just didn't feel right sharing it with anyone else.

"Hmn?" Chronos hummed as something shining had caught his eye just past the green veil of the forest below.

The last desperate ray of light was just enought to catch a light b'alam's scales. Barely, but Chronos had an eye for shining objects.

His wings angled downward while his feet tucked close to his frame his eyes squinted while se scanned about for a wide enough spot for him to land. There had to be something- There!

A clearing that was vaguely in the shape of a headless bolf came into view, and thankfully it was close to the glimmering in the woods. It wouldn't be hard to find his way after landing. With that thought in mind he made his course for the clearing and prepared his landing.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:15 pm
Hook came though the landing after Mr. Smee. The little bolf had landed and quickly made paws to be out of the way. Knowing his friend would be right behind him. Landing, The Wind balam had done so skillfully on all three normal paws. The lantern he held out, and in a instant it was scooped up by Mr. Smee.

"Very good, Mr. Smee." Hook was kind to remark as his first mate took the lantern from his hook to free it up. Setting his metal 'paw' down he turned with a sweep of his tail. Lowering himself he habitually went into a curious prowl. His tail lowered and shifted behind him as Killian stalked though the brush.

It was then his senses could pick up others, and his scent caught that of a familiar one. Just as he stepped into where another gold b'alam could be spied with his blue eyes. The smell of his brother caused his head to rise and turn. A smile slipped across his maw.

"Now that is Good form..." Killian breathed out from under his maw, before his head turned to look back at the other in the woods, as his gold scales once more caught his eye. The thought of his brother nearby almost caused him to forget about the other.

"Greetings and fair winds, Tah..." Hook spoke and gave a subtle nod. His thoughts checked on the bag that was around his neck, and underbelly.

He looked timid and his gold gaze seemed almost scared...Lost. It caused the wind sailor to raise an eyebrow.

"Forgive my salty tongue, but you look to be a little lost. " Hook went on to say, but he paused on the thought how to explain his thoughts "You see, There isn't very many of your kind that wonder about here..." The savvy well placed words, left Hook's maw skillfully and kindly.


Desperoux sat vary still as a figure approached though the brush. With a shift of his tail and slowly and ever so carefully, his front paws to lay his body down as if to become part of the earth as if to hide and become one with it. If only it were possible. It would certainty cause a lot less torment, that was for sure.

Ears turned as eyes took in the sight of a rather strange looking Tahtll. Eyes blink, as the b'alam felt himself want to recoil within himself. It was a strange and vary new sight. Not to mention he sounded vary strange when he spoke. It wasn't mean, but just strange....

Swallowing, Desperoux's tail curled even more tightly around his body. His ear shifted and turned once more, as eyes looked around him. Though, if asked he wouldn't be looking at anything, but rather trying to search his thoughts in what to say. The other was right, he was...lost. He did however know where he wanted to go, so.

Clearing his maw, Desperoux released a breath.

"I-I'm looking for my sister colony.... " The B'alam spoke every so softly, his eyes lowered and looked off to the side. His body almost seemed to sink even more into the ground as if the words that left him actually kept his body inflated.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:35 pm
Chronos made his landing swift and quiet, as usual. It hadn't taken long for him to get used to his new shape. Becoming a magus was one of the most grand experiences he had ever undergone in his existence. The only down side is that it had created such a strange height gap between himself and his brother.

Hook would get there, he was sure. In due time. What a grand time that would be! Ah, but his thoughts had trailed away from why he was originally landing. Something brilliant had winked at him from within the woods! Something golden, bright, beautiful.

OH! But his thoughts apparently not traveled too far! While he tread through the gentle blanket of grass stretching from both ends of the clearing he could smell something familiar. There were two Tahtls here. One he knew very well. The other must have been the bright one hailing him from below.

Chronos tucked his wings close to his frame while his pace quickened toward the two B'alam just past the trees.

"Well well, what is this? I could see those bright scales from all the way in the sky, and in dim lighting I might add. My sight is not best than. How splendid is that. " Chronos delightfully mused while he made his approach. "My brother, using a beacon to signal your arrival. I just might have to use that on stage, it is quite brilliant!"
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:57 pm
Hook's brow raised once more as he faintly picked up the words that left the lost one. Not only did he look as flighty as a newborn paroo, but he was soft spoken as well. 'sister colony'? Hmm...

Killian opened his maw, but before another word left it, his ear turned about as he heard the familiar voice of his sworn brother. A bark left Mr. Smee as he greated the large Dark Triber.

"You would be just flying about in daylight, wouldn't you Tick-tok." Hook smiled. He was genuinely happy to see his friend and brother, who luck be had seemed to always know what to do for any occasion.

"Though, it was no beacon of mine, but a beacon all the same." Killian showed a smirk and looked back to the timid looking tahtll. His hook lifted and pointed to the lost light b'alam.

"Seys, he is looking for his 'sister coloney', hasn't shared a name though." Hook's eyes traveled back to Tick-tok, as his tan tail shifted behind him whimsically.


As the feather wing spoke, another larger leather winged b'alam made himself known. His voice was first to be heard and caused Desperoux to turn his ear to him. Golden eyes took in the sight of the dark triber, and the light b'alam felt his breath halt. Yes, those leather like wings, and fangs. hey where tell-tale signs of those of his sister tribe. The dark ones that lived in the caves. He had to be close then. As the feather wing spoke to the leather wing, they seemed to know each other.

the word 'scales' caught Desi's careful ears which caused his eyes to search about as if there had been one about. It was then that the one with the metal appendage, spoke of him and not having introduced himself.

"I am Desperoux...." Came softly from Desperoux, his yellow tail shifted behind him.

"E-excuse me..." The b'alam found the courage to speak and shifted slightly from his lay. Standing to his paws, he took a careful step closer to 'tick-tok'.

Eyes glanced to the weird creature that held the light of the other. He paused, before looking back to grander b'alam. Desi felt himself swallow, he had to be strong for Senpi. He had made it this far.

"A-Are you of the dark tribe?" The b'alam found himself asking meekly, as his tail still remained lowered and carefully around his own frame and hind paws.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:39 pm
"I aspire to be able to see the sun as you do, of course!" Chronos repeated with a tuneful hum and a nod to Mr. Smee. "Fly a mile with one's paw and what not... I do have it with me. Never let it be known I'm not a Tahill of my word."

An inside joke that surely only Hook could understand...

Before he could playfully continue the "game" of words with his sworn brother, the light tribe member came forward and spoke. It seemed bold for someone like this to give his name. He seemed skittish for a lack of a better word. Something seemed off about him. Not in a bad way. It was as if one were to speak too loudly the light b'alam would shatter like thin plank of wood hit with a rock.

"Yes, we are." Chronos extended his wings to their fullest than gestured toward Hook. "In fact I was simply retrieving my brother to return there."

Slowly he folded his wings back snugly against his sides. His signature grin found its way back to his maw.

"What business have you with the Dark Tribe, hmn?"

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:53 pm
"With your mind? All In good time, I am sure Tick-tok" Hook gave a reassure nod over to Chronos. It was twilight now, and he could still see for the most part, but in time he didn't doubt his brother would find away to see in the light like he. After all, he didn't have trouble seeing in the wind, like the the wind tribe when flying. second lenses and all that. (Perhaps they could work something out with dark scales, and making them thin enough to see through.)

A breath left Hook, as his brother brought up the extra...member in the party

"Bad form, Mate." Killian answered in a hushed tone, making a slow shake of his head. Looked back over to the Light b'alam before them, as Chronos took over the conversation.

Though it did strike up some warm fuzzies, as Chronos said 'we' when talking about the dark tribe and them. His tail shifted happily, and his chest puffed ever so slightly.


Desperoux stood as if he bared a heavy weight on his back and would collapse at any moment. As the larger b'alam spoke, Desi found himself wondering if this vary large dark b'alam was the leader of the tribe. Was that silly to think? Ears shifted and his eyes glanced over to the one that first found him. He sure didn't hope so, it was a good thing they couldn't read thoughts of each other as well. Though, they did seem to be talking about something they only knew about....

Attention turned back to him, and Desperoux tail shifted ever so slightly behind him once more.

And he smiled....was that a good smile?

Timidly, a vary unsure smile placed it's self on desi's maw. They all where smiling now...


"I...I...am from the Light tribe..." Came from Desperoux smartly. Well, lets hope that the horn on his head and the scale's on his back wasn't a good enough incinerator. Wait. Scales...Yes, work with that Desperoux.

Still, Weaver help him...

Eyes fell to the ground, and he released a slow breath. Closing his eyes he spoke slowly, and was careful with each word. He could do this.

Senpi believe he could.

"I wish to meet with my sister colony to speak on the behalf of our scales..."

Yes, that seemed like a good enough reason. Giving a swallow, Desperoux felt his maw become dry. Hopefully, that was a good enough reason, and it was well received by this large b'alam and the one with the strange 'hook'? for a paw.


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:36 pm
"Bad f- Oh heavens no. I make sure it is up to par and in shape at all times." Chronos assured with a chuckle.

Of course he knew what Hook meant, but he was in a very playful mood at the moment. That and he was more than sure that the light b'alam had absolutely no idea they were talking about an actual paw, or even the missing paw of the wind b'alam.

This one also seemed... jumpy. His mind did not seem fixated on making sense of what they were saying. He seemed more focused on some appointed task.

"Oh! Fascinating!" Chronos explained, his grin going strong. "Well, surely you will want to meet with our Lord Gabriel. He will be interested in meeting you I am sure. And on the eve of our Tribes season! There is soon to be a grand festival! You have splendid timing my friend."

Chronos gave the scales another look-over with a hum.

"You know, I would love to trade you for some scales as well. I have always found them interesting to observe. They seem like they can have so many uses... Though I have not been as fortunate in getting a hold of some. You see, I simply can't pluck them from Lord Gabriel's Yoliliztli." Chronos lifted his paw and wiggled his fingers. He chuckled softly while he offered Hook a side-glance very briefly.

"You sir, have splendid scales." He added when his full attention returned to Desi.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 12:46 am
Hook gave Chronos a side glance as he spoke about the forth member of the party. Even as traumatizing as the event was, Chronos always seemed to bring up the event and cause Hook to smile about it. Perhaps it was that his laughter seemed so contagious, even if it was just a chuckle.

"It would be unlike you if you didn't, mate..." Hook spoke with a grin, before giving a nod over to the Light b'alam. They had a guest. Quietly, shaking his head a sigh left the b'alam as he shifted the bag he bore once more. Making sure that the contents where still all there.

Mr. Smee tilted his head as he looked over to Chronos before turning his head up to look at Hook and then to the light b'alam


Desperoux's ears bounced and twitched as the Dark Triber spoke. He had a vary...delightful way of speaking. It couldn't help but to raise the Tahtll's spirits. His stance straightened slightly, as his head tilted. All the words that left his mouth, where rather...uplifting.

Desi felt his nervous tail shift and uncurl a little from his body. Stepping closer to Chorons, his head tilted as he watched him carefully. He felt he wanted to listen to more to this dark triber.
"Th-thank you." Desi spoke, a timid smile turned at the corner of his maw. He thought his scales were 'splendid'. Which was rather contradicting, to what he personally thought of his scales. He liked other scales, actually any scales that wasn't his own. Yet, this Tahtll thought his scales were splendid. His tail slowly rose and it's tip kook'ed slightly.

"They do." The Light Triber, smiled all the more as Chronos spoke of how many uses the scales must have. He seemed to understand what he was all about!

"Though, they shouldn't be removed..er 'plucked' directly from the pelt, it ruins them..." The timid desperoux took another glance over to the one b'alam with white wings.

"Is this 'Lord Gabriel', your magus?" Desperoux thought to ask, his head lowered once more as he made a glance over to the other b'alam.

"I am sorry, but I must decline until I speak to your leader of the dark tribe." The timid b'alam hunched closer to the ground once more. He hoped that this new b'alam wouldn't think that too strange, especially since he took so much delight in seeing his scales.

"I hope you do understand?" The Light Triber added more softly hoping that it didn't change anything with what he thought of his scales...

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:01 pm
Chronos continued to chuckle while he lightly shoved at Hook with the edge of his wing. His wing remained partially extended just in case retaliation was needed. Or perhaps it was just a lure? Chronos wasn't sure of his reasons at the moment.

"Of course not! It is a precious gift, my friend." He spoke in a serious tone, but was quick to follow up with another chuckle.

All attention returned to the Light b'alam before them. He was so nervous it was charming. Like a young cub learning about the world! Though, he seemed incredibly knowledgeable about the scales. Which would be valuable information. Like, could the scales be used in paint to get that splendid shine on the walls.

"Quite fascinating indeed." Chronos nodded and hummed in thought. "Ah, yes, Lord Gabriel is our Magus." He flicked his wing at Hook again.

"Of course I understand, lad. Though, making me wait on something so wonderful as this is quite a tease!" Chronos chuckled. "Would you be willing to tell me how you keep your scales glistening like the setting sun? Perhaps, after you are done conversing with Lord Gabriel, I might have one? If you have one spare that is."

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:20 pm
Hook wobbled a little as Chronos nudged him, he caught himself from falling over. It was amazing how easily with chrono's new size, how easily it was done.

"Easy, Mate." Hook smile and offered a chuckle at this brother. It was a 'gift' that wasn't willingly given so to speak. If he had a choice, he would like to have his paw back. However that wasn't the case, and he must live with his past grievances. Bad form included...

Pulling his eyes from Chrono's massive form, Hook looked back to the Light b'alam just as the dark b'alam did. It was strange how skiddish the lad was, yet-there seemed to be something more about him. Hook just couldn't place it. It was like something deep inside told him so, hinted at it. Like the unrefined gold colored scales, had yet to show their true shine. But would...someday. At the right time.

Hook's blue eyes slipped over to Chronos once more as he was included in the tribe. It caused more of a smile to tug at his maw. It was after all the only place he found himself staying at for long periods of time. If only he could gain the Lead Magus' respect like chronos. That would really be something.


Depseroux's eyes slipped over to the Hook adorn b'alam as the bigger tahtll spoke to him. His head tilted slightly, as golden eyes peered past teal loches. They once more seemed to be talking about something he had no idea about. Gold tail tip twitched slightly, at the desire of wishing to know what they were talking about. However at the same time, it didn't seem to matter too much. As the conversation quickly changed. tucking his head sightly, he hadn't realized that it had curiously stretched out as if it would help in understanding them more.

Ears perked more as Chronos seemed to be even more interested in the uses of scales. He hadn't met another before that seemed as intrigued as the large b'alam before him now.

'fascinating' there was that word again. It caused Desperoux's head to tilt to the other side this time and strighten as their magus was confirmed.

Great! He was almost there, his senpi really did know what he was talking about! To think, Desi had come all the way from home to almost be at his journey's end.

Face brightened a little, and his stance strengthened a bit more as Chrono's stated his understanding. Which was a sigh of relief, it was one less thing he had to worry about.

Yellow ears lowered and flicked back in a quick instant as the red Tahtll spoke of 'teasing'.

"T-Thank you, though that isn't my..." Desperoux's body lowered a little back to the ground in what looked to be a almost crouch. As if somehow his smaller stature would make him....something. Imposing? Surely he didn't need anymore help with that.

"my intention." It slipped from his maw in almost a whisper. Eyes looked off to the side, before more of Chrono's words teased at his ears. Uplifting them.

Eyes widened as they looked back to Chronos. Glistening like the sun? Surelly he wasn't talking about -his- scales. Turning his head, Desperoux checked his back to make sure that the color of his dirty scales, hadn't change. For a little moment of hope that was in his gaze was quickly over taken by complacency. Desperoux released a sigh, his scales where still the same color. Dull, and not glistening. He almost could take it as a cruel joke, that was if chrono's didn't seem so sincerer in his flattery.

Perhaps, the Dark b'alam really did find his scales 'splendid' and 'glistening as the sun'.

Looking back to Chronos, Desperoux responded with a slow nod. He swallowed next, as a idea crept into his mind.

"If you let me see your magus, I will let you have one of my scales..."


[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:48 pm
"You are an odd fellow..." Chronos noted with a chuckle and a grin.

The lad was twitchy. It seemed as if every movement Chronos made was going to shatter the light b'alam completely. Still, there was something charming about the fellow.

"It challenges me to be patient.. I skill I should season. I should be thanking you." Once again he chuckled.

His wings tucked back to his side to prevent himself from shoving Hook any further. Chronos was still getting used to his change in height. It was hard to get used to at times. Especially when he was goofing off around Hook.

"Now, come, we must walk to the caves so it will take some time. And I simply must be back before the sun returns. Along the way, perhaps you will be willing to share a bit of your story?"

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:06 pm

Desperoux tilted his head once more as Chronos spoke of being patient, was that a 'yes' to their deal then? Oh Desperoux found himself really hopping so.

"O-okay" Left Depseroux and he slowly let himself rise, yellow eyes took a glance over to the hooked b'alam. He had turned and fallowed suite with the Dark b'alam. The little creature seemed to hop along in suite.

"You're welcome?" Was that the right thing to say? The large one did say that he should be 'thanking' him, but for what? Desperoux couldn't recall doing anything that would warrant such.

"I should be the one thanking you both." came from the b'alam in soft murmur, as he fallowed the large dark b'alam and feathered one.

"I was a bit lost..." Desperoux admitted letting his yellow eyes fall to the ground. Ear turned, and his eyes glanced up at the mention of getting to the dark tribe before morning. Desperoux felt his stomach sink at the idea of walking all nigh. He honestly didnt' know if he could handle that, he had been walking all day! making a uneasy swallow, his eyes bounced back up to the other two b'alam that lead the way.

"..If you would like.." The young tahtll took a glance up to the two curious b'alam that lead him to his goal. Eyes dropped as he recalled where his journey had started. It seemed so long ago now, his tattered and calloused paws where evidence of that.

taking in a deep breath, it was then that Desperoux, slowly and steadily began to tell his story. How he manged to make his way from the light capital, to find a newly woven b'alam only to have a nervous break down in front of her. How she came to his comforting aid, to where he was now after days of walking and hoping he was going in the right direction.

It was a modest story, but it was his...

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

[ RP Zone ] The Underdark

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