Hello there. I'm going to make this quick and straight to the point. I am looking for a Supernatural RP via email. The pairings I'm looking for are Sam/Crowley, Sam/Gabriel, and Sam/Castiel. I prefer to write as Sam and I have plots/plot ideas for each of these pairings.

The main issue we will run into is I refuse to RP with anybody under the age of 18. It's not just a maturity level thing, but also a comfort thing. I am 23. I've been on Gaia a long time. You need to be legal for me to do the whole roleplay bit with.

If any of these pairings interest you and you're at least 18, then feel free to email me at justalittlemad14@gmail.com. I usually write one to two paragraphs as I write a lot on my ipod/phone. It's just easier for me. I also play various side characters and ask that my partner does as well to keep things interesting.

So, again, feel free to email me if you're interested in this. 3nodding