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There was a newness to the ebon and silver hued female as she wandered forth. She didn't look confused, but enthralled instead. Everything around her wasn't something she had ever experienced. She wasn't born from flesh, but breathed into life instead. She was woven as she was to be intended. Silver eyes flashed as she paused, ears alert, much like a deer and she scanned the area that surrounded her and she felt at ease for the most part. Something told her she was where she needed to be.

She racked her talons across the dusty, cracked earth and felt it crumble against her toes as she dug them into the dry ground. A smile formed across her maw as she continued on her way. She was hungry, she could feel it within her stomach and she was now on the prowl. She was searching for something edible, something that she could devour. She had basic instincts, but beyond that she had no knowledge of how to hunt tactfully. At least she wasn't being overly loud about it.

WC: 178