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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP]Blue [Zory]

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Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:39 pm
After the last class Zaire was in a mood, mopey and not bothering to hide it at all. A huff and the monster lounged more against the tree that rest on campus. Staring out over all the passing creatures and snorting as a flyer with the new prom theme was shoved into his hands. A look barely over it and he shoved it over to Jory whom he promptly laid on and took a sip of his juice box.

Laying over Jory's legs his hand pushed a few fingers into a dirt patch beside of them as the other held his juice box. Feeling extra possessive since Jory invited the whole class and not him home he tried to make sure no other creeple approached shooting a rather sinister looking scowl to whomever lingered to long on them. His. Jory should hurry up and forgive him because at this rate he was bound to go mad or hurt another creature.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:30 pm
Jory was doing what he could to ignore Zaire's bad mood. He'd very deliberately not mentioned it as they'd left Miss Winter's classroom, sure he had a fair idea as to why the mahamba was in a huff. But this wasn't Jory's fault. The boil had to keep reminding himself of that, least he fall back into old habits that would simply reinforce or excuse what had happened. That wasn't how things were going to work, not this time.

So he'd taken a seat beneath their favorite tree, setting the pair of juice boxes they'd just picked up from the cafeteria on the ground beside his leg, and opening the notebook he was still carrying, looking over the notes he'd taken. Back against the tree, he draped his tail over Zaire's(upset with the boil or not, he still loved him.), and began reading. Looking up only as a paper was thrust into his hand, along with a juice box, before he was forced to move his notebook before Zaire lay on it. This earned the larger boil an exasperated sigh, a small shake of Jory's head, but he did hold the box down at a convenient drinking level for a moment before setting it down so he could look at the paper.

"Oh." It was prom. Baby blues blinked down at the page as he read over the theme, lips pursing slightly. "Dark fairy tales." He read over the details, projected dates, activities, then lay the paper down on the ground beside their juice. After a moment, his hands lowered to dark hair, sliding through the soft lengths as Jory looked out over the lawn outside the dorms, features thoughtful.

His mind slid back to the night of the last dance, the Mad Science Party, and the barest flicker of a smile twitched on blue lips as he remembered the lake, the dance itself, and after. He hadn't expected to like dances much, or dancing, but he'd been pleasantly surprised. And then Zaire had surprised him with dancing lessons for scarentines...

With a small sigh the boil looked back down at his boilfriend, brushing dark bangs off his forehead.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:33 pm
Glowing blue eyes had been watching the smaller monsters face intently. Looking for signs of frustration, anger, annoyance any of the combination. But he didn't get much, just a sigh but that had been expected. Drinking lazily from the juice box a brow lifted for the thoughtful look. Never before had Zaire wanted to read another creatures mind except for in this moment, what he would give to know what Jory was thinking.

Was he thinking about last prom? About the lake? About them? Was it happy, sad, what was he thinking.

Zaire was being driven crazy.

And not the good kind of crazy....

A pout of a frown formed and the tanned monster pushed up into the hands petting him demanding more like a forceful kitten. The touches were torture, Zaire wanted more contact needed more physical action to know they were ok. The lack of physical contact since their fight was driving the monster crazy. Was this how Jory felt constantly? Blue eyes lowered and he nodded with the repeat of the theme.

When Jory finally looked down at him Zaire couldn't smile, just looked lost up to the other monster. Waiting, hoping, then breaking to ask, "...are we going?"
PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:52 pm
He tried to keep his features as neutral as he was able most of the time, but there were times when his thoughts and his feelings reflected clear as day in baby blues and pale features. Now, as Zaire leaned into the soft brush of his hand, was one of those times. Jory's jaw tightened, and he had to swallow past the sudden forming of a lump in his throat. He didn't like cause the other monster distress, he hated it, but...

but. This wasn't his fault.

Was he being too cold? Was he just doing to Zaire what the larger boil had done to him? It wasn't exactly the same, but the resulting emotions were similar, weren't they?

Fingertips slid through dark hair, along the mahamba's scalp and the smaller boil had to look up and away for a moment, had to take a deep breath. Zaire's question pulled at him, and he pulled the elastic band from his boilfriend's hair, spreed it out over his lap so he could comb through it. Gentle, tender touches.

There was a very small flicker of a smile on his face as he met those glowing eyes. "Are you asking me?" He asked, voice soft and light, and he pulled one hand from dark hair, brushing the wire wrapped gear that rested at Zaire's throat.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:24 pm
A flicker of hope passed through glowing eyes as Jory's expression change. Just to see that sparked something that brought a low noise from chest. It was a sweet sort of call, one that begged those eyes to come back as the monster looked to the sky and inhaled sharply. Waiting he nuzzled as best as he could into the stroking hand. The tie in hair freed it to fall around the others lap and brought a murr of delight from Zaire's lips. It always felt good when Jory played with his hair. The soothing fingers often put the larger monster to sleep this way but this time Zaire was wide awake to enjoy each touch the other offered greedily.

Mine. The word wasn't spoken but the possessive look to eye said it.

Hands curled childishly around Jory's middle and lips pursed thoughtfully. Was this a trick? Had he not asked well enough? Well maybe he hadn't a touch of red rushed over tanned skin darkening it a little as Zaire stared up. Arms tightened and he spoke, "....would you say no?" It was a real fear in the moment. A heavy sigh and Zaire leaned lazily up to kiss the tip of a blue chin, then lowered back to lap. A hand lifted and brushed fingertips across the side of a jaw asking before Jory could answer, fear aside, "...will you go to prom with me? Cause.....I'd really...like to dance with you.." For once in the almost year they had been together Zaire looked shy.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:52 pm
Jory's eyes lifted into something thoughtful at the question, an exaggerated look, but only to mask that he really was thinking about it. Would he say no? He didn't think so. They were a little rocky still, but this was prom, and Jory really enjoyed dancing with his boilfriend.

He would have answered, but the boil took too long, and Zaire was shifting to wrap arms around his waist, leaning up to lay a soft kiss on his chin before settling again. It brought the smaller monster's attention down in time for Zaire to ask him for real. The smile that followed was a natural, easy thing. He needed to smile more, and maybe this was the perfect start. Maybe this was just what they needed to find their grove again. Jory hoped so, he really did.

Zaire looked almost terrified, and there was color rising in his cheeks. It made Jory's heart hurt to see it, and really, there was only one answer.

He gave the larger monster's arm a pat so he'd loosen his grip enough for the afanc to slip free, but he wasn't going anywhere. Instead he would nudge his boil back up and when he was sitting, back against the tree, the smaller boil would sink down to sit in his lap. It was the most forward thing he'd done since their awful night. Knees on the ground to either side of Zaire's hips, he leaned against him, arms draped over his shoulders, and brushed his lips in a soft kiss.

That would serve as an answer, right?




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:45 am
The smile that greeted his question made the larger monsters heart race. It was what had been missing lately, smiles came rare unlike before and this one was already cherished. They had to get back to good soon or Zaire didn't know how much longer he could hang on. It was all his fault but he was trying, just it didn't seemed to be getting much of anywhere. Or hadn't before today, the monster in arms was shifting and pulling him up. Sitting with his back to the tree now a brow rose and glowing eyes watched Jory a little worried since there was yet to be an answer.

When Jory sank into lap a light dust of red crept to life across tanned cheeks. It was the first move Jory had made since the fight. The first time really he could remember the other sitting in lap by his own will. Which stirred a few reactions in the frustrated monster. The soft brush of lips only further said reactions as hands slipped to coil around Jory's hips, holding him tightly. His head leaned back after taking the kiss, eyes on the other. Was that a yes? Still unsure Zaire blinked slowly, waiting before, "so....that's a yes?" He said trying not to assume but smiling just a touch.

If only he could read minds, this relationship stuff would be much easier.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:26 pm
The smaller boil had been scared of not feeling anything with the kiss. It had been part, a small part, of why he hadn't initiated anything sooner. The idea was absolutely terrifying to him. That he could have loved this boil so much, and that love had faded. And no matter how much he said it, no matter how much he believed it, there was that slim, awful chance that he might be wrong. So it was a momentous relief when the brush of lips and the tight grip at his hips sent wings fluttering through his stomach.

Pale eyes gaze an unfocused blink as the kiss broke, and the smaller boil made a small, questioning sound at the question before it sank in. He bumped his cheek against Zaire's nuzzling against cool skin as he nodded.

As much as he'd been denying his boilfriend, he'd been denying himself as well. Something that was easier to forget when they weren't being intimate, but it all came crashing back now. And it wasn't just the sex he missed. Jory missed the cuddling, the the clinging, the feel of Zaire's pulse through his body when they lay together. He missed the closeness, and how carefree they used to be.

He missed Zaire.

Jack, please let us come back from this. A silent plea. Slender arms tightening around broad shoulders in an almost desperate hold.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:45 pm
Jory hadn't be the only one feeling relief in the moment their lips met. Zaire had just been holding back, not wanting to ruin what progress they had made. Not wanting to scare him off with the feelings that had never faltered for the other monster not once, but had in fact intensified more so due to being all but cut off cold turkey from the boil he loved. His heart was beating erratically still when those pale eyes focused on him though it nearly stopped with the noise.

Jack he was stupid.

This kind of cautious sidestepping was for the birds.

So when Jory curled in to nuzzle tanned skin goosebumped in pleasure and he responded with the normal low pitched growl of approval to encourage more. "Jory..." He purred lowly, hands moving to caress up the other monsters sides before locking around him tightly. This prom would be the best one they went to, of that Zaire intended to make sure. Wrist flower, picking him up early all the stops for the boil he loved.

But first, first he just wanted to enjoy the small victory in lap. Dipping his nose pressed to the blue neck, face nuzzling happily to fresh water smelling skin. "I wanna..hold you..for a little bit." He wasn't ashamed to beg, not even in public and while his body pleaded for obvious other things this was what he really wanted more. Just to have Jory in his arms again and to have the smaller monster wanting to be there.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:06 pm
Another soft sound, helpless and content, as large hands slid up his side before the larger boil was wrapping him up in strong arms. The purr brought with it a rush of goosebumps, smaller frame shivering as he turned his head to bury his nose in the space between dark dark and the back of the mahamba's finned ear. He wanted that earthy, misty scent. Wanted to pull it in with every breath. wrap it around himself like a comforting, familiar blanket.

Zaire could have what he wanted. Jory wasn't moving, not yet. He settled against the other boil's chest, legs shifting around his hips, and brought that long tail around to loop the both of them.

"I'm not going anywhere." Not now, at least. Zaire was making a real effort, Jory could see it, the other boil was really trying. He'd been remorseful, apologetic, kind, patient. He pouted, yes, but he never pushed. Never tried to force Jory into any sort of physical contact that wasn't given willingly. It had to be killing him. Hell, it was killing Jory. He could feel how much the larger boil's body missed him, but he wasn't acknowledging it. Neither of them were. Both content to sit quietly, wrapped up in each other again.

Months of barely touching. Of sleeping separately, and everything felt almost new again.




Wrathful Demigod


Mysterious Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:06 am
Say it. Tell him you love him. Zaire wanted to tell Jory, always wanted to tell him. But he had been holding off on saying it to much if only so Jory didn't think of it as an excuse. It. It was one thing Zaire couldn't stand the other to doubt though he knew that Jory had to be.

Arms tightened around the other monster holding him close as they sat in silence. Months of barely touching, barely saying much of anything but staying close were killing him. In many ways. ".....Love you..."

PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:35 pm
Less now than he had been, certainly. Jory whined softly as arms tightened around him, head turning press his cheek in against Zaire's, catching the passage of his breath against the edge of a long ear. It made him shiver, but not as much as the soft confession.

It sent butterfly wings through his stomach, something he hadn't felt in a while, even before they'd fought. That particular spark had mostly faded. It didn't make the words mean any less, of course. Now, now it was like the words were new again. Like everything was new again. Jory turned to brush his lips against a tanned cheek bone, eyes closing and he nuzzled against him. "I love you you."

Fin maybe?



Wrathful Demigod


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