The morning had long started for Hook, way before the sun even dared to wake and spread it's rays across the realm of b'alam. The wind Tahtll had been flying the skies since he woke in the morning, his sight was guided with the help from Mr. Smee. The small bolf sailed ahead of him his lantern held aloft by his tiny paw. The 'gift' that was his winged, came from the Dark lord himself. It was an 'apology' for taking his paw from him. Snap it clean off with his fangy maw. The blood sucker. All for touching his 'wife', who he had no idea was The Dark King's 'wife'.

A huff passed the Windkin's nostrils. He had no idea, it wasn't fair. It wasn't Hook's fault, for being entranced by her beauty.

The day light was starting to show it's self on the horizon, and a set of blue eyes took a glance down to his curled left paw...or rather the metal 'hook' like object that replaced it. In turn the name 'Hook', was affectionately bestowed on him, by his good mate: Chronos. Who was also the one that was so kind even to fashion the 'hook' on his healed nub, to help replace the paw he had lost. (In return, Killian was so touched by the kindness that he offered him something that no one outside his clan knew. His real name...)

Killian was still getting use to it...

The new weight that was on the nub that was left of his left paw. It did making flying rather difficult, but it was still manageable. It was something that was now apart of him, and had been prove spite of it's artificial nature. However, Hook was determined to not let it hinder him in his dreams and ideals. Nay. Chronos and him had worked far too hard to let something as trivial as a lost limb stop him. In fact, the vary journey that he was on had took him to traveling the skies in search of this 'Water tribe', he had heard tale from the tongues of bards, of a community south east of the dark mountains, that knew how to communicate with out talking! Not only that, but place sounds on something for others latter in existence to be able to see! Why! The whole concept was just amazing to see, even his best mate, Chronos had been fascinated with the idea! After all one could only grasp so much, by looking at a picture, but to know exactly what the b'alam was trying to communicate was a special thing indeed!

A flap of the white winged b'alam, caused him to soar more into the sky. Sharp blue eyes kept an eye on Mr Smee's flight. Making sure that carrying the lanturn wasn't causing him too much trouble. The brown small creature had been such a good little mate, he didn't want the Bolf to be caused any more trouble then needed. The sky was getting lighter by the moment, and the tahtll didn't much need the light anymore.

"Mr. Smee! Come about and hold fast!" Hook called to the brown bolf.

Looking over his shoulder, a bark broke the silence of the early morning past the rush of wind. Killian, slowed his speed as he watched the brown loyal animal turn in his flight. In doing so, it caused Mr. Smee to descend just slightly because of his web like wings. Hook had noticed the similarities of the Bolf wings, and their likeness in flight to the Dark ones. Which would make sense, considering they are for the most part only found in such a area. Adjusting himself in flight, Killian dropped just a smidgen to Cross Mr. Smee's flight path, his hook extended out under him. His white wings pulled back to stop his progress, and he bobbed in a mid air hover. Something that the Dark Tribers in all their strengths were not gifted in,

Thanks to the practice, Mr. Smee was not alarmed by such a moment and responded as they worked out. In a quick movement, the Bolf crossed his path and hooked the lantern by it's handle on Killian's metal paw. The Tahtll, grunted just a little to the added weight on his artificial paw, and his body braced to feel Mr. Smee's little paws. With a leap from the lantern and paw, Mr. Smee hopped up Killian's arm. With a little leap, the familiar bound to the nape and back of Killian along his spine. With a squeak, he let his keep he was held fast. It went down just how they practice. Mr. Smee will gain a bounty for a reward, but for now. Praise.

"Good Form, Mr. Smee! Well done, lad!" Hook called with a glance over his shoulder to see what he could of the happy brown wolf and bat like creature.

The small familiar, wasn't too heavy but it did slow Hook's climb up into the high skies above cloud cover.

Releasing a taxed breath, Hook's wings fanned out into a glide just as they broke past the collection of cloud cover to clear morning break skies.

It couldn't have been longer now, well...Killian could only hope, after all he honestly didn't know just how far off the water tribe was. They had been flying for a few days now, so it couldn't be that farther of...right?

It wasn't long in the uneventful flight that Hook thought it better to dip past the clouds once more to get a gasp of the land under them.

"Submerging Hard Starboard, Mr Smee. Brace yourself." Killian called out, before tilting his wings and body to the right. In moments the land before them was in view. The sight of the land under him, caused his eyes to widen and grow. There was a whole civilization under his paws a working community, though hard work and dedication had obviously made a magnificent world above land that did well to rival the Dark in their carved caves of wounder in the mountains.

After a quick flight around the city, Hook found what looked like to be some kind of 'landing pad'. Pulling back his wings he slowed his decent and extended thee paws for a landing.

Hook had landed in the court yard of a vast library....

Now, that Killian has found himself in the described city of the water tribe, something occurred to the wind b'alam. He had no idea what to do next, or how was he going to explain his sudden arrival.
